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Advanced Nurses  

Professional experiences of spanish advanced practice nurses: qualitative research

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
The range of nursing roles is currently diversifying due to the changing needs, demands and expectations of the population. Increasingly specific or advanced nursing positions have emerged for various reasons [ 1 – 3 ]; firstly, as a result of …

The mediating effects of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on nurses’ intentions to adopt advanced technology

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
This study explored the role of technology systems in influencing nurses’ intentions to adopt medical applications that enhance their performance and how technology contributes to improvements in hospital systems. The study examines the intention …

Strategies for knowledge mobilization by advanced practice nurses in three hospitals in Spain: a qualitative study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
According to implementation science, multimodal strategies are context-tailored and use multiple approaches for successful behavioral change among healthcare providers. However, when a program is designed and implemented, little is known about how …

Nurses’ self-regulation after engaging in end-of-life conversations with advanced cancer patients: a qualitative study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Cancer is a leading cause of mortality, accounting for nearly 10 million annual deaths worldwide, i.e., 1 in 6 deaths [ 1 , 2 ]. Patients with advanced cancer always face a complex array of concerns and anguished choices, and they thereby require …

Physicians’ and nurses’ experience of using the Abbey Pain Scale (APS) in people with advanced cancer: a qualitative content analysis

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Pain is a symptom feared and suffered by approximately 58–74% of all patients with advanced, metastatic, or terminal cancer [ 1 – 3 ]. Self-reported scales are considered the most reliable means of pain assessment [ 4 , 5 ], but as the trajectory …

The role of Advanced Practice Nurses in creating the Kidney Transplant candidate care map (APN-preKT): a convergent-parallel mixed methods research protocol

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has reached 15% among the general adult population in Spain, due primarily to increased life expectancy and comorbidities [ 1 , 2 ]. Demand for specific care needs has also risen among specialist …

Advanced Practice Nurses in der Alterstraumatologie

Ein Scoping-Review

  • 18.10.2023
  • ReviewPaper
Die Zunahme älterer Menschen in der Gesellschaft ist mit einer erhöhten Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen verbunden, da altersassoziierte chronische Erkrankungen häufiger auftreten [ 27 ]. Auch das Auftreten von traumatologischen …

Impact of advanced practice nurses in hospital units on compliance with clinical practice guidelines: a quasi-experimental study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2022
  • OriginalPaper
Incorporating the best available evidence into nurses’ clinical practice continues to be a challenge for healthcare professionals and organisations. Shortcomings in this respect result in inconsistencies between the recommendations made in …

A qualitative exploration of cultural safety in nursing from the perspectives of Advanced Practice Nurses: meaning, barriers, and prospects

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2022
  • OriginalPaper
The right to health was recognised as a human right in the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. According to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), healthcare services must be …

Advanced practice nurses in primary care in Switzerland: an analysis of interprofessional collaboration

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2020
  • OriginalPaper
For various reasons, including the increasing number of chronically ill patients and significant advances in medicine in recent times, through which patients are living longer and longer, the demand for primary care (PC) and community care …

Factors that influence transition to advanced roles by RN to BSN nurses, in three selected hospitals of Central-Uganda

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2019
  • OriginalPaper
Studies in North America indicate that BSNs are contributing to improved access to health services and better health outcomes. Notably, acute care hospitals with higher proportions of nurses educated at the baccalaureate level or higher, have been …

Learning transitions–a descriptive study of nurses’ experiences during advanced level nursing education

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2015
  • OriginalPaper
Building capacity and encouraging professional development that enable health professionals to work in a changing health care system are challenges for advanced nursing education programs. Caring for people with complex needs involves a team-based …

Describing the implementation of an innovative intervention and evaluating its effectiveness in increasing research capacity of advanced clinical nurses: using the consolidated framework for implementation research

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2017
  • OriginalPaper
Across the world there has been significant expansion of the nursing role and the competencies within it. These have already demonstrated added value to patients and services [ 1 , 2 ]. Within the more advanced nursing roles one of the competencies …

Advanced nurse practitioners in municipal healthcare as a way to meet the growing healthcare needs of the frail elderly: a qualitative interview study with managers, doctors and specialist nurses

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2017
  • OriginalPaper
The Swedish healthcare system currently faces major challenges. One of the most pressing is to improve the efficiency of healthcare for the growing group of the frail elderly [ 1 , 2 ], meaning those who are at an increased risk for hospitalization …

Treading the clinical pathway: a qualitative study of advanced practice nurses in a local health district in Australia

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2015
  • OriginalPaper
Increasingly, nurses working in clinical roles are becoming more educated at postgraduate levels. In 2008, there were over 160 masters programs and 16 doctoral programs for clinical nurses listed in Nursing Programs in the United States of America …

A cross-sectional study on Chinese senior nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward nurse practitioners

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Worldwide, nurse practitioners (NPs) constitute a rapidly growing workforce in response to the severe shortages of healthcare professionals and the increasing demands of primary care in the context of an increasingly aging population with chronic …


  • 01.03.2025
  • Announcement

Pflege in der D-A-CH-Region

  • 01.03.2025
  • ReviewPaper
Das Prinzip der Selbstorganisation im Vergleich Bei der Bewältigung der aktuellen und langfristigen Herausforderungen innerhalb des Gesundheitswesens kommt den professionell Pflegenden eine zentrale Rolle zu. Ihre Selbstorganisation und …
Schlüsselposition APN

"In den USA arbeiten Advanced Practice Nurses autonom"

  • 26.08.2024
  • Studium
  • News
  • Online-Artikel
Die Amerikanerin Cory Lord ist in einer mobilen Hausarztpraxis angestellt, die Ärzte und Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) zur medizinischen Betreuung in Pflegeheime und betreute Wohnanlagen schickt.

Einsatz von ECMO-APN Pflegeexpert:innen als Modell der Zukunft?

Versorgungsmodelle in der Intensivpflege von Patient:innen unter laufender Extrakorporaler Membranoxygenierung (ECMO)

  • 01.02.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Nachfolgend soll eine Skizzierung der einzelnen Ausbildung der verschiedenen Rolle beschrieben werden, welche in diesem Artikel verwendet werden. Die Definition der einzelnen Rollenbilder und Ausbildungen gestaltet sich aufgrund nationaler …
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