Ausgabe 1/2019
Inhalt (58 Artikel)
Clinical placement experiences by undergraduate nursing students in selected teaching hospitals in Ghana
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- Research article
Confidence Alorse Atakro, Ernestina Armah, Awube Menlah, Isabella Garti, Stella Boatemaa Addo, Peter Adatara, George Sedinam Boni
Evaluating reflective practice groups in a mental health context: Swedish translation and psychometric evaluation of the clinical supervision evaluation questionnaire
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- Research article
S. Gabrielsson, Å. Engström, S. Gustafsson
Correction to: S11 Experiences with a nurse-led self-management support intervention for people with chronic conditions; a mixed-methods approach
- Open Access
- Correction
AnneLoes van Staa, Janet Been-Dahmen, Heleen van der Stege, Denise Beck, Mirjam Tielen, Marleen van Buren, Cora Braat, Emma Massey, Wendy Oldenmenger, Erwin Ista
A qualitative assessment of perceived barriers to effective therapeutic communication among nurses and patients
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- Research article
Vida Maame Kissiwaa Amoah, Reindolf Anokye, Dorothy Serwaa Boakye, Enoch Acheampong, Amy Budu-Ainooson, Emelia Okyere, Gifty Kumi-Boateng, Cynthia Yeboah, Jennifer Owusu Afriyie
The role of collective affective commitment in the relationship between work–family conflict and emotional exhaustion among nurses: a multilevel modeling approach
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Maura Galletta, Igor Portoghese, Paola Melis, Cesar Ivan Aviles Gonzalez, Gabriele Finco, Ernesto D’Aloja, Paolo Contu, Marcello Campagna
Exclusion and inclusion of parents of hospitalized children in Norway in the period 1877–2017
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Hildegunn Sundal, Karin Anna Petersen, Jeanne Boge
Professionals’ experiences with paediatric colonoscopy: an interview study
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Vedrana Vejzovic
Provision of care to hospitalized pediatric burn patients: a qualitative study among nurses at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Nyakanda P. Marwa, Edith A. M. Tarimo
Factors predisposing to shared governance: a qualitative study
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- Research article
Foroozan Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, Mohammad-Mehdi Sadoughi, Maryam Sattarzadeh-Pashabeig, Alice Khachian, Mansoureh Zagheri-Tafreshi
Randomized community trial on nosocomial infection control educational module for nurses in public hospitals in Yemen: a study protocol
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- Study protocol
Gamil Alrubaiee, Anisah Baharom, Ibrahim Faisal, Kadir Shahar Hayati, Shaffe Mohd. Daud, Huda Omer Basaleem
Knowledge about the administration and regulation of high alert medications among nurses in Palestine: a cross-sectional study
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- Research article
Sa’ed H. Zyoud, Samar M. Khaled, Baraa M. Kawasmi, Ahed M. Habeba, Ayat T. Hamadneh, Hanan H. Anabosi, Asma’a Bani Fadel, Waleed M. Sweileh, Rahmat Awang, Samah W. Al-Jabi
Working hour characteristics and schedules among nurses in three Nordic countries – a comparative study using payroll data
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- Research article
Anne Helene Garde, Anette Harris, Øystein Vedaa, Bjørn Bjorvatn, Johnni Hansen, Åse Marie Hansen, Henrik A. Kolstad, Aki Koskinen, Ståle Pallesen, Annina Ropponen, Mikko I. Härmä
Implementation of the Family Nurse Partnership programme in England: experiences of key health professionals explored through trial parallel process evaluation
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- Research article
J. Sanders, Sue Channon, Nina Gobat, Kristina Bennert, Katy Addison, Mike Robling
A study of macro-, meso- and micro-barriers and enablers affecting extended scopes of practice: the case of rural nurse practitioners in Australia
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- Research article
Tony Smith, Karen McNeil, Rebecca Mitchell, Brendan Boyle, Nola Ries
Correction to: Randomized community trial on nosocomial infection control educational module for nurses in public hospitals in Yemen: a study protocol
- Open Access
- Correction
Gamil Alrubaiee, Anisah Baharom, Ibrahim Faisal, Kadir Shahar Hayati, Shaffe Mohd. Daud, Huda Omer Basaleem
Mental health nurses’ attitudes, experience, and knowledge regarding routine physical healthcare: systematic, integrative review of studies involving 7,549 nurses working in mental health settings
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- Research article
Geoffrey L. Dickens, Robin Ion, Cheryl Waters, Evan Atlantis, Bronwyn Everett
Weathering the rural reality: delivery of the Nurse-Family Partnership home visitation program in rural British Columbia, Canada
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- Research article
Karen A. Campbell, Karen MacKinnon, Maureen Dobbins, Natasha Van Borek, Susan M. Jack, Nicole Catherine, Andrea Gonzalez, Christine Kurtz Landy, Harriet MacMillan, Lenora Marcellus, Debbie Sheehan, Lil Tonmyr, Colleen Varcoe, Charlotte Waddell
Factors that influence transition to advanced roles by RN to BSN nurses, in three selected hospitals of Central-Uganda
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John Baptist Asiimwe, Mercy Muwema, Karen Drake
A scoping review of augmented reality in nursing
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Hanna Wüller, Jonathan Behrens, Marcus Garthaus, Sara Marquard, Hartmut Remmers
Nurses’ knowledge to pressure ulcer prevention in public hospitals in Wollega: a cross-sectional study design
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Werku Etafa Ebi, Getahun Fetensa Hirko, Diriba Ayala Mijena
Bibliometric mapping of intensive care nurses’ wellbeing: development and application of the new iAnalysis model
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Rebecca J. Jarden, Ajit Narayanan, Margaret Sandham, Richard J. Siegert, Jane Koziol-McLain
"Teaching: Individual" to increase adherence to therapeutic regimen in people with hypertension and type-2 diabetes: protocol of the controlled clinical trial ENURSIN.
