Author | Year | Theme/subtheme | Peer-reviewed literature | Literature content |
Adams [62] | 2011 | Theme 1: Nurse Educator Expectations | Report | Expectations for preparing future faculty |
AACN [5] | 2005 | Report | Nursing education faculty | |
Anderson [37] | 2008 | Qualitative, semi-structured interviews (n = 18) | Transitioning from a clinical expert to novice educator | |
Austin [51] | 2002 | Discussion paper | Future faculty preparation | |
Bass [98] | 2006 | Book | Re-examining doctoral education | |
Bartels [94] | 2007 | Discussion paper | Role preparation for the academy (scholarship) | |
Benner et al. [3] | 2010 | Book | Transforming nursing education | |
Bergner et al. [110] | 2010 | Discussion paper | Teaching training for PhD students | |
Booth et al. [8] | 2016 | Discussion paper | Formal pedagogical preparation required for nurse educators | |
Bok [135] | 2013 | Commentary | Preparing PhD students to teach | |
Bogo [136] | 2010 | Discussion paper | Preparing doctoral students to teach | |
Brightman [2] | 2009 | Discussion paper | Teaching doctoral students \how to teach | |
Cooley et al. [111] | 2015 | Qualitative, hermeneutical, phenomenology (n = 7) | Facilitators & barriers to nurse educator practice development | |
Diekelmann [63] | 2005 | Discussion paper | New pedagogies to transition nursing practice | |
Diekelmann [39] | 2003 | Book | New pedagogies for health professionals | |
Dreifeurst et al. [112] | 2016 | Sequential, explanatory, descriptive survey (n = 548) | PhD preparation for nurse faculty | |
Edwardson [6] | 2004 | Discussion paper | Shortcomings & relevance of the PhD | |
Fang et al. [56] | 2016 | Cross sectional questionnaire (n = 933) | Barriers & facilitators to nurse faculty roles | |
Fiedler et al. [11] | 2015 | Qualitative, in-depth interviews (n = 8) | Faculty preparation education course | |
Findlow [124] | 2012 | Discussion paper | Professional academic identity in nursing | |
Gaff [120] | 2002 | Discussion paper | Doctoral preparation for a faculty career (Preparing Future Faculty Program PFF) | |
Ivey [19] | 2007 | Discussion paper | Formal pedagogical preparation of nurse educators | |
Ironside [92] | 2006 | Editorial | Pedagogical preparation for nurse educators | |
Ironside [95] | 2005 | Qualitative hermeneutical (n = 45) | Pedagogical preparation for nurse educators | |
Jackson et al. [103] | 2011 | Sequential, exploratory mixed methods (n = 24) | PhD requirement for academic nursing | |
Johnsen-Crawley [25] | 2004 | Discussion paper | Teacher preparation models | |
Johnson-Farmer et al. [61] | 2009 | Qualitative, grounded theory (n = 17) | Teaching excellence as a dynamic process | |
Kalb et al. [137] | 2012 | Qualitative, online survey (n = 76) | Developing leadership in nursing | |
Kwiram [46] | 2006 | Book | Re-examination of doctoral education | |
Lancet Commissions [1] | 2010 | Report | Transformation of nursing education | |
Lewallen et al. [23] | 2011 | Discussion paper | Preparation of nurse educators for research & teaching roles | |
Lindeman [33] | 2000 | Discussion paper | Transforming nursing education | |
MacMillan [64] | 2013 | Report | Future of undergraduate nursing education in Canada | |
Meacham [90] | 2002 | Discussion paper | New faculty preparation | |
Morris et al. [52] | 2012 | Book | Transformative learning in nursing | |
NLN [108] | 2007 | Discussion paper | Nurse educator roles and responsibilities | |
Nehls et al. [47] | 2016 | Mixed methods, interviews and database reviews (n = 84) | Choosing a PhD program | |
Oermann et al. [35] | 2016 | Quantitative survey (n = 482) | Roles in nursing programs for PhD & DNP prepared nurses | |
Schriner [53] | 2007 | Qualitative, hermeneutical, ethnographic inquiry (n = 7) | Transitioning from a clinical expert to a faculty role | |
Schulman et al. [138] | 2006 | Discussion paper | Re-examining doctoral preparation | |
Siler et al. [20] | 2001 | Qualitative, hermeneutical, phenomenological (n = 12) | Understanding the experiences of new faculty | |
Tanner [96] | 2002 | Editorial | Advancing teaching pedagogies in nursing education | |
Barnes et al. [134] | 2008 |
| Qualitative, in-depth interviews (n = 25) | Role of doctoral advisors |
Baxley et al. [131] | 2014 | Book | Mentorship in nursing | |
Bell-Elliason et al. [139] | 2008 | Quantitative survey (n = 224) | Characteristics of ideal doctoral mentors | |
Grossman [132] | 2013 | Book | Mentorship in nursing | |
