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Open Access 01.12.2025 | Research

Nurses’ and midwives’ job satisfaction and retention during COVID-19: a scoping review

verfasst von: Laura Hynes, Sadie Geraghty, Sheena McChlery, Aisling Smyth, Reeti Brar, Karen Clark-Burg

Erschienen in: BMC Nursing | Ausgabe 1/2025



The COVID-19 pandemic focused attention on the previously well-documented world-wide shortage of nurses and midwives. The pandemic accentuated this crisis, which resulted in nurses and midwives questioning their roles and their careers. The impact of the pandemic on job satisfaction and the intention of nurses and midwives to stay has not been adequately explored.


The aim of this scoping review was to identify and map the literature that describes the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influenced nurses’ and midwives’ job satisfaction and intent to stay or leave their employment or profession during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This scoping review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) and the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) guidelines. Studies written in English and published between 2019 and December 2023 were included, and consisted of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies. MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsychINFO were the key information sources. The search terms for this review were developed using the PCC mnemonic: Population, Concept and Context. The JBI approach to sources selection, data extraction and presentation of data was used.


A total of 1833 relevant articles were identified. Of these, 17 articles met the inclusion criteria. Ten factors were identified as impacting on nurses and midwives job satisfaction and retention during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The findings reveal key factors, such as patient acuity, staffing dynamics, leadership quality, and resource availability, have significantly shaped the professional experiences of nurses and midwives during the pandemic. These insights can inform targeted policies and interventions to improve job satisfaction and retention, while future research should address gaps, particularly the unique challenges faced by midwives, to strengthen the healthcare workforce for future crises.

Summary of relevance

Problem: Little is known about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on job satisfaction and intention to stay among nurses and midwives.
What is already known: The pandemic resulted in unprecedented and demanding working environments for nurses and midwives.
What this paper adds: This scoping review maps the intrinsic and extrinsic factors regarding nurses’ and midwives’ job satisfaction and intent to stay in their professions during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were multifaceted challenges and adaptations in the nursing and midwifery work environments during the COVID-19 pandemic. More research is required, especially about the effects of the pandemic on midwives.

Supplementary Information

The online version contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​org/​10.​1186/​s12912-025-02908-1.

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Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Coronavirus disease
Joanna Briggs Institute
Medical Subject Headings
Population Concept Context
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses extension for Scoping Review
World Health Organization


The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) created unprecedented additional burden on healthcare systems worldwide. On March 11, 2020, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus a global pandemic [1]. Since this date, intense attention has been focused on the previously well-documented issue of the global shortage of nurses and midwives [2].
The nursing and midwifery professions make up 60% of the healthcare workforce globally, delivering an estimated 90% of primary healthcare services [3]. In 2020, the WHO stated that there was a deficit of 13 million nurses and midwives globally. Furthermore, 17% of all nurses worldwide will be of retirement age within the next ten years [3], with many international nursing and midwifery associations also reporting evidence of mass traumatisation and burnout due to the demands of the pandemic [2]. Strategies previously suggested to overcome these shortages include focusing on the education and recruitment of new nurses and midwives, as well as the retention of existing nurses and midwives [4].
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a substantial and well-established global body of literature on job satisfaction and retention among nurses and midwives existed. This literature identified several approaches for investigation and improvement [510]. The primary solution for addressing the retention issues of nurses and midwives was the achievement of safe staffing levels and ratios. Research by Aiken et al. [11] suggested that ensuring adequate staffing would enhance job satisfaction and retention among nurses and midwives. Despite the widespread endorsement of this solution over the past few decades, the persistent retention challenges indicate that this approach alone has not fully addressed the problem. Indeed, no single pre-pandemic solution has effectively addressed these challenges. The pandemic has exacerbated these issues by intensifying the already critical workforce shortage and highlighting the need for more effective and immediate strategies [12]. In addition, the pandemic has introduced new, largely unexplored challenges to these professions.
It remains unclear whether the pre-pandemic solutions and identified factors affecting job satisfaction and retention are still applicable or have changed in the post-pandemic context. Given the proposed planning strategies are meant to mitigate workforce shortages, it is essential to ensure there is an understanding of the factors contributing to decreased job satisfaction among nurses and midwives who worked during the pandemic. At the time of this scoping review, to the authors’ knowledge, there were no scoping reviews, either published or in progress, on job satisfaction and retention of both nurses and midwives, related to the pandemic. This absence of literature is particularly significant given the potential long-term implications for healthcare systems and workforce sustainability worldwide. This scoping review therefore aims to fill this notable gap.


This scoping review aimed to explore the factors influencing job satisfaction and retention intentions among nurses and midwives who worked during the pandemic, as well as to identify any gaps in the existing literature.
The review question is as follows: During the COVID-19 pandemic, what intrinsic and extrinsic factors influenced job satisfaction of registered nurses and registered midwives, and how did these factors shape retention or attrition intentions?


This scoping review was conducted according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology for scoping reviews and the Preferred Items for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-AcR) [13]. A scoping review was chosen for this study as it is useful for mapping key concepts within a research area and identifying the types of evidence that are available [14]. This review has received ethical approval from The University of Notre Dame Australia, under ethics number 2022-114F, on 12 October 2022. Clinical trial number: Not applicable.

