Search strategy and study selection
Population: | All qualified and registered nurses and midwives, who were practicing nursing and midwifery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing and midwifery axillary support staff, health care workers and students were excluded |
Concept: | The key concepts underpinning this scoping review focus on understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, as shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, that have impacted job satisfaction and career intentions of qualified and registered nurses and midwives |
Context: | The scoping review considers studies that included qualified and registered nurses and midwives undertaken in any health care setting including, but not restricted to Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary health care settings in Australia and worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Population | (Midwives OR midwi* OR nurses OR nurs* exp Nursing Service, Hospital/ OR exp Nursing/ OR exp Nursing Staff/ OR exp Nursing Services/ OR exp Nursing Staff, Hospital/ OR exp Nursing Stations/ exp Midwifery/ exp Nurse Midwives/) |
Concept | (job retention OR work retention OR skill* retention OR personnel retention OR employee retention OR staff retention OR retain* staff OR retain* employ* OR job satisfaction OR work satisfaction OR employ* satisfaction OR burnout OR burnt out OR burn-out OR career burnout OR staff burnout OR employ*burnout OR occupational burnout OR professional burnout OR psychological burnout OR career mobility OR career pathway* OR career intention* OR personnel turnover* OR staff turnover* OR employee turnover* OR job securit* OR employment securit* OR job redundanc* OR staff redundanc* OR employment redundanc* OR career ladder OR job ladder OR quit* job* OR quit* career* OR quit* work* OR quit* profession* OR mov* job* OR job trans* OR work trans*) |
Context | (Coronavirus OR Coronavirus infection* OR SARS-CoV-2 OR COVID-19 OR COVID19 OR COVID2019 OR COVID 2019 OR COVID* OR 2019 nCoV OR 2019-nCoV OR 2019nCoV OR Novel CoV OR nCOVID OR nCoV2019 OR nCoV19 OR 19nCoV OR nCoV OR CoV OR CoV 2 OR CoV2 OR hCoV OR hCoV19 OR hCoV-19 OR hCoV2019 OR hCoV-2019 OR severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 OR severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus OR Severe acute respiratory syndrome OR SARS virus OR SARS coronavirus OR SARS Co V 2 OR SARS CoV 2 OR SARSCoV2 OR SARSCoV 2 OR SARSCoV-2 OR SARS-CoV2 OR SARS-CoV-2 OR SARS-CoV OR SARSCoV OR SARS 2 OR SARS2 OR Corona virus* OR Coronavir* OR Beatacoronavir* OR Corona pandemic* OR Corona virus pandemic OR Corona virus outbreak OR Coronavirus pandemic OR Coronavirus outbreak OR Wuhan coronavirus* OR Wuhan virus) |
Data charting
Article title/ Journal | Country/ Year/ Author | Study Design | Sample Size | Measurement/Instrument | Key findings |
S1) Factors Associated with the Resilience of Nurses During the COVID‐19 Pandemic Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing | Lebanon Alameddine, M., Clinton, M., Bou‐Karroum, K., Richa, N., & Doumit, M. A. (2021) | Cross-sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 511 | 1. Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 2. Copenhagen Burnout Inventory Scale 3. Intention to Quit Scale 45 items | There was a significant inverse relationship observed between the resilience of nurses and personal, work-related, and client-related burnout. These correlated with their intention to quit. Being male and having a master’s degree were independently associated with higher resilience. Nurses reporting the intention to quit their job had lower resilience scores. Results highlight the importance of personal resilience in mitigating the effects of burnout and turnover, especially at times of crisis [21] |
S2) Identifying patterns of turnover intention among alabama frontline nurses in hospital settings during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare | United States of America Astin, C., Ali, H., Ahmed, A., Hamasha, M., & Jordan, S. (2021) | Cross-sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 111 | 1. Job Demands 2. Organisational Resources 3. Motivation 37 items | The findings showed that there was a direct correlation between gender, marital status, and seniority on turnover intention. Nurse’s perceived anxiety and stress related to their patients’ acuity, their personal health as a risk factor, their patient assignments, their personal protective equipment, and their psychological support correspond to higher turnover intention among nurses working with patients infected with COVID-19 [22] |