Hall et al. [127] | 2009 | Discussion paper | Mentorship in the development of professional researchers | |
Johnson et al. [128] | 2014 | Quantitative, on-line survey (n = 95) | How mentoring prepares doctoral students for a faculty role | |
Noonan et al. [133] | 2007 | Qualitative, focus groups (n = 16) | Mentoring doctoral students | |
Paglis et al. [129] | 2006 | Quantitative, survey (n = 130) | Mentoring doctoral students as career preparation | |
Rose [130] | 2005 | Quantitative, survey (n = 537) | The ideal doctoral student mentor | |
Hoessler et al. [48] | 2015 |
Graduate TAs
| Mixed methods, document analysis | Graduate student teaching training |
Kenney et al. [49] | 2014 | Qualitative (n = 13) | Program structures & practices of graduate training | |
Love Stowell et al. [41] | 2015 | Conceptual model | Pedagogical preparation of graduate students | |
Parker et al. [135] | 2015 | Qualitative, survey (n = 48) | Training for graduate TAs | |
Agger et al. [18] | 2014 |
Doctoral Preparation
| Qualitative, semi-structured interviews (n = 15) | DNP prepared nurses in academic roles |
AACN a [17] | 2016 | Report | Faculty vacancies – DNP not prepared for academic role | |
Apold [109] | 2008 | Discussion paper | Doctoral nursing education | |
Nyquist et al. [117] | 2004 | Discussion paper | Re-designing doctoral nursing education | |
Walker et al. [118] | 2016 | Discussion paper | Doctoral education for nurses – PhD or DNP? | |
Winter et al. [97] e | 2000 | Discussion paper | Evaluation criteria for practice-based doctoral degrees | |
Acorn et al. [77] | 2013 | Theme 2: Lack of consensus on scholarship | Discussion paper | Defining and describing scholarship in nursing |
Allen et al. [78] | 2005 | Discussion paper | Differentiating scholarly teaching & the scholarship of teaching | |
Benigni [115] | 2007 | Discussion paper | The teacher-scholar | |
Boyer [12] | 1990 | Discussion paper | Domains of scholarship | |
CASN [70] | 2013 | Report | Scholarship among nursing faculty | |
Chalmers [68] b | 2011 | Discussion paper | Recognizing & rewarding the scholarship of teaching in higher education | |
Chandramohan [38] | 2009 | Book | Learning to teach in higher education | |
Cochran-Smith [36] | 2003 | Discussion paper | Teacher preparation in higher education | |
Darling-Hammond et al. [45] | 2002 | Secondary analysis (n = 300) | Teacher preparation | |
Fincher et al. [67] | 2006 | Discussion paper | Defining and describing scholarly teaching | |
Gardner et al. [57] | 2010 | Discussion paper | Teacher-scholar model | |
Glanville et al. [13] | 2004 | Discussion paper | Defining the scholarship of teaching | |
Glassick et al. [71] | 1997 | Book | Scholarship in the professoriate | |
Gubbins [66] | 2014 | Discussion paper | Developing a program of scholarship in teaching & learning | |
Hatch [72] | 2006 | Book | The practice of teaching and learning in higher education | |
Korthagen et al. [32] | 2005 | Discussion paper | Teacher-educator preparation | |
Kreber [79] a | 2015 | Discussion paper | Advancing the scholarship of teaching | |
Kreber [30] a | 2002 | Qualitative, Delphi exploratory (n = 11) | Consensus on scholarship of teaching | |
Kreber [28] | 2002 | Discussion paper | Excellence in teaching & scholarship of teaching should be rewarded | |
Kreber et al. [42] | 2005 | Qualitative, exploratory, semi-structured interviews (n = 31) | How university instructors learn about teaching | |
Kreber et al. [58] | 2000 | Conceptual model | Scholarship of teaching | |
Kuh et al. [84] | 2007 | Survey (n = 29,444 faculty) and (n = 65,633 students) | Teacher-scholar model | |
Martinez [34] | 2008 | Discussion paper | Reflective exploration of new teacher educators making the transition into the academy | |
McKinney [7] | 2006 | Discussion paper | The challenges of the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education | |
McKinney [80] | 2013 | Book | Intra/interdisciplinary scholarship of teaching and learning | |
Murray [43] | 2005 | Qualitative, in-depth semi-structured interviews (n = 28) | Experiences of teacher educators in the first 3 years of practice | |
Nicholls [29] | 2005 | Discussion paper | Understanding scholarship | |
Norris [31] a | 2000 | Discussion paper | Teacher-based knowledge and experience or university research-based knowledge and empirical theory | |
Oermann [44] | 2014 | Discussion paper | Scholarship in nursing | |
O’Meara et al. [69] | 2005 | Discussion paper | Recognition of all forms of scholarship | |