Search strategy and study selection

The search terms for this review were developed using the PCC mnemonic: Population, Concept and Context. The Population, Concept, and Context (PCC) mnemonic was applied in the early stages of developing the research question, which together with the review’s inclusion and exclusion criteria, directed the scope of search terms used in the process of searching and screening the literature [13, 15] (Table 1).
Table 1
Population, Concept, Context (PCC)
All qualified and registered nurses and midwives, who were practicing nursing and midwifery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing and midwifery axillary support staff, health care workers and students were excluded
The key concepts underpinning this scoping review focus on understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, as shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, that have impacted job satisfaction and career intentions of qualified and registered nurses and midwives
The scoping review considers studies that included qualified and registered nurses and midwives undertaken in any health care setting including, but not restricted to Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary health care settings in Australia and worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic
Population comprised registered nurses and midwives employed in frontline bedside roles, or in education, administration, research, or leadership. Health care workers, licensed practical nurses, enrolled nurses, nursing and midwifery students, and assistants in nursing and midwifery were excluded, due to their different scopes of practice. Concept is defined as the intrinsic and extrinsic factors shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic that have impacted job satisfaction and career intentions of registered nurses and midwives. Specifically, this review prioritised studies that explored how these pandemic-influenced factors might drive nurses and midwives to either continue in their current professions, contemplate departure, or even consider entirely different career pathways. Intrinsic factors are characterised by specific attributes including age, sex, marital status, educational attainment, psychological capital (self-efficacy, hope, and optimism), perceived readiness, mindfulness, coping methods, and resilience, among others [16, 17]. Alternatively, extrinsic factors are external constructs that directly influence the practical environment in which care is delivered. They encompass organisational concepts such as key policies and procedures, and broader system management which includes staffing, workload modelling, human resources, management structures, logistics, workplace culture, and support services [18, 19].
An initial series of searches was conducted by the first author to ascertain the breadth and depth of the topic. The following electronic databases were searched for relevant studies from 2019 to 2023: the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PubMed, MEDLINE (Ovid), and PsychINFO, integrative reviews and individual studies. Once the initial exploratory search had been conducted, a comprehensive search strategy of keywords and MeSH terms was developed for Ovid. The nomenclature identified in the titles and abstracts of relevant articles, as well as the index terms used for their description, were utilised to develop the search strategy. Consistent with the PCC criteria, MeSH headings related to job satisfaction, retention, COVID-19, nurses, midwives, and health settings were included in the search. An example of some of the keywords and terms is presented below in Table 2. The Search Strategy is detailed in Appendix A.
Table 2
Example of search keywords and MeSH terms for MEDLINE (Ovid)
(Midwives OR midwi* OR nurses OR nurs* exp Nursing Service, Hospital/ OR exp Nursing/ OR exp Nursing Staff/ OR exp Nursing Services/ OR exp Nursing Staff, Hospital/ OR exp Nursing Stations/ exp Midwifery/ exp Nurse Midwives/)
(job retention OR work retention OR skill* retention OR personnel retention OR employee retention OR staff retention OR retain* staff OR retain* employ* OR job satisfaction OR work satisfaction OR employ* satisfaction OR burnout OR burnt out OR burn-out OR career burnout OR staff burnout OR employ*burnout OR occupational burnout OR professional burnout OR psychological burnout OR career mobility OR career pathway* OR career intention* OR personnel turnover* OR staff turnover* OR employee turnover* OR job securit* OR employment securit* OR job redundanc* OR staff redundanc* OR employment redundanc* OR career ladder OR job ladder OR quit* job* OR quit* career* OR quit* work* OR quit* profession* OR mov* job* OR job trans* OR work trans*)
(Coronavirus OR Coronavirus infection* OR SARS-CoV-2 OR COVID-19 OR COVID19 OR COVID2019 OR COVID 2019 OR COVID* OR 2019 nCoV OR 2019-nCoV OR 2019nCoV OR Novel CoV OR nCOVID OR nCoV2019 OR nCoV19 OR 19nCoV OR nCoV OR CoV OR CoV 2 OR CoV2 OR hCoV OR hCoV19 OR hCoV-19 OR hCoV2019 OR hCoV-2019 OR severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 OR severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus OR Severe acute respiratory syndrome OR SARS virus OR SARS coronavirus OR SARS Co V 2 OR SARS CoV 2 OR SARSCoV2 OR SARSCoV 2 OR SARSCoV-2 OR SARS-CoV2 OR SARS-CoV-2 OR SARS-CoV OR SARSCoV OR SARS 2 OR SARS2 OR Corona virus* OR Coronavir* OR Beatacoronavir* OR Corona pandemic* OR Corona virus pandemic OR Corona virus outbreak OR Coronavirus pandemic OR Coronavirus outbreak OR Wuhan coronavirus* OR Wuhan virus)
The search strategy, keywords and index terms were peer-reviewed by the university librarian and three other authors. Key terms and index phrases were modified to suit each specific database. Additionally, the reference lists of all chosen sources were examined to identify any further relevant studies. Initially, the focus of this scoping review was on identifying research conducted in Australia and New Zealand, with the aim of uncovering existing or ongoing work relevant to the field within these specific regions. However, as the search progressed, it became evident that the lack of research available within Australia and New Zealand was insufficient to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic. As a result, the scope of the review was intentionally broadened to include global research, ensuring a more robust and inclusive analysis of the subject matter.
The review was limited to studies written in English that were published between 2019 and December 2023. Studies before 2019 were excluded since COVID-19 was not prevalent or widespread before this period. The pandemic was officially declared by the WHO to no longer be a “public health emergency of international concern” [20] in May 2023; however, the search dates for papers included the whole of 2023, to take advantage of any studies conducted immediately post-pandemic. A range of study designs, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches, are included in this review. Sources that did not align with the study objective were excluded.
A total of 1833 articles were discovered, as shown in Fig. 1. The principal literature search identified articles from MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsychINFO. All identified citations were collated and exported into the citation management software EndNote, where the first author removed 462 duplicates. This reduced the number of articles eligible for title and abstract review to 1,371. All citations, titles and abstracts of the remaining articles were screened and assessed against the eligibility criteria to identify relevant studies for inclusion. From this subset, 44 articles were deemed to meet the eligibility criteria. The full texts of the selected articles were then examined in detail to assess eligibility. Seventeen of these articles met the inclusion criteria for this scoping review. In cases of uncertainty or inconsistency related to inclusion, the articles were discussed with three of the other authors so that a successful consensus could be reached. Reasons for exclusion of full text papers are recorded in Fig. 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram. The findings from the database search and the process of selecting studies are illustrated in the flow diagram below (Fig. 1). The flow diagram adheres to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) format [13].