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- Study protocol
Sandra Lucrecia Romero Guevara, Dora Inés Parra, Lyda Z. Rojas
Hepatitis C virus screening and treatment in Irish prisons from nurse managers’ perspectives - a qualitative exploration
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D. Crowley, M. C. Van Hout, C. Murphy, E. Kelly, J. S. Lambert, W. Cullen
Incidence and predictors of groin complications early after coronary artery intervention: a prospective observational study
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Maan Sh. AL-Momani, Mohannad Eid AbuRuz
‘Thinking outside the box’: advanced geriatric nursing in primary health care in Scandinavia
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Erika Boman, Ann-Louise Glasberg, Rika Levy-Malmberg, Lisbeth Fagerström
The importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective
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Batool Poorchangizi, Fariba Borhani, Abbas Abbaszadeh, Moghaddameh Mirzaee, Jamileh Farokhzadian
Patient satisfaction with nursing care in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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Henok Mulugeta, Fasil Wagnew, Getenet Dessie, Henok Biresaw, Tesfa Dejenie Habtewold
Patients’ perception of quality of nursing care; a tertiary center experience from Ethiopia
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- Research article
Teshome Gishu, Abate Yeshidinber Weldetsadik, Atnafu Mekonnen Tekleab
Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training
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- Research article
Anu-Marja Kaihlanen, Laura Hietapakka, Tarja Heponiemi
Relationship between nurses’ perception of ethical climates and job satisfaction in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Oromia region, south west Ethiopia
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- Research article
Muktar Abadiga, Gugsa Nemera, Endalew Hailu, Getu Mosisa
Hospitalized patients’ pain experience before and after the introduction of a nurse-based pain management programme: a separate sample pre and post study
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Gugsa Nemera Germossa, Ragnhild Hellesø, Ingeborg Strømseng Sjetne
Revitalizing physical assessment in undergraduate nursing education - what skills are important to learn, and how are these skills applied during clinical rotation? A cohort study
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H. Ösp Egilsdottir, Kirsten Røland Byermoen, Anne Moen, Hilde Eide
Specialty cardiac nurses’ work satisfaction is influenced by the type of coronary care unit: A mixed methods study
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Judy Currey, Stephanie K. Sprogis, Liliana Orellana, Anusha Chander, Sharon Meagher, Rhoda Kennedy, Andrea Driscoll
Registered nurses experiences of managing depressive symptoms at care centres for older people: a qualitative descriptive study
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Gunilla Borglin, Kristina Räthel, Helena Paulsson, Katarina Sjögren Forss
Efficacy of a self-management program in patients with chronic viral hepatitis in China
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Ying’ai Cui, Michiko Moriyama, Kazuaki Chayama, Yanhui Liu, Chunmei Ya, Basilua Andre Muzembo, Md Moshiur Rahman
The meaning of working in a person-centred way in nursing homes: a phenomenological-hermeneutical study
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- Research article
Tove K. Vassbø, Marit Kirkevold, David Edvardsson, Karin Sjögren, Qarin Lood, Ådel Bergland
Understanding job satisfaction and motivation among nurses in public health facilities of Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
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- Research article
Firew Ayalew, Sharon Kibwana, Shelemo Shawula, Equlinet Misganaw, Zeine Abosse, Jos van Roosmalen, Jelle Stekelenburg, Young Mi Kim, Mihereteab Teshome, Damtew Wolde Mariam
“I prefer a male nurse to a female nurse”: patients’ preference for, and satisfaction with nursing care provided by male nurses at the Komfo Anokye teaching hospital
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- Research article
Hayford Isaac Budu, Emmanuel Mawuli Abalo, Victoria Bubunyo Bam, Deus Osei Agyemang, Shirley Noi, Florence A. Budu, Prince Peprah
The relationship between Iranian patients’ perception of holistic care and satisfaction with nursing care
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Sahar Rajabpour, Masoud Rayyani, Parvin Mangolian shahrbabaki
Nursing students’ perception of the clinical learning environment and supervision in relation to two different supervision models – a comparative cross-sectional study
