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Open Access 01.12.2025 | Research

Construction and verification of a risk prediction model of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses

verfasst von: Qinghua Lu, Mengjia Wang, Yi Zuo, Yingxue Tang, Rui Zhang, Jie Zhang

Erschienen in: BMC Nursing | Ausgabe 1/2025



Psychiatric nurses are more likely to experience psychological distress due to various factors in work and life. Establishing an early warning model of psychological distress for psychiatric nurses is helpful for reducing the incidence of psychological distress.


To explore the influencing factors of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses and construct and verify a risk prediction nomogram model.


A total of 812 psychiatric nurses were selected from psychiatric hospitals in Shandong Province from August to September 2022. They were divided into a negative group (K10 < 16 points) and a positive group (K10 ≥ 16 points) according to whether they experienced psychological distress. The elements contributing to psychological discomfort in psychiatric nurses were investigated via multivariate logistic regression analysis. R4.2.3 software and the rms program package were used to construct a risk prediction nomogram model for psychiatric nurses’ psychological distress. The prediction effect and degree of fit of the nomogram model were evaluated via receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, calibration curves, and the Hosmer–Lomoshow goodness-of-fit test.


Logistic regression analysis revealed that five indices, namely, senior nurses’ professional title, self-efficacy of psychological capital (PCQ-R), emotional exhaustion (EE) and personal accomplishment (PA) in job burnout (MBI), and the total Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score, were independent risk factors for the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses (P < 0.05). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the constructed nomogram prediction model was 0.91695% CI (95% CI: 0.891–0.941), the best cutoff value was 0.610, the sensitivity was 89.4%, and the specificity was 81.1%. The results of the calibration curve analysis revealed that the calibration curve of the column graph model for predicting the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses was close to the ideal curve. The Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test revealed no significant difference between the incidence of psychological distress predicted by the column–line model and the actual incidence among psychiatric nurses (x2 = 8.064, P = 0.472).


The nomogram model, based on the professional title of nurses, the self-efficacy dimension of psychological capital, the emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment dimension of job burnout, and the total score of the Pittsburgh sleep quality index, can effectively predict the risk of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses.

Trial registration

All the investigations in this study were authorized by the Shandong Mental Health Center’s Ethics Committee [2023] No. (37).

Publisher’s note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.