Data charting

The data extraction process in this scoping review is defined as 'charting', in which a descriptive summary of the results was generated [13], and a data charting form was developed by identifying variables that corresponded with the research question. No prior protocol was developed for this scoping review. The data that was charted included the authors, the journal, country, date of publication, study design, sample size and key findings (Table 3). The variables were determined independently by the first author and discussed with three of the other authors.
Table 3
Summary of included studies
Article title/ Journal
Country/ Year/ Author
Study Design
Sample Size
Key findings
S1) Factors Associated with the Resilience of Nurses During the COVID‐19 Pandemic
Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing
Alameddine, M., Clinton, M., Bou‐Karroum, K., Richa, N., & Doumit, M. A. (2021)
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
2. Copenhagen Burnout Inventory Scale
3. Intention to Quit Scale
45 items
There was a significant inverse relationship observed between the resilience of nurses and personal, work-related, and client-related burnout. These correlated with their intention to quit. Being male and having a master’s degree were independently associated with higher resilience. Nurses reporting the intention to quit their job had lower resilience scores. Results highlight the importance of personal resilience in mitigating the effects of burnout and turnover, especially at times of crisis [21]
S2) Identifying patterns of turnover intention among alabama frontline nurses in hospital settings during the COVID-19 pandemic
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
United States of America
Astin, C., Ali, H., Ahmed, A., Hamasha, M., & Jordan, S. (2021)
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Job Demands
2. Organisational Resources
3. Motivation
37 items
The findings showed that there was a direct correlation between gender, marital status, and seniority on turnover intention. Nurse’s perceived anxiety and stress related to their patients’ acuity, their personal health as a risk factor, their patient assignments, their personal protective equipment, and their psychological support correspond to higher turnover intention among nurses working with patients infected with COVID-19 [22]
S3) Is COVID‐19 the straw that broke the back of the emergency nursing workforce?
Emergency Medicine Australasia
Cornish, S., Klim, S., & Kelly, A. M. (2021)
Ancillary study design derived from research question of the parent protocol
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Future career intention
2. Intention to remain in or leave emergency nursing
69 items
Nurses working in emergency departments where COVID positive patients were received were more likely to express an intention to leave ED nursing. Intention to leave emergency nursing was associated with not feeling more connected to their emergency nursing colleagues, the broader ED team, and their organisation since the onset of the pandemic. The data suggest that approximately one year after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, a high proportion of ED nurses (48.2%) intend to leave ED nursing within five years [23]
S4) The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian critical care nurses
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing
Crowe, S., Howard, A. F., & Vanderspank, B. (2022)
Mixed-methods Online Survey (Quantitative and Qualitative)
1. Impact of Event Scale
2. The Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale
3. The Professional Quality of Life Scale
4. The Intent to Turnover Scale
5. One open ended question for any additional information participants wished to share?
81 items
Findings depicted immense mental health toll on the nurses that stemmed from 1) failed leadership and 2) the traumatic nature of the work environment, that led to 3) a sense of disillusionment, defeat, and an intent to leave. 87% were suffering from signs of secondary traumatic stress, 74% of participants reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, 70% reported symptoms of depression, 57% reported symptoms of anxiety, 61% reported symptoms of stress and all (100%) reported moderate to high burnout. Furthermore, 22% intended to quit their current employment [24]
S5) Burnout and intent to leave during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study of New Jersey hospital nurses
Journal of Nursing Management
United States of America
De Cordova, P. B., Johansen, M. L., Grafova, I., Crincoli, S., Prado, J., Pogorzelska‐Maziarz, M., & de Cordova, P. B. (2022)
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Staffing
2. PPE Adequacy
3. Physical Exhaustion
4. Burnout Dolan single-item measure
5. Intent to Leave
11 items
Participants reported a significant association between high levels of burnout and intent to leave. 64.3% of participants reporting burnout and 36.5% reporting they have the intention to leave the hospital within a year. Reported inadequate PPE and physical exhaustion remained predictors of burnout among nurses. These, coupled with physical exhaustion and short staffing, contributed to burnout and intent to leave [25]
S6) The impact of fear of COVID-19 on job stress, and turnover intentions of frontline nurses in the community: A cross-sectional study in the Philippines
De los Santos, A. J & Labrague, J. L. (2021)
Cross- sectional
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Fear of COVID-19 Scale
2. Schriesheim and Tsui’s Job Satisfaction Index
3. House and Rizzo’s (1972) Job Stress Index Scale
4. Two single item measures of turnover intention were used to assess organisational and professional turnover intentions
Item numbers not specifically broken down
The study aimed to assess fear of COVID-19 among nurse in a community setting. The results indicated a nurses displayed moderate to high fear of the virus, with this fear influencing job stress, and organisational and professional turnover intention [26]