S3) Is COVID‐19 the straw that broke the back of the emergency nursing workforce? Emergency Medicine Australasia | Australia Cornish, S., Klim, S., & Kelly, A. M. (2021) | Ancillary study design derived from research question of the parent protocol Online Quantitative Survey | 398 | 1. Future career intention 2. Intention to remain in or leave emergency nursing 69 items | Nurses working in emergency departments where COVID positive patients were received were more likely to express an intention to leave ED nursing. Intention to leave emergency nursing was associated with not feeling more connected to their emergency nursing colleagues, the broader ED team, and their organisation since the onset of the pandemic. The data suggest that approximately one year after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, a high proportion of ED nurses (48.2%) intend to leave ED nursing within five years [23] |
S4) The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian critical care nurses Intensive and Critical Care Nursing | Canada Crowe, S., Howard, A. F., & Vanderspank, B. (2022) | Cross-sectional Mixed-methods Online Survey (Quantitative and Qualitative) | 425 | 1. Impact of Event Scale 2. The Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale 3. The Professional Quality of Life Scale 4. The Intent to Turnover Scale 5. One open ended question for any additional information participants wished to share? 81 items | Findings depicted immense mental health toll on the nurses that stemmed from 1) failed leadership and 2) the traumatic nature of the work environment, that led to 3) a sense of disillusionment, defeat, and an intent to leave. 87% were suffering from signs of secondary traumatic stress, 74% of participants reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, 70% reported symptoms of depression, 57% reported symptoms of anxiety, 61% reported symptoms of stress and all (100%) reported moderate to high burnout. Furthermore, 22% intended to quit their current employment [24] |
S5) Burnout and intent to leave during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study of New Jersey hospital nurses Journal of Nursing Management | United States of America De Cordova, P. B., Johansen, M. L., Grafova, I., Crincoli, S., Prado, J., Pogorzelska‐Maziarz, M., & de Cordova, P. B. (2022) | Cross-sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 3030 | 1. Staffing 2. PPE Adequacy 3. Physical Exhaustion 4. Burnout Dolan single-item measure 5. Intent to Leave 11 items | Participants reported a significant association between high levels of burnout and intent to leave. 64.3% of participants reporting burnout and 36.5% reporting they have the intention to leave the hospital within a year. Reported inadequate PPE and physical exhaustion remained predictors of burnout among nurses. These, coupled with physical exhaustion and short staffing, contributed to burnout and intent to leave [25] |
S6) The impact of fear of COVID-19 on job stress, and turnover intentions of frontline nurses in the community: A cross-sectional study in the Philippines Traumatology | Philippines De los Santos, A. J & Labrague, J. L. (2021) | Cross- sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 385 | 1. Fear of COVID-19 Scale 2. Schriesheim and Tsui’s Job Satisfaction Index 3. House and Rizzo’s (1972) Job Stress Index Scale 4. Two single item measures of turnover intention were used to assess organisational and professional turnover intentions Item numbers not specifically broken down | The study aimed to assess fear of COVID-19 among nurse in a community setting. The results indicated a nurses displayed moderate to high fear of the virus, with this fear influencing job stress, and organisational and professional turnover intention [26] |
S7) Turnover intention and coronaphobia among frontline nurses during the second surge of COVID-19: The mediating role of social support and coping skills Journal of Nursing Management | Philippines Fronda, D. C., & Labrague, L. J. (2022) | Correlational research design Online Quantitative Survey | 687 | 1. Coronavirus Anxiety Scale 2. Brief Resilient Coping Skills Scale 3. Perceived Social Support Scale 15 items | This study found that turnover has been attributed, in part, to excessive fear of the virus (a condition called corona phobia). Frontline nurses who experienced corona phobia were more likely to quit their job and the nursing profession, with more than half of the frontline nurses surveyed experiencing corona phobia. Corona phobia had a direct impact on nurses’ organisational and professional turnover intention with 25.8% reported a desire to leave their job and 20.7% reported a desire to leave their profession. Social support and coping skills partially mediated the relationship between organisational and professional turnover intention [27] |