Psychological distress is an unpleasant emotional experience experienced by individuals through the interaction of multiple factors; it is a nonspecific adverse psychological state, including anxiety and depression [1]. Dyrbye et al. [2] proposed that psychological distress generally refers to depression, anxiety, stressful feelings, and mental health-related problems. According to the stress theory proposed by Lazarus et al. [3], when individuals are in a stressful environment for a long time and do not have sufficient coping resources, psychological distress will occur. Research has revealed that 55.3% of nurse‒patient conflicts are experienced by psychiatric nurses [4]. The improper handling of conflicts can lead to adverse emotional reactions, such as tension and anxiety on both sides, increasing psychological pressure. Therefore, more attention should be given to the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses. A study conducted by Liu et al. [5] revealed that 80.7% of psychiatric nurses suffer from psychological distress. Additionally, a study conducted by Lu et al. [6] which focused on nurses in 6 psychiatric hospitals, reported a psychological distress detection rate of 70.3%, 16.6% of whom reported severe psychological distress. The detection rate of psychological distress among nurses in general hospitals is as high as 85.9% [7]. High levels of psychological distress can increase the risk of nursing errors and reduce work efficiency, thereby affecting the quality of nursing services and patient safety [8]. Psychological distress can also directly or indirectly threaten the physical and mental health and quality of life of psychiatric nurses. Persistent psychological distress can easily lead to a decline in emotions, attitudes and behaviours, seriously affecting physical and mental health [9]. Studies have also shown that psychological resilience [10], workplace violence [11], nurse‒patient conflict [12], emotional regulation [12], job burnout [13], psychological capital [14], and sleep quality [15] influence psychological distress. However, regarding the extent to which these variables affect psychological distress and predict its effectiveness, there are few studies of predictive research on the influencing factors of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a predictive model of factors related to psychological distress in psychiatric nurses for early and effective identification of risk factors for psychological distress and targeted intervention.
According to previous research, job burnout is an important influencing factor of psychological distress [13]. Freudenberger [16] proposed the definition of burnout in 1974, referring to the sense of failure and exhaustion of workers due to excessive demands on energy, personal resources or mental strength. According to the International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision, ICD-11, burnout refers to a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that is not successfully managed and is included in the category of “factors affecting health status or contact with health care facilities” [17]. A meta-analysis revealed that the overall prevalence of burnout symptoms in nurses worldwide is 11.23% [18]. Burnout can lead to a series of physical discomforts, such as headaches, insomnia, irritability, inattention and chronic fatigue, seriously damaging the mental health of health professionals and causing anxiety, depression and other mental and psychological problems [19]. This finding indicates that job burnout should attract widespread attention. Clinical front-line medical staff, especially nurses, are often overloaded with work due to an insufficient workforce and high work pressure [20]. In particular, 38.4% of psychiatric nurses are at a high level of EE, 54.1% of psychiatric nurses are at a high level of DP, and 96.4% of psychiatric nurses have a high level of reduced PA [12]. However, there are no relevant data on the predictive validity of job burnout on the occurrence of psychological distress.
Sleep is a basic physiological need for humans and a necessary condition for human survival. Studies have shown a significant correlation between sleep quality and psychological distress and that people with low sleep quality have higher levels of psychological distress [21]. Difficulties falling asleep and a shortened sleep duration worsen mood and increase anxiety, leading to increased psychological distress. Moreover, psychological and emotional factors such as anxiety and depression prolong fast-wave sleep, resulting in sleep disorders. Sleep disorders, in turn, activate the body’s stress system. This biphasic interaction of psychological distress and sleep disorders ultimately gradually deteriorates an individual’s physical and psychological state [22]. Some studies have shown that shift work can also cause sleep problems, disrupting the normal biological clock [23, 24]. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to understand the impact of sleep on the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses to implement targeted interventions to promote their mental health.
Previous studies have also shown that organizational support [13] and psychological capital [14] are protective factors against psychological distress. With the continuous penetration of positive psychology research in related fields, psychological capital, as a positive and internal coping resource, has received increasing attention. Psychological capital is the positive core psychological element displayed by an individual in the process of growth and development, and its structure is constructed in four main dimensions: self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience [25]. Previous research has shown that high levels of psychological capital might impede psychological distress. Psychological capital is a low-cost and high-return form of human capital with positive potential that has a positive effect on nurses’ work performance, work attitudes, job satisfaction and other variables [26]. Studies have shown that corporate employees’ psychological capital plays a mediating role in the relationships between organizational support and occupational burnout, anxiety, and depression symptoms and that organizational support provides positive conditions for improving psychological capital [27]. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whether psychological capital and organizational support variables can predict the occurrence of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses.
The above research shows that psychological distress can be affected by multiple factors, such as burnout, sleep, organizational support and psychological capital. However, there is still a lack of large-sample research and visual prediction models on the extent to which these variables can predict the occurrence of psychological distress among psychiatric nurses. The probability of occurrence of psychological distress for an individual cannot be intuitively obtained. The predictive and protective factors of psychological distress among psychiatric nurses are expected to be clarified through this study via the nomogram method so that the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses can be identified early and effectively through regular psychological assessment and targeted interventions can be formulated promptly. Accordingly, three hypotheses are proposed:
Hypothesis 1
Job burnout has a predictive effect on the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses.
Hypothesis 2
Sleep quality has a predictive effect on the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses.
Hypothesis 3
Psychological capital and organizational support have protective effects on the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses.


Study design

This study employed a cross-sectional survey design.