S7) Turnover intention and coronaphobia among frontline nurses during the second surge of COVID-19: The mediating role of social support and coping skills
Journal of Nursing Management
Fronda, D. C., & Labrague, L. J. (2022)
Correlational research design
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Coronavirus Anxiety Scale
2. Brief Resilient Coping Skills Scale
3. Perceived Social Support Scale
15 items
This study found that turnover has been attributed, in part, to excessive fear of the virus (a condition called corona phobia). Frontline nurses who experienced corona phobia were more likely to quit their job and the nursing profession, with more than half of the frontline nurses surveyed experiencing corona phobia. Corona phobia had a direct impact on nurses’ organisational and professional turnover intention with 25.8% reported a desire to leave their job and 20.7% reported a desire to leave their profession. Social support and coping skills partially mediated the relationship between organisational and professional turnover intention [27]
S8) Factors contributing to nurse resignation during COVID‐19: A qualitative descriptive study
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Jarden, R. J., Scott, S., Rickard, N., Long, K., Burke, S., Morrison, M., Twomey, B. (2023)
Qualitative Descriptive
Individual semi structured online interviews
1. Interview questions invited participants to tell the interviewer what:
2. Inspired them to join the organisation
3. Created a great day at work for them
4. Factors contributed to their resignation
5. Factors that might have supported them to stay
Interview guide used
Four themes were constructed for each of the key research questions. Inspiration to join the organizations transpired through organisational reputation, recruitment experiences, right position and right time, fit and feel. A great day at work was created through relationships with colleagues, experiences with managers, ad-equate resourcing and delivering quality care. Factors contributing to nurses resigning included COVID-19, uncertainty of role, workload and rostering, and finally, not feeling supported, respected and valued. Factors that may have supported the nurses to stay included flexible work patterns and opportunities, improved workplace relationships, workload management and support, and supportive systems and environments. Cutting across these themes were five threads: (1) relationships, (2) communication, (3) a desire to learn and develop, (4) work–life balance and (5) providing quality patient care [28]
S9) COVID‐19 anxiety among front‐line nurses: Predictive role of organisational support, personal resilience and social support
Journal of Nursing Management
Labrague, L. J., & De los Santos, J. A. A (2020)
Online Quantitative Survey
1. COVID-19 Anxiety Scale
2. Brief Resilient Coping Scale
3. Perceived Social Support Questionnaire
4. Perceived Organisational Support questionnaire
23 items
Compassion fatigue in frontline nurses was noted to affect job satisfaction, turnover intention, and the quality of care in their assigned unit. 38.5% of frontline nurses experienced medium to high compassion fatigue during the second wave of the pandemic [29]
S10) Fear of Covid‐19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses
Journal of Nursing Management
Labrague, L. J., & De los Santos, J. A. A. (2021)
Cross- sectional
Online Quantitative Survey
1. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale
2. Job Stress Index Scale
3. Two single item measures of turnover intention were used to assess organisational and professional turnover intentions
14 items
An increased level of fear of COVID-19 was associated with decreased job satisfaction, increased psychological distress and increased organisational and professional turnover intentions. Frontline nurses who reported not having attended COVID-19-related training and those who held part-time job roles reported increased fears of COVID-19 [30]
S11) Perceived COVID‐19‐associated discrimination, mental health and professional‐turnover intention among frontline clinical nurses: The mediating role of resilience
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Labrague, L. J., De los Santos, J. A. A., & Fronda, D. C. (2021)
Cross- sectional
Online Quantitative Survey
1. COVID-19 Associated Discrimination Scale
2. Brief Resilient Coping Skills Scale
3. Mental Health Inventory
4. Turnover Intention
11 items
The results revealed that frontline nurses perceived a moderate level of COVID-19 associated discrimination. Frontline nurses who perceived a higher level of discrimination during the coronavirus pandemic reported poorer mental health and higher professional-turnover intention. Resilience acted as a mediator and reduced the effects of COVID-19 associated discrimination on nurses’ mental health and their professional-turnover intention [31]
S12) Midwifery workforce challenges in Victoria, Australia. A cross-sectional study of maternity managers
Women and Birth
Matthews, R. P., Hyde, R. L., McLachlan, H. L., Llewelyn, F., & Forster, D. A. (2023)
Mixed-methods Online Survey (Quantitative and Qualitative)
1. Estimation of current number of midwives permanently employed and number of Equivalent Full Time (EFT) midwives permanently employed
2. If adequately staffed and if not, number of EFT required
3. Use of casual and agency staff and frequency of use in the 12 months prior to the survey
4. Use of casual/agency staff prior to COVID-19 pandemic
5. Estimation of turnover of midwives in 12 months prior to survey, impact of turnover and comparison prior to COVID-19
6. Difficulties in recruitment of midwives in 12 months prior to survey and prior to COVID-19
7. Concerns regarding skill mix of midwives at maternity service. Open ended questions with free text responses were included to allow further exploration