Rossetti et al. [27] | 2009 | Qualitative, Interpretive (n = 35) | Educational philosophy of teaching | |
Shulman [73] | 2004 | Discussion paper | The scholarship of teaching and learning | |
Shulman [65] | 2000 | Discussion paper | The future of the doctorate | |
Sullivan et al. [82] | 2008 | Discussion paper | A review of professional education | |
Trigwell et al. [74] | 2000 | Qualitative, phenomenological (n = 20) | A review of professional education | |
Vardi et al. [75] b | 2011 | Discussion paper | Promoting the scholarship of teaching & learning | |
Zeichner [91] | 2005 | Discussion paper | Teaching teachers | |
Austin et al. [114] | 2008 | Theme 3: Research versus Teaching | Discussion paper | The integration of research, teaching, & learning |
Austin et al. [81] | 2006 | Discussion paper | Preparation in the domains of scholarship other than discovery | |
Brew [86] | 2003 | Discussion paper, conceptual model | The relationship between research and teaching | |
Carter et al. [87] | 2011 | Qualitative, focus groups (n = 8) | The importance of teaching | |
Campbell et al. [116] | 2005 | Discussion paper | Re-examining the PhD in Nursing | |
Chen [88] d | 2015 | Qualitative, interviews and document analysis (n = 20) | Priority of research over teaching | |
DeCourcy [60] | 2015 | Discussion paper | Describing excellence in teaching | |
Diezmann et al. [119] | 2015 | Case study | Transitioning from research scientist to teacher | |
Fook [106] | 2001 | Discussion paper | Integration of theory, practice, & research | |
Ketefian et al. [4] | 2015 | Discussion paper | Trends & factors influencing doctoral education | |
Malcolm [89] | 2014 | Discussion paper | Research-teaching link in higher education | |
Marentic Pozarnik et al. [59] c | 2015 | Case study | Developing excellence in teaching competencies | |
Matthews et al. [26] b | 2012 | Quantitative, survey (n = 522) | Teaching & research gap implications on the scholarship of teaching and learning | |
Paulsen [93] | 2001 | Discussion paper | Relationship between research & the scholarship of teaching | |
Smeltzer et al. [85] | 2015 | Mixed methods, focus groups and surveys (n = 554) | Impact of teaching on research productivity | |
Starr et al. [40] | 2015 | Discussion paper | Inquiry on teaching in higher education | |
Schonwetter et al. [54] | 2015 | Cross-sectional survey (n = 133) | Faculty development teaching training | |
Van De Ven et al. [126] | 2006 | Discussion paper | Engaged scholarship between theory and practice | |
Williams [76] | 2008 | Discussion paper | Nursing as an academic profession | |
Cronin [121] | 2003 |
Epistemic cultures
| Discussion paper | Requirement for alternate forms of scholarship expression |
Georges [125] | 2003 | Discussion paper | Epistemic diversity in nursing | |
Knorr Cetina [122] | 2007 | Discussion paper | Epistemic and knowledge cultures | |
Mork et al. [123] | 2008 | Ethnographic case study (n = 35) | Conflicts of epistemic cultures | |
AACN [14] | 2016 | Theme 4: Lack of consensus on formal education for nurse educators | Report | Academic nursing |
AACN [16] | 2015 | Report | Academic Nursing | |
AACN [10] | 2015 | Report | Recommended preparation of nurse educators | |
AACN [101] | 2013 | Report | Advancing higher education in nursing | |
AACN [99] | 2010 | Report | Transforming nursing education | |
AACN [9] | 2008 | Report | Recommendations on educational preference for professoriate in nursing education | |
Austin [55] | 2002 | Discussion paper | Faculty preparation | |
Brar et al. [102] | 2010 | Discussion paper | Advanced nursing education beyond the Master’s degree | |
CASN [15] | 2011 | Report | PhD prepared faculty | |
Grace et al. [83] | 2016 | Discussion paper | Preparation of nursing scholars & leaders | |
Kirkman et al. [105] | 2007 | Discussion paper | A comprehensive review of doctorates in nursing | |
Loomis et al. [104] | 2006 | Qualitative, internet-based, exploratory survey (n = 69) | Decision to pursue a PhD or a DNP | |
Minnick et al. [107] | 2010 | Survey (n = 96) | Capacity in doctoral research nursing programs | |
NLN [22] | 2013 | Report | Doctoral preparation for nurse educators | |
NLN [21] | 2002 | Report | Recommendations for doctoral preparation of nurse educators | |
Nyquist [113] | 2002 | Discussion paper | Revising the current PhD program | |
Wood et al. [100] a | 2004 | Report | Doctoral nursing in Canada |