Setting and participants

From August to September 2022, 812 psychiatric nurses were selected to participate in an anonymous survey via convenience sampling in China’s Shandong Province. According to the statistics of the Shandong Provincial Health Commission, by the end of 2021, 11,000 psychiatric nurses were registered in Shandong Province. According to the limited population sampling formula [28], the significance level α = 0.05, interval estimation confidence 1-α = 0.95, quantile k = 1.96, and P is usually set at 0.50 to obtain the most reliable sample size. The calculation formula for sample size is shown in Fig. 1. The calculation indicates that the number of samples to be investigated should be greater than 372, and 812 people are actually investigated. A stratified method of sampling was used to split seventeen prefecture-level cities in China’s Shandong Province into six categories by their geographical location: north, southwest, south, centre, provincial headquarters, and the Shandong peninsular area. The randomized number table method was used to choose one prefecture-level, higher education, and top mental hospital for each sector, with the study focusing on clinical nurses on the front lines at each institution. The inclusion criteria were as follows:(1)non-sex, marriage-restricted nurses between the ages of 18 and 60; (2) nurses with at least one year of experience working in mental health hospitals; (3) registered nurses with national nurse practitioner (NP) certification; (4) psychiatric nurses who operate in psychiatric institutes’ medical departments; and (5) psychiatric nurses who are on the job and voluntarily. Exclusion criteria include the following: (1) normal nurses at nonpsychiatric hospitals, including refresher and training nurses in mental institutions; (2) nurses who are on leave for more than 3 consecutive months; and (3) nurses who declined to engage in this study.

Questionnaire collection procedure

According to the sampling survey requirements, the nursing department of the surveyed unit is communicated with, and a person in charge of each unit is chosen. The researcher held a special meeting to introduce the questionnaire completion requirements and precautions to the person in charge of the surveyed unit. The questionnaire survey was conducted by electronic questionnaire on Questionnaire Star and included the following subquestionnaires, all of which were translated into Chinese and validated. The questionnaires used uniform guidelines and were answered anonymously to protect the subjects’ privacy. The time to complete the questionnaire was 15–25 min. A total of 904 questionnaires were filled out, excluding unqualified questionnaires with incomplete answers or logical errors, and 812 valid questionnaires were recovered, for an effective response rate of 89.82%.

Ethical considerations

All of the investigations in this study were authorized by the Shandong Mental Health Center’s Ethics Committee [2023] No. (37). All participants were informed of the purpose and procedures of the study and signed written informed consent prior to participation. Since no identifying information, such as the name and address, of any participant was collected, the privacy and anonymity of the participants were fully protected, and the data were aggregated and reported in summary form only.


General demographic data questionnaire

Sociodemographic questionnaire

Data were obtained via a self-designed questionnaire covering age, sex, marital status, level of education, professional title, job years, and income per month, and all the items were self-assessed.

Kessler psychological distress scale (K10)

This scale was developed by Kessler et al. [22] and contains 10 items that evaluate the frequency of nonspecific psychological distress symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, experienced in the past 4 weeks. The Chinese version was tested for reliability and validity among university students by Zhou et al. in 2008 [29], with a Cronbach’s α of 0.8011 and a half-fold reliability of 0.7076. A 5-point scoring system is adopted, with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 points given for almost none, occasionally, sometimes, most of the time, and all of the time, respectively. The total score is the sum of all the scores of the 10 items and ranges from 10 to 50 points. The higher the total score, the more severe the psychological distress. The individual’s mental health status was divided into four levels according to the K10 total score, with scores of 10–15 indicating almost no psychological distress, scores of 16– to 21 indicating mild psychological distress, scores of 22– to 29 indicating moderate psychological distress, and scores of 30– to 50 indicating severe psychological distress. A K10 total score higher than 16 points indicates the presence of psychological distress. Cronbach’s α of this scale in this study was 0.938.

Maslach burnout inventory (MBI)

The MBI was jointly compiled by Maslach and Jackson in 1986 and is an internationally used scale for studying nurse burnout [30]. The Chinese version was translated and tested by Yu Hua [31], showing good reliability and validity. The retest reliabilities of the three dimensions of emotional exhaustion, work apathy, and work accomplishment were 0.86, 0.84, and 0.82, respectively, and Cronbach’s α values were 0.91, 0.81, and 0.54, respectively. Emotional exhaustion describes excessive exhaustion and increased feelings of exhaustion, which primarily reflects an individual’s emotional response to constant work stress. Depersonalization reflects an individual’s interpersonal dimension, which reflects nurses’ apathy, insensitivity, and machine-like nonemotional reactions when providing services and care to patients. A reduced sense of personal accomplishment reflects an individual’s evaluation of their work achievements and value. The questionnaire comprises 22 items: emotional exhaustion (9 items), depersonalization (5 items), and personal achievement (8 items). The sum of the scores for each element is used to score all the elements on a scale of 0– to 6. The higher the score, the greater the severity of burnout. Cronbach’s α values of the three dimensions of this scale in this study were 0.887, 0.815, and 0.883, respectively.