Item numbers not specifically broken down
Of the respondents 76% reported inadequate midwifery staff levels, with deficits ranging from one to 19 estimated Full-Time Equivalent (EFT) midwives, with a combined total deficit of 135 EFT. In the 12 months prior to the survey, 73% of services had found it difficult to recruit midwives, with increased difficulty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Managers were concerned about retaining and recruiting ‘experienced’ midwives due to an ageing workforce and high turnover due to work/life imbalance and job dissatisfaction. These issues have led to a predominantly early career midwifery workforce and created concern about skill mix [32]
S13) Occupational stress, job satisfaction, and intent to leave: Nurses working on front lines during COVID-19 pandemic in Zagazig City, Egypt
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Said, R. M., & El-Shafei, D. A. (2021)
Comparative Cross-sectional
Online Quantitative Survey
1. The Expanded Nursing Stress Scale
2. Specific COVID-19 Stressors Scale
3. The McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale
4. The Nurses Intent to Leave Scale
107 items
Three quarters of nurses (75.2%) working in the COVID triage hospital had high stress levels versus 60.5% working in the non-triaging COVID hospital. Workload (98.6%), dealing with death and dying (96.7%), personal demands and fears (95.7%), employing strict biosecurity measures (95.2%), and stigma (90.5%) represented the highest priority stressors in those working in the COVID triaging hospital, while exposure to infection risk (97.6%) was the stressor of highest priority among nurses working in the non-triaging COVID hospital nurses. More than half of the nurses (51.0%) in working in the COVID triage hospital reported low satisfaction level versus 41.9% working in the non-triaging COVID hospital. Only 4.8% of nurses working in the COVID triaging hospital definitely had no intent to leave their present job. The type of hospital and its related workload was the most significant predictor of all the studied outcomes [33]
S14) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on turnover intention among nurses in emergency departments in Thailand: a cross sectional study
BMC Nursing
Sungbun, S., Naknoi, S., Somboon, P., & Thosingha, O. (2023)
Online Quantitative Survey
1. Burnout assessment tool
2. Turnover Intention Scale
3. Emotional Intelligence Assessment Tool
4. Organisational resources and maladaptive self-regulation scale
During COVID-19 pandemic crisis, 72.8% of ED nurses in dark-red zone areas desired to leave their organisation. The factors of motivation, exhaustion, and cognitive impairment positively influenced turnover intention among ED nurses in dark-red zone areas. Low availability of organisational resources was associated with an increase in the turnover intention rate. Maladaptive regulation, exhaustion, and cognitive impairment positively influenced turnover intention among ED nurses in non-red zone areas [34]
S15) Factors affecting Iranian nurses’ intention to leave or stay in the profession during the COVID‐19 pandemic
International Nursing Review
Varasteh, S., Esmaeili, M., & Mazaheri, M. (2022)
Qualitative descriptive study
Individual semi structured interviews in person
1. A series of questions were asked. Example questions provided were:
2. What was your perception of working in the hospital when theCOVID-19 pandemic began?
3. What were you concerned about?
4. What were your reasons for not leaving the profession despite the high risk of coronavirus infection?
The study aimed to explore the factors affecting nurses’ intentions to stay or leave their profession. Findings indicated three main categories that either kept nurses working or gave nurses a reason to quit the profession. Those were fear, organisational factors, and commitment/ work conscience. Commitment and work conscience in the pandemic conditions was one of the main factors keeping nurses in the profession [35]
S16) UK advanced practice nurses’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study
BMJ Open
United Kingdom
Wood, E., King, R., Senek, M., Robertson, S., Taylor, B., Tod, A., & Ryan, A. (2021)
Mixed-methods Online Survey (Quantitative and Qualitative)
1. Preparedness of participants organisation at the start of the outbreak
2. Impact on patient and staff safety
3. Shortages of staff and equipment, concerns, ability to access guidelines and advice
49 items
Advanced Practicing Nurses (APNs) report COVID-19 related shortages in staff and equipment across primary and secondary care and all regions of the UK. APNs in this study reported shortages of staff (51%) and personal protective equipment (PPE) (68%) during the first 3 months of the coronavirus outbreak. Almost half (47%) of the APNs surveyed were considering leaving their job over the same 3 months [36]
S17) A mixed methods study of an organization's approach to the COVID-19 health care crisis
Nursing Outlook
Zaghini, F., Fiorini, J., Livigni, L., Carrabs, G., & Sili, A. (2021)
Longitudinal Mix method
Online Quantitative Survey
6 focus groups in person
1. Health and Safety Executive Management Standards Work-Related Stress Indicator Tool
2. The Nursing Quality of Life Scale
3. The scale of Positive and Negative Indicators of the Nursing Questionnaire on Organisational Health
63 items
Qualitative: Different dimensions focused on included psychological functionality, physical functionality, and work and social functionality
The results were collected in a dynamic, active organisation with a proactive approach to problem-solving, which has undertaken a series of interventions to make nurses as ready as possible to face the SARSCoV-2 pandemic. After implementing a series of interventions nurses themselves confirmed feelings of greater safety, preparation and support from colleagues and superiors, and attesting the effectiveness of the implemented interventions [37]


