Ausgabe 1/2013
Inhalt (29 Artikel)
A case study of nurse practitioner role implementation in primary care: what happens when new roles are introduced?
- Open Access
- Research article
Esther Sangster-Gormley, Ruth Martin-Misener, Fred Burge
An investigation into the spiritual needs of neuro-oncology patients from a nurse perspective
- Open Access
- Research article
Aline Victoria Nixon, Aru Narayanasamy, Vivian Penny
Leg ulcer nursing care in the community: a prospective cohort study of the symptom of pain
- Open Access
- Research article
Elizabeth G VanDenKerkhof, Wilma M Hopman, Meg E Carley, Janet L Kuhnke, Margaret B Harrison
The effect of foot massage on long-term care staff working with older people with dementia: a pilot, parallel group, randomized controlled trial
- Open Access
- Research article
Wendy Moyle, Marie Cooke, Siobhan T O’Dwyer, Jenny Murfield, Amy Johnston, Billy Sung
Experience of nurses with using eHealth in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan: a qualitative study in primary and secondary healthcare
- Open Access
- Research article
Saleema Gulzar, Shariq Khoja, Afroz Sajwani
Conceptualizing performance of nursing care as a prerequisite for better measurement: a systematic and interpretive review
- Open Access
- Research article
Carl-Ardy Dubois, Danielle D’Amour, Marie-Pascale Pomey, Francine Girard, Isabelle Brault
Mandatory continuing professional development requirements: what does this mean for Australian nurses
- Open Access
- Debate
Kay Ross, Jennieffer Barr, John Stevens
More age-care staff report helping care recipients following a brief depression awareness raising intervention
- Open Access
- Research article
Joanna Atkins, Sharon L Naismith, Georgina M Luscombe, Ian B Hickie
Daily life and life quality 3 years following prostate cancer treatment
- Open Access
- Research article
Liselotte Jakobsson, Lena Persson, Pia Lundqvist
Building nurse education capacity in India: insights from a faculty development programme in Andhra Pradesh
- Open Access
- Correspondence
Catrin Evans, Rafath Razia, Elaine Cook
Marking out the clinical expert/clinical leader/clinical scholar: perspectives from nurses in the clinical arena
- Open Access
- Research article
Judy Mannix, Lesley Wilkes, Debra Jackson
Next of kin’s experiences of sudden and unexpected death from stroke - a study of narratives
- Open Access
- Research article
Åsa Rejnö, Ella Danielson, Linda Berg
Sociocultural and linguistic boundaries influencing intercultural communication between nurses and Moroccan patients in southern Spain: a focused ethnography
- Open Access
- Research article
Fernando J Plaza del Pino, Encarnación Soriano, Gina MA Higginbottom
Implementation of case studies in undergraduate didactic nursing courses: a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research article
Danette K Dutra
Patients’ and partners’ health-related quality of life before and 4 months after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
- Open Access
- Research article
Patricia Thomson, Catherine A Niven, David F Peck, Jennifer Eaves
The challenges of communicating research evidence in practice: perspectives from UK health visitors and practice nurses
- Open Access
- Research article
Jennifer E van Bekkum, Shona Hilton
A comparison of trends in research into home care services in Japan and Korea
- Open Access
- Research article
Kumi Arita, Hosihn Ryu
The prevalence of pain at pressure areas and pressure ulcers in hospitalised patients
- Open Access
- Research article
Michelle Briggs, Michelle Collinson, Lyn Wilson, Carly Rivers, Elizabeth McGinnis, Carol Dealey, Julia Brown, Susanne Coleman, Nikki Stubbs, Rebecca Stevenson, E Andrea Nelson, Jane Nixon
Nurse-patient communication in primary care diabetes management: an exploratory study
- Open Access
- Research article
Lindsay Macdonald, Maria Stubbe, Rachel Tester, Sue Vernall, Tony Dowell, Kevin Dew, Tim Kenealy, Nicolette Sheridan, Barbara Docherty, Lesley Gray, Debbie Raphael
Practicing nurses perspectives of clinical scholarship: a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research article
Lesley Wilkes, Judy Mannix, Debra Jackson
Work-aged stroke survivors’ psychosocial challenges narrated during and after participating in a dialogue-based psychosocial intervention: a feasibility study
- Open Access
- Research article
Randi Martinsen, Marit Kirkevold, Berit Arnesveen Bronken, Kari Kvigne
Patient experiences of recovery after heart valve replacement: suffering weakness, struggling to resume normality
- Open Access
- Research article
Selina Kikkenborg Berg, Ann-Dorthe Zwisler, Birthe D Pedersen, Katrine Haase, Kirstine Lærum Sibilitz
Resident and family perceptions of the nurse practitioner role in long term care settings: a qualitative descriptive study
- Open Access
- Research article
Jenny Ploeg, Sharon Kaasalainen, Carrie McAiney, Ruth Martin-Misener, Faith Donald, Abigail Wickson-Griffiths, Nancy Carter, Esther Sangster-Gormley, Lori Schindel Martin, Kevin Brazil, Alan Taniguchi
Hostile clinician behaviours in the nursing work environment and implications for patient care: a mixed-methods systematic review
- Open Access
- Research article
Marie Hutchinson, Debra Jackson
Variability of nursing care by APR-DRG and by severity of illness in a sample of nine Belgian hospitals
- Open Access
- Research article
Magali Pirson, Caroline Delo, Lionel Di Pierdomenico, Nancy Laport, Veronique Biloque, Pol Leclercq
Barriers to and facilitators of nurse-parent interaction intended to promote healthy weight gain and prevent childhood obesity at Swedish child health centers
- Open Access
- Research article
Susann Regber, Staffan Mårild, Jan Johansson Hanse
The influence of relationships on personhood in dementia care: a qualitative, hermeneutic study
- Open Access
- Research article
Kari Lislerud Smebye, Marit Kirkevold
Parents of preterm-born children; sources of stress and worry and experiences with an early intervention programme – a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research article
Nina M Kynø, Ingrid Helen Ravn, Rolf Lindemann, Nina Aarhus Smeby, Anne Mari Torgersen, Tonje Gundersen