S8) Factors contributing to nurse resignation during COVID‐19: A qualitative descriptive study Journal of Advanced Nursing | Australia Jarden, R. J., Scott, S., Rickard, N., Long, K., Burke, S., Morrison, M., Twomey, B. (2023) | Qualitative Descriptive Individual semi structured online interviews | 39 | 1. Interview questions invited participants to tell the interviewer what: 2. Inspired them to join the organisation 3. Created a great day at work for them 4. Factors contributed to their resignation 5. Factors that might have supported them to stay Interview guide used | Four themes were constructed for each of the key research questions. Inspiration to join the organizations transpired through organisational reputation, recruitment experiences, right position and right time, fit and feel. A great day at work was created through relationships with colleagues, experiences with managers, ad-equate resourcing and delivering quality care. Factors contributing to nurses resigning included COVID-19, uncertainty of role, workload and rostering, and finally, not feeling supported, respected and valued. Factors that may have supported the nurses to stay included flexible work patterns and opportunities, improved workplace relationships, workload management and support, and supportive systems and environments. Cutting across these themes were five threads: (1) relationships, (2) communication, (3) a desire to learn and develop, (4) work–life balance and (5) providing quality patient care [28] |
S9) COVID‐19 anxiety among front‐line nurses: Predictive role of organisational support, personal resilience and social support Journal of Nursing Management | Philippines Labrague, L. J., & De los Santos, J. A. A (2020) | Cross-sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 325 | 1. COVID-19 Anxiety Scale 2. Brief Resilient Coping Scale 3. Perceived Social Support Questionnaire 4. Perceived Organisational Support questionnaire 23 items | Compassion fatigue in frontline nurses was noted to affect job satisfaction, turnover intention, and the quality of care in their assigned unit. 38.5% of frontline nurses experienced medium to high compassion fatigue during the second wave of the pandemic [29] |
S10) Fear of Covid‐19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses Journal of Nursing Management | Philippines Labrague, L. J., & De los Santos, J. A. A. (2021) | Cross- sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 261 | 1. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale 2. Job Stress Index Scale 3. Two single item measures of turnover intention were used to assess organisational and professional turnover intentions 14 items | An increased level of fear of COVID-19 was associated with decreased job satisfaction, increased psychological distress and increased organisational and professional turnover intentions. Frontline nurses who reported not having attended COVID-19-related training and those who held part-time job roles reported increased fears of COVID-19 [30] |
S11) Perceived COVID‐19‐associated discrimination, mental health and professional‐turnover intention among frontline clinical nurses: The mediating role of resilience International Journal of Mental Health Nursing | Philippines Labrague, L. J., De los Santos, J. A. A., & Fronda, D. C. (2021) | Cross- sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 259 | 1. COVID-19 Associated Discrimination Scale 2. Brief Resilient Coping Skills Scale 3. Mental Health Inventory 4. Turnover Intention 11 items | The results revealed that frontline nurses perceived a moderate level of COVID-19 associated discrimination. Frontline nurses who perceived a higher level of discrimination during the coronavirus pandemic reported poorer mental health and higher professional-turnover intention. Resilience acted as a mediator and reduced the effects of COVID-19 associated discrimination on nurses’ mental health and their professional-turnover intention [31] |