Table 4 provides a summary of the characteristics of the studies featured in this scoping review. The articles (N = 17) ranged in date from 2019 to 2023, with zero studies (0%) retrieved from 2019, one study (6.25%) retrieved from 2020, eight studies (50%) retrieved from 2021, four studies (25%) retrieved from 2022 and three studies (18.75%) retrieved from 2023.
Table 4
Factors affecting job satisfaction and retention
Categories / Factors Reported
Supporting Studies
Pandemic-Related Patient & Family Care Challenges: Studies that highlighted the issues stemming from interactions with patients and families, coupled with the challenges of upholding quality care in the face of rising patient-staff ratios, staffing disruptions, and skill mix concerns
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S7, S8, S9, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17
Well-being & Coping Mechanisms: Studies that examine burnout and work-related stress, along with resilience and methods of coping
S1, S2, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S13, S14, S17
Work life balance: Studies that discuss the challenges and adaptations faced by individuals in balancing their professional responsibilities with personal life amidst the pandemic
S3, S8, S12, S13, S17
Pandemic-Induced Health Impacts: Refers to both physical and psychological health changes due to the pandemic
S2, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S13, S14, S17
Leadership & Organisational Support: Studies that discuss the impact of leadership on the intention to stay or leave the profession
S1, S2, S3, S4, S7, S8, S9, S12, S13, S15, S16, S17
Organisational Environment & Resources: Studies that discuss the impacts of leadership and management, as well as the resources provided to or accessible by staff
S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S15, S17
PPE Availability: Studies focused on the adequacy and accessibility of personal protective equipment for staff during the pandemic
S2, S3, S5, S7, S8, S13, S14, S15, S16
Professional Integrity & Value: Studies exploring rumination, discrimination, respect for the profession, and professional identity during the pandemic
S1, S2, S3, S4, S8, S11, S12, S13, S15
Personal Circumstances: Studies that explore concerns about transmitting COVID-19 to dependents or ill family members, as well as studies where families express apprehensions about participants working during the pandemic
S1, S3, S6, S8, S12, S13, S15, S16
Fear of COVID-19 Transmission: Studies examining participants’ fears related to COVID-19 and its impact on retention
S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S13, S15, S16
The majority of studies were conducted in the Philippines, representing 31.25% with five studies (S6, S7, S9, S10, S11). Australia followed with 18.75%, based on three studies (S3, S8, S12), and the USA accounted for 12.5% with two studies (S2, S5). Lebanon, Canada, Egypt, Iran, Thailand, UK, and Italy, each contributed a single study, collectively making up 43.75% (S1, S4, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17). All studies provided insights from various geographical contexts with studies spanning 10 countries.
The studies under review exhibited a range of designs, with a majority utilising quantitative methodology. Variations in the research methodologies were noted as follows: The majority employed cross-sectional quantitative designs, as seen in studies (S1, S2, S5, S6, S9, S10, S11, S14). Three studies (S4, S12, S16) adopted a mixed methods cross-sectional design. One study (S7) utilised a correlational design, while an ancillary sub-study approach was evident in study (S3). One study (S13) incorporated a comparative cross-sectional methodology. Uniquely, study (S17) adopted a longitudinal mixed-method design, examining the before and after transformation into a COVID-19 designated hospital and the implementation of organisational interventions. This was achieved using a quantitative online survey combined with in-person explanatory focus groups, supported by Grounded Theory. Additionally, two qualitative descriptive studies were noted (S8, S15). Neither of these explicitly referenced any frameworks or theories to underpin their chosen research methodology.
In the studies reviewed for this scoping review, the majority (88%) used online survey instruments for data collection, with no utilisation of hard copy methods identified in the review (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S16, S17). For those studies using a qualitative approach, (S8) conducted individual semi-structured interviews online. In contrast, study (S15) carried out its individual semi-structured interviews face-to-face, much like the in-person focus groups undertaken by study (S17).
The 17 studies reviewed varied in their sample sizes, ranging from as few as 16 nurses in Iran (S15) to as many as 3,030 nurses from New Jersey, USA (S5). All of these studies met the set inclusion criteria for this scoping review. Notably, the nurses participating in these studies held a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and were registered with the relevant governing bodies (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17). Similarly, midwives in the one identified study (S12) held the appropriate qualifications and were registered with the regulatory governing body Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Per the inclusion criteria of this review, studies must have been undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic, with participants were actively working during that time.
Many studies placed an emphasis on the need for participants to have actively practiced during some period of the pandemic to meet their inclusion criteria, such as intervals lasting over three months (S2), the year 2021 (S8), or during notable events such as surges and waves (S14). Essential criteria for most of these studies often specified that participants work in environments like hospitals, where they provided direct care to COVID-19 patients (S1, S2, S4, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S15) or in primary or secondary health care settings (S16). Some studies sought to compare and differentiate the experiences of those employed in non-triaging COVID-19 hospitals with those in facilities designated for treating and triaging COVID-19 patients (S13, S14) as a focal point of interest. A consistent requirement was that participants had at least six months of clinical experience as a registered nurse (S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S14, S15).
After reviewing the studies, 10 key categories of factors were identified as being associated with job satisfaction and retention intention of participants in these studies, as seen in Table 4. Seventy one percent of the studies analysed specific factors while also measuring participants’ level of job satisfaction and/or intention to remain in their positions and/or profession. Key factors explored included burnout (S1, S5, S14), mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and stress (S4, S6, S10, S11, S13), fear related to COVID-19 (S6, S7, S9, S10), impact of the event (S4), resilience metrics (S1, S7, S9, S11), physical fatigue (S5), both organisational resources and support and/or social support (S5, S7, S9), instances of discrimination (S11), quality of life (S4, S17), and projections regarding future career paths (S3). While other studies aimed to explore, describe and understand the experiences, factors, and patterns influencing the retention and job satisfaction of nurses and midwives (S2, S8, S12, S15, S16).


