Ausgabe 1/2012
Inhalt (28 Artikel)
Nurses' preparedness to care for women exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: a quantitative study in primary health care
- Open Access
- Research article
Eva M Sundborg, Nouha Saleh-Stattin, Per Wändell, Lena Törnkvist
Postpartum nurses' perceptions of barriers to screening for intimate partner violence: a cross-sectional survey
- Open Access
- Research article
Margaret E Guillery, Karen M Benzies, Cynthia Mannion, Sheila Evans
Capacity building of nurses providing neonatal care in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: methods for the POINTS of care project to enhance nursing education and reduce adverse neonatal outcomes
- Open Access
- Study protocol
Brian A Darlow, Andrea A Zin, Gina Beecroft, Maria EL Moreira, Clare E Gilbert
Is there scope for community health nurses to address lifestyle risk factors? the community nursing SNAP trial
- Open Access
- Research article
Bibiana C Chan, Rachel A Laws, Anna M Williams, Gawaine Powell Davies, Mahnaz Fanaian, Mark F Harris
Tobacco cessation Clinical Practice Guideline use by rural and urban hospital nurses: a pre-implementation needs assessment
- Open Access
- Research article
Patricia M Smith, Scott M Sellick, Michelle M Spadoni
New quality regulations versus established nursing home practice: a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research article
Anne Marie Sandvoll, Kjell Kristoffersen, Solveig Hauge
‘Information on the fly’: Challenges in professional communication in high technological nursing. A focus group study from a radiotherapy department in Sweden
- Open Access
- Research article
Catarina Widmark, Carol Tishelman, Helena Gustafsson, Lena Sharp
Do knowledge, knowledge sources and reasoning skills affect the accuracy of nursing diagnoses? a randomised study
- Open Access
- Research article
Wolter Paans, Walter Sermeus, Roos MB Nieweg, Wim P Krijnen, Cees P van der Schans
Impacts of patient characteristics on hospital care experience in 34,000 Swedish patients
- Open Access
- Research article
Axel Wolf, Lars-Eric Olsson, Charles Taft, Karl Swedberg, Inger Ekman
Patients in 24-hour home care striving for control and safety
- Open Access
- Research article
Lena Swedberg, Eva Hammar Chiriac, Lena Törnkvist, Ingrid Hylander
A spatial analysis of the expanding roles of nurses in general practice
- Open Access
- Research article
Christopher Pearce, Sally Hall, Christine Phillips, Kathryn Dwan, Rachael Yates, Bonnie Sibbald
Supporting parents of preschool children in adopting a healthy lifestyle
- Open Access
- Study protocol
Lucie Lemelin, Frances Gallagher, Jeannie Haggerty
The meaning and validation of social support networks for close family of persons with advanced cancer
- Open Access
- Research article
Catarina Sjolander, Gerd Ahlstrom
Social meanings and understandings in patient-nurse interaction in the community practice setting: a grounded theory study
- Open Access
- Research article
Kathleen M Stoddart
Mothers’ experiences in the Nurse-Family Partnership program: a qualitative case study
- Open Access
- Research article
Christine Kurtz Landy, Susan M Jack, Olive Wahoush, Debbie Sheehan, Harriet L MacMillan
Adjusting team involvement: a grounded theory study of challenges in utilizing a surgical safety checklist as experienced by nurses in the operating room
- Open Access
- Research article
Hilde Valen Wæhle, Arvid Steinar Haugen, Eirik Søfteland, Esther Hjälmhult
Iranian cancer patients’ perception of spirituality: a qualitative content analysis study
- Open Access
- Research article
Mozhgan Rahnama, Masoud Fallahi Khoshknab, Sadat Seyed Bagher Maddah, Fazlollah Ahmadi
Differences and commonalities in difficulties faced by clinical nursing educators and faculty in Japan: a qualitative cross-sectional study
- Open Access
- Research article
Maki Taniyama, Ichiro Kai, Miyako Takahashi
Australian nurses in general practice, enabling the provision of cervical screening and well women’s health care services: a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research article
Jane Mills, Jennifer Chamberlain-Salaun, Leane Christie, Margot Kingston, Elise Gorman, Caroline Harvey
Unsafe clinical practices as perceived by final year baccalaureate nursing students: Q methodology
- Open Access
- Research article
Laura A Killam, Phyllis Montgomery, June M Raymond, Sharolyn Mossey, Katherine E Timmermans, Janet Binette
Managing patient deterioration: a protocol for enhancing undergraduate nursing students’ competence through web-based simulation and feedback techniques
- Open Access
- Study protocol
Simon Cooper, Alison Beauchamp, Fiona Bogossian, Tracey Bucknall, Robyn Cant, Brett DeVries, Ruth Endacott, Helen Forbes, Robyn Hill, Leigh Kinsman, Victoria J Kain, Lisa McKenna, Jo Porter, Nicole Phillips, Susan Young
Postoperative recovery and its association with health-related quality of life among day surgery patients
- Open Access
- Research article
Katarina Berg, Karin Kjellgren, Mitra Unosson, Kristofer Årestedt
Risser patient satisfaction scale: a validation study in Greek cancer patients
- Open Access
- Research article
Andreas Charalambous, Theodoula Adamakidou
Factors associated with reporting nursing errors in Iran: a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research article
Fatemeh Hashemi, Alireza Nikbakht Nasrabadi, Fariba Asghari
Filial piety and parental responsibility: an interpretive phenomenological study of family caregiving for a person with mental illness among Korean immigrants
- Open Access
- Research article
Mijung Park
Peri-operative nurses’ knowledge and reported practice of pressure injury risk assessment and prevention: A before-after intervention study
- Open Access
- Research article
Sally Sutherland-Fraser, Elizabeth McInnes, Elizabeth Maher, Sandy Middleton
Primary health care nurses’ knowledge practice and client teaching of early detection measures of breast cancer in Ibadan
- Open Access
- Research article
OAbimbola Oluwatosin