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Mirjam Ekstedt, Marléne Lindblad, Anna Löfmark
Burnout as a predictor of depression: a cross-sectional study of the sociodemographic and clinical predictors of depression amongst nurses in Cameroon
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- Research article
Clarence Mbanga, Haman Makebe, Divine Tim, Steve Fonkou, Louise Toukam, Tsi Njim
Registered nurses’ perceptions and experiences of autonomy: a descriptive phenomenological study
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Titilayo Olufunke Oshodi, Benjamin Bruneau, Rachel Crockett, Francia Kinchington, Shoba Nayar, Elizabeth West
Mastery learning in a bachelor’s of nursing program: the Roseman University of Health Sciences experience
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Martin S. Lipsky, Catherine J. Cone, Susan Watson, Phillip T. Lawrence, May Nawal Lutfiyya
Nursing students’ transfer of learning outcomes from simulation-based training to clinical practice: a focus-group study
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Jørn Hustad, Berit Johannesen, Mariann Fossum, Olav Johannes Hovland
Parents and nurses telling their stories: the perceived needs of parents caring for critically ill children at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Tanzania
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- Research article
Vivian Frank Saria, Lilian Teddy Mselle, Birgit Anne Siceloff
Emergency nurses´ knowledge, attitude and perceived barriers regarding pain Management in Resource-Limited Settings: cross-sectional study
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Desale Tewelde Kahsay, Marianne Pitkäjärvi
A cross-sectional study exploring the relationship between burnout, absenteeism, and job performance among American nurses
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Liselotte N. Dyrbye, Tait D. Shanafelt, Pamela O. Johnson, Le Ann Johnson, Daniel Satele, Colin P. West
Factors associated with job satisfaction among graduate nursing faculties in Nepal
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Abja Sapkota, Usha K. Poudel, Jyotsana Pokharel, Pratima Ghimire, Arun Sedhain, Gandhi R. Bhattarai, Binu Thapa, Tulza K.C
Critical nursing and health care aide behaviors in care of the nursing home resident dying with dementia
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Genevieve N. Thompson, Susan E. McClement
Assessment of knowledge and practice of nurses on initial management of acute poisoning in Dessie referral hospital Amhara region, Ethiopia, 2018
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Ayele Mamo Abebe, Mesfin Wudu Kassaw, Nathan Estifanos Shewangashaw
Barriers to nurse–patient communication in Saudi Arabia: an integrative review
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Mukhlid Alshammari, Jed Duff, Michelle Guilhermino
Benchmarking nurse outcomes in Australian Magnet® hospitals: cross-sectional survey
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L. Stone, M. Arneil, L. Coventry, V. Casey, S. Moss, A. Cavadino, B. Laing, AL McCarthy
Exploring the experiences of being an ethnic minority student within undergraduate nurse education: a qualitative study
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- Research article
Sylvi Monika Flateland, Maxine Pryce-Miller, Anne Valen-Sendstad Skisland, Anne Flaatten Tønsberg, Ulrika Söderhamn
Misconceptions about traumatic brain injury among nursing students in India: implications for nursing care and curriculum
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Jothimani Gurusamy, Sailaxmi Gandhi, Senthil Amudhan, Kathyayani B. Veerabhadraiah, Padmavathi Narayanasamy, Sunitha T. Sreenivasan, Marimuthu Palaniappan
Opportunities and challenges of integrating genetics education about human diversity into public health nurses’ responsibilities in Japan
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Hiromi Goda, Hiromi Kawasaki, Yuko Masuoka, Natsu Kohama, Md Moshiur Rahman
“Guarding their practice”: a descriptive study of Canadian nursing policies and education related to medical cannabis
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Lynda G. Balneaves, Abeer A. Alraja
“How do we use the time?” – an observational study measuring the task time distribution of nurses in psychiatric care
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Andreas Glantz, Karin Örmon, Boel Sandström
Evaluation of the Korean version of the self-assessment of nursing informatics competencies scale
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Kyoungsan Seo, Yul Ha Min, Seung-Hye Choi, Haeyoung Lee