The results of the scoping review, as highlighted in Table 3, reveal that there have been a limited number of studies conducted on the impact of COVID-19 on job satisfaction, retention and career pathways for nurses and midwives. No studies meeting the inclusion criteria addressed the impact of COVID-19 on midwives globally. From the 17 studies, two overall themes were extracted: Intrinsic Factors and Extrinsic Factors.

Intrinsic factors

The following specific intrinsic factors influenced job satisfaction and retention during the pandemic: Personal Characteristics and Nursing and Midwifery Wellbeing.

Personal characteristics

Studies in this review analysed demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status, years in nursing or midwifery, years in the current job, clinical unit, and education level to assess their impact on job satisfaction and retention.
In examining the gender role, De los Santos and Labrague [26] determined that female participants displayed heightened apprehension related to the pandemic in comparison to males. This intensified anxiety arose from female participants' concerns about contracting COVID-19 and potentially transmitting the infection to their families. Building on this, Astin et al. [22] indicated a correlation between intent to resign during the pandemic and factors such as gender, marital status, and seniority. Females who were married and those individuals in senior roles were more inclined to consider resignation during this period [22].
Said and El-Shafei [33] compared the experiences of nurses at two hospitals, one general hospital and another hospital in the same city that was converted to a designated COVID-19 Triage Hospital. Nurses at the general hospital had significantly longer professional tenure. The contrast in tenure and location of work notably impacted job satisfaction levels. Participants with less than ten years of experience showed a greater intention to leave compared to those with over ten years’ experience [33]. In a different study, Zaghini et al. [37] compared the differences in work hours. In the early stages of the pandemic, participants faced significantly extended work hours and responsibilities that went far beyond their usual duties and scope of practice. This, combined with the unfamiliarity, unpredictability, and stress associated with COVID-19, exacerbated workplace incivilities and led to deteriorated working conditions, thus adversely impacting job satisfaction [37].
Educational background has also emerged as a significant personal characteristic affecting nurses and midwives during the pandemic. A key theme within the study by Alameddine et al. [21] was the significance of educational background on resilience. Nurses with a Master of Science in Nursing demonstrated greater resilience than those with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Such findings are consistent with prior research [38, 39], which suggest a positive association between higher educational qualifications and resilience. Interestingly however, Cornish et al. [23] demonstrated that among participants working in a specific specialty area, there was no significant difference in the intention to leave emergency department nursing between nurses with advanced postgraduate qualifications and those without.
Despite the apparent correlation between educational level and resilience, Alameddine et al. [21], found that the decision to remain in the profession was often more heavily influenced by the financial and familial obligations. In this study 38.3% of participants no longer wished to maintain their roles in nursing profession, but obligations to meet family financial needs required them to continue working in the field. This was echoed by Crowe et al. [24], who reported despair among participants as they felt trapped in their nursing roles because of familial responsibilities. Several participants openly acknowledged their desire to transition to a different career but felt impeded by financial obligations [24].

Nursing and midwifery wellbeing

Most studies included in this review demonstrated an association between individual psychological, emotional, and physiological health and well-being, and variations in job satisfaction and retention. Alameddine et al. [21] found that 86% of participants noted a substantial rise in stress and anxiety levels compared with pre-pandemic working conditions. Zaghini et al. [37] highlighted the shock and significant surge in work-related following the transformation of the participants’ hospital into a COVID-19 Triage Hospital. In that longitudinal study, some likened their unpreparedness for the pandemic to “going to war without any weapons” [37].
In the study conducted by Sungbun et al. [34], a comparative analysis was made between participants in the most affected pandemic areas, known as the dark red zones, and those in areas less impacted by the pandemic, referred to as non-red zones. There was an inverse correlation between motivation and intention to resign in the dark-red zones, which highlights a crucial aspect of resilience. Higher motivation in demanding environments may have buffered against resignation, highlighting the need to foster engagement. Enhanced organisational support could further reduce the intention to quit. In a study by by De Cordova et al. [25], participants who doubted their organisation’s ability to provide adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their safety were more likely to experience burnout than participants who were confident in the organisation’s ability to provide vital resources.
In circumstances where an organisation demonstrated insufficient capability to adequately address and mitigate the complexities introduced by a pandemic, the individual resilience of the nursing and midwifery workforce was paramount. Alameddine et al. [21] found that resilience acts as a mediator to compassion fatigue, and high levels of personal, work-related, and client-related burnout did not contribute to turnover rates. Participants who reported the intention to quit their job demonstrated lower resilience scores [21]. This finding aligns with the observations of Labrague et al. [30], who noted that increased psychological resilience was associated with improved mental health outcomes and lower intention to resign. Resilience has been found to act as a buffer against the negative impacts of work-related stressors, suggesting that interventions aimed at strengthening resilience could be key in improving overall job satisfaction, reducing burnout, and lowering turnover intentions [27, 31, 4042].
Sungbun et al. [34] revealed that both exhaustion and cognitive impairment significantly predicted consideration of resignation. Notably, these effects were reported as being more pronounced in high-stress COVID-19, dark-red zone areas [34]. In the study by Fronda and Labrague [27], more than half of the frontline nurses surveyed experienced fear of contracting COVID-19, with over 25% of nurses expressing a desire to leave their job, and over one fifth wanting to leave nursing entirely. When physical health and psychological resilience are severely strained, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and stress may result [24]. In Crowe’s et al. study [24], every participant reported experiencing moderate to severe burnout, and 87.1% showed signs of secondary traumatic stress at the time of the survey.
This study highlights the impact of stress, burnout, and health challenges on nurses' and midwives' well-being and job retention during the pandemic. Strengthening job satisfaction requires fostering autonomy, meaningful work, and personal growth while addressing common stressors to support retention.

Extrinsic factors

Extrinsic factors have profound impact on job satisfaction and retention. Extrinsic factors can be broadly defined as those elements external to the individual, such as the work environment. Key areas of focus include patient acuity, staff skill mix, staffing challenges, and the availability of PPE. These factors have been grouped together under the heading of Working Environment.