Perceived organizational support scale (POS)

A simplified version of the organizational support scale compiled by Eisenberger was adopted [25]. Research conducted by Yang revealed that the scale has good reliability and validity in the Chinese cultural context [32]. It consists of nine items, each graded from 1 (completely disagree) to 7 (completely agree). Items 5 and 7 are reverse scored, and the points from each item are added together to provide a total score ranging from 9 to 63 points. The stronger the organizational support, the higher the total score. Cronbach’s coefficient for the scale in this study was 0.855.

Psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ-R)

The Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) adopts the Chinese version of the PCQ [33] scale, with 24 items divided into four dimensions: self-efficacy, hope, resilience and optimism. This scale has high reliability and validity and has been used in various Chinese studies. All items are scored on a scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). The overall score ranges between 24 and 144, with a rating of 1–2 indicating a low level of psychological capital, a rating of 3–4 indicating an intermediate level of psychological capital, and a score of 4 or above indicating a high level of psychological capital. Cronbach’s alpha values for this study’s self-efficacy, hope, tenacity, and optimism were 0.887, 0.899, 0.798, and 0.741, respectively. Cronbach’s alpha for the scale was 0.939.

Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI)

The PSQI, developed by Buysse and Reynolds [34], has been evaluated for reliability and validity in China by Liu et al. [26] and is used to measure participants’ sleep quality in the previous month. According to Buysse’s research, a global PSQI score > 5 yielded a diagnostic sensitivity of 89.6% and specificity of 86.5% in distinguishing good and poor sleepers. In research on the Chinese population, the Chinese scholar Liu Xianchen reported that a PSQI score > 7 points could be set as the reference threshold for sleep quality problems in Chinese adults. The Chinese version of the PSQI is regarded as an important indicator of sleep quality. In this study, the Chinese version of the questionnaire, appropriate for domestic research, was utilized to examine each dimension. This score comprises subjective sleep duration, latency in sleep, sleep tenacity, habitual efficiency of sleep, insomnia, hypnotic use of medications, and daytime dysfunction. Each element was assigned a value between 0 and 3, and the sum of the scores for each component yielded the final results of the PSQI, which varied between 0 and 21 points. Individuals with more than 7 points were considered patients, whereas those with fewer than 7 points were considered nonpatients. As a result, the higher the score, the worse the quality of sleep. Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.839.

Data analysis

For statistical analysis, SPSS 25.0 was utilized. Normally distributed data are expressed as the means and standard deviations, and t tests were used to compare groups. To define nonnormally distributed data from measurements, M (P25, P75) was used, and the rank sum test was used to compare groups. Count data were characterized in terms of frequency and percentage, and the cross-square test was performed to compare groups. The independent risk variables were determined via logistic regression, the nomogram model was built via R4.2.3, and a calibration curve was constructed to assess the model’s goodness of fit. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to assess the model’s prediction ability. P < 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant.


General information on psychiatric nurses

We distributed 904 questionnaires and obtained 812 valid responses (response rate: 89.82%). The participants included 208 (25.62%) men and 604 (74.38%) women, aged
18–58 years (mean age = 32.69 ± 8.07. The number of working years ranged from 1 to 40 years, and the median number of working years M(P25,P75) was 6(3,15), as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants
Age (in years)
Marital status
Monthly income
≤ 3000yuan
Professional title
Junior nurse
Senior nurse
Associate superintendent nurse
Number of working years
≤ 5 Years
Educational background
College degree or below
Bachelor’s degree or above
Shift Frequency
No times
1 to 3 times

Single-factor analysis of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses

In this study, 