S12) Midwifery workforce challenges in Victoria, Australia. A cross-sectional study of maternity managers Women and Birth | Australia Matthews, R. P., Hyde, R. L., McLachlan, H. L., Llewelyn, F., & Forster, D. A. (2023) | Cross-sectional Mixed-methods Online Survey (Quantitative and Qualitative) | 38 | 1. Estimation of current number of midwives permanently employed and number of Equivalent Full Time (EFT) midwives permanently employed 2. If adequately staffed and if not, number of EFT required 3. Use of casual and agency staff and frequency of use in the 12 months prior to the survey 4. Use of casual/agency staff prior to COVID-19 pandemic 5. Estimation of turnover of midwives in 12 months prior to survey, impact of turnover and comparison prior to COVID-19 6. Difficulties in recruitment of midwives in 12 months prior to survey and prior to COVID-19 7. Concerns regarding skill mix of midwives at maternity service. Open ended questions with free text responses were included to allow further exploration Item numbers not specifically broken down | Of the respondents 76% reported inadequate midwifery staff levels, with deficits ranging from one to 19 estimated Full-Time Equivalent (EFT) midwives, with a combined total deficit of 135 EFT. In the 12 months prior to the survey, 73% of services had found it difficult to recruit midwives, with increased difficulty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Managers were concerned about retaining and recruiting ‘experienced’ midwives due to an ageing workforce and high turnover due to work/life imbalance and job dissatisfaction. These issues have led to a predominantly early career midwifery workforce and created concern about skill mix [32] |
S13) Occupational stress, job satisfaction, and intent to leave: Nurses working on front lines during COVID-19 pandemic in Zagazig City, Egypt Environmental Science and Pollution Research | Egypt Said, R. M., & El-Shafei, D. A. (2021) | Comparative Cross-sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 420 | 1. The Expanded Nursing Stress Scale 2. Specific COVID-19 Stressors Scale 3. The McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale 4. The Nurses Intent to Leave Scale 107 items | Three quarters of nurses (75.2%) working in the COVID triage hospital had high stress levels versus 60.5% working in the non-triaging COVID hospital. Workload (98.6%), dealing with death and dying (96.7%), personal demands and fears (95.7%), employing strict biosecurity measures (95.2%), and stigma (90.5%) represented the highest priority stressors in those working in the COVID triaging hospital, while exposure to infection risk (97.6%) was the stressor of highest priority among nurses working in the non-triaging COVID hospital nurses. More than half of the nurses (51.0%) in working in the COVID triage hospital reported low satisfaction level versus 41.9% working in the non-triaging COVID hospital. Only 4.8% of nurses working in the COVID triaging hospital definitely had no intent to leave their present job. The type of hospital and its related workload was the most significant predictor of all the studied outcomes [33] |
S14) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on turnover intention among nurses in emergency departments in Thailand: a cross sectional study BMC Nursing | Thailand Sungbun, S., Naknoi, S., Somboon, P., & Thosingha, O. (2023) | Cross-sectional Online Quantitative Survey | 322 | 1. Burnout assessment tool 2. Turnover Intention Scale 3. Emotional Intelligence Assessment Tool 4. Organisational resources and maladaptive self-regulation scale 61items | During COVID-19 pandemic crisis, 72.8% of ED nurses in dark-red zone areas desired to leave their organisation. The factors of motivation, exhaustion, and cognitive impairment positively influenced turnover intention among ED nurses in dark-red zone areas. Low availability of organisational resources was associated with an increase in the turnover intention rate. Maladaptive regulation, exhaustion, and cognitive impairment positively influenced turnover intention among ED nurses in non-red zone areas [34] |
S15) Factors affecting Iranian nurses’ intention to leave or stay in the profession during the COVID‐19 pandemic International Nursing Review | Iran Varasteh, S., Esmaeili, M., & Mazaheri, M. (2022) | Qualitative descriptive study Individual semi structured interviews in person | 16 | 1. A series of questions were asked. Example questions provided were: 2. What was your perception of working in the hospital when theCOVID-19 pandemic began? 3. What were you concerned about? 4. What were your reasons for not leaving the profession despite the high risk of coronavirus infection? | The study aimed to explore the factors affecting nurses’ intentions to stay or leave their profession. Findings indicated three main categories that either kept nurses working or gave nurses a reason to quit the profession. Those were fear, organisational factors, and commitment/ work conscience. Commitment and work conscience in the pandemic conditions was one of the main factors keeping nurses in the profession [35] |