Working environment

Astin et al. [22] offered important insights into the stress and anxiety nurses faced related to patient acuity. Almost 70% of nurses reported stress and anxiety when caring for COVID-19 patients, as well concerns about the possibility of caring for infected colleagues. Building on these findings, [32] surveyed a group of midwifery managers, who expressed significant concerns regarding staffing skill mix and the departure of experienced midwives, resulting in a predominantly early-career workforce. Concerns were particularly high in public metropolitan services. In contrast, most private services participants reported minimal or no concerns regarding their skill mix. The shift towards a reliance on casual and agency staff, as reported in the study by Matthews et al. [32], marks a significant departure from pre-pandemic staffing patterns.
Echoing these staffing challenges, Said and El-Shafei [33] highlighted the high levels of staff shortages (51%) and redeployment (41%).This situation was further strained as 22% of the participants were asked to supervise redeployed staff, introducing additional responsibilities and stressors. Similarly, Wood et al. [36] reported that 43% of staff were compelled to work additional overtime, often unpaid, highlighting the increased workloads of nurses during the pandemic. This relentless demand for additional shifts, also discussed by Jarden et al. [28], left staff feeling bullied and drove others toward burnout due to the pressure of overtime. Said and El-Shafei [33] identified workload, dealing with death and dying, personal fears and demands, employing strict biosecurity measures, and stigma as primary stressors leading to burnout amongst participants.
Other research reported that equipment shortages significantly influenced participants’ perceptions of workplace safety and priorities. Wood et al. [36] noted that over a third of participants believed their risk of exposure to the virus could have been minimised, and 21% felt that their safety was not prioritised by the organisation. Astin et al. [22] detailed how the stringent ongoing requirements for wearing face masks and undergoing mandatory COVID-19 screenings contributed to rising stress levels, with around 70% of participants feeling stressed about these additional measures.
Complementing these findings, Crowe et al. [24] reported that participants felt overlooked, unsupported, and disrespected by leadership at various levels, including government, healthcare, and hospital management. Challenges such as redeployment to unfamiliar areas, inflexible scheduling, and the expectation of excessive overtime left many struggling to balance their work with family responsibilities [24]. Furthermore, participants reported that they often faced higher nurse-patient ratios than normal, hindering their ability to deliver the high-quality care they were committed to before the pandemic. Zheng et al. [43] identified that nurses with limited access to essential resources, such as PPE, may face challenges in maintaining occupational identity and job satisfaction.
Labrague and de Los Santos [29] revealed that more than 90% of frontline nurses felt unprepared to handle COVID-19 patients, and only one fifth expressed a complete willingness to care for individuals with COVID-19. Zaghini et al.[37] demonstrated that strategic interventions such as increased staffing, psychological support, and targeted training not only mitigated work-related stress but also improved job satisfaction and quality of life among participants.
A significant theme that emerged from the studies was the expectation and desire for compensation among participants working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Astin et al. [22] reported that over three quarters of participants believed they should receive compensation for the increased workload and risks associated with the pandemic. Similarly, Varasteh et al. [35] found that many participants were motivated to continue working during the pandemic due to expectation of financial incentives. Crowe et al. [24] highlighted the frustrations of participants regarding governmental and organisational responses to their compensation requests. In line with these findings, Jarden et al. [28] noted that participants felt greater financial remuneration and workload support was needed.
To enhance job satisfaction and retention, targeted interventions should address extrinsic factors such as workplace culture, excessive workloads, and insufficient organisational support.


This scoping review was limited to English language articles, which may have resulted in studies of relevance being missed. In many of these studies, a cross-sectional design was utilised, potentially constraining the interpretation of results and the ability to infer causal relationships, thereby potentially affecting the synthesis of findings. The generalisation of findings is limited as only a few countries were represented in the included papers.


The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on job satisfaction and retention of nurses and midwives globally remains largely unexplored, as indicated by this scoping review. A significant issue identified is the scarcity of research on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting midwives’ retention and job satisfaction during the pandemic. Gaining a clear understanding of midwives’ lived experiences is essential to comprehend their unique challenges. Additionally, it is important to explore whether the factors affecting job satisfaction differ between nurses and midwives. This review highlights the urgent need for more extensive research in this area.
The insights gathered from this scoping review highlight the multifaceted challenges and adaptations in the nursing and midwifery work environments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key factors, including patient acuity, staffing dynamics, leadership quality, and resource availability, have significantly shaped the professional experiences of nurses and midwives. These challenges, coupled with personal and professional dilemmas, highlight the critical need for supportive and adaptive healthcare environments to sustain the resilience and commitment of these vital professionals in times of crisis.
Given the global nursing and midwifery response to the pandemic, there is an opportunity to build, strengthen and protect the existing workforce which has worked tirelessly through the pandemic to protect the greater community. By identifying key factors or barriers exacerbating the workforce, crucial research, strategic policies, and interventions can be introduced to strengthen and improve nurses’ and midwives’ experiences and safeguard patient/woman safety. As a result, a robust and sustainable health workforce that is equipped to handle future pandemics with greater ease and resilience can be created.


No acknowledgements were identified.


The University of Notre Dame Australia Higher Research Ethics Committee approval number: 2022-114F with ethical approval was granted on 12 October 2022. Clinical trial number: Not applicable.
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The authors declare no competing interests.
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Nurses’ and midwives’ job satisfaction and retention during COVID-19: a scoping review
verfasst von
Laura Hynes
Sadie Geraghty
Sheena McChlery
Aisling Smyth
Reeti Brar
Karen Clark-Burg
BioMed Central
Erschienen in
BMC Nursing / Ausgabe 1/2025
Elektronische ISSN: 1472-6955