S16) UK advanced practice nurses’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study BMJ Open | United Kingdom Wood, E., King, R., Senek, M., Robertson, S., Taylor, B., Tod, A., & Ryan, A. (2021) | Cross-sectional Mixed-methods Online Survey (Quantitative and Qualitative) | 124 | 1. Preparedness of participants organisation at the start of the outbreak 2. Impact on patient and staff safety 3. Shortages of staff and equipment, concerns, ability to access guidelines and advice 49 items | Advanced Practicing Nurses (APNs) report COVID-19 related shortages in staff and equipment across primary and secondary care and all regions of the UK. APNs in this study reported shortages of staff (51%) and personal protective equipment (PPE) (68%) during the first 3 months of the coronavirus outbreak. Almost half (47%) of the APNs surveyed were considering leaving their job over the same 3 months [36] |
S17) A mixed methods study of an organization's approach to the COVID-19 health care crisis Nursing Outlook | Italy Zaghini, F., Fiorini, J., Livigni, L., Carrabs, G., & Sili, A. (2021) | Longitudinal Mix method Online Quantitative Survey Qualitative 6 focus groups in person | 322 | Quantitative: 1. Health and Safety Executive Management Standards Work-Related Stress Indicator Tool 2. The Nursing Quality of Life Scale 3. The scale of Positive and Negative Indicators of the Nursing Questionnaire on Organisational Health 63 items Qualitative: Different dimensions focused on included psychological functionality, physical functionality, and work and social functionality | The results were collected in a dynamic, active organisation with a proactive approach to problem-solving, which has undertaken a series of interventions to make nurses as ready as possible to face the SARSCoV-2 pandemic. After implementing a series of interventions nurses themselves confirmed feelings of greater safety, preparation and support from colleagues and superiors, and attesting the effectiveness of the implemented interventions [37] |
Categories / Factors Reported | Supporting Studies |
Pandemic-Related Patient & Family Care Challenges: Studies that highlighted the issues stemming from interactions with patients and families, coupled with the challenges of upholding quality care in the face of rising patient-staff ratios, staffing disruptions, and skill mix concerns | S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S7, S8, S9, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17 |
Well-being & Coping Mechanisms: Studies that examine burnout and work-related stress, along with resilience and methods of coping | S1, S2, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S13, S14, S17 |
Work life balance: Studies that discuss the challenges and adaptations faced by individuals in balancing their professional responsibilities with personal life amidst the pandemic | S3, S8, S12, S13, S17 |
Pandemic-Induced Health Impacts: Refers to both physical and psychological health changes due to the pandemic | S2, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S13, S14, S17 |
Leadership & Organisational Support: Studies that discuss the impact of leadership on the intention to stay or leave the profession | S1, S2, S3, S4, S7, S8, S9, S12, S13, S15, S16, S17 |
Organisational Environment & Resources: Studies that discuss the impacts of leadership and management, as well as the resources provided to or accessible by staff | S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S15, S17 |
PPE Availability: Studies focused on the adequacy and accessibility of personal protective equipment for staff during the pandemic | S2, S3, S5, S7, S8, S13, S14, S15, S16 |
Professional Integrity & Value: Studies exploring rumination, discrimination, respect for the profession, and professional identity during the pandemic | S1, S2, S3, S4, S8, S11, S12, S13, S15 |
Personal Circumstances: Studies that explore concerns about transmitting COVID-19 to dependents or ill family members, as well as studies where families express apprehensions about participants working during the pandemic | S1, S3, S6, S8, S12, S13, S15, S16 |
Fear of COVID-19 Transmission: Studies examining participants’ fears related to COVID-19 and its impact on retention | S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S13, S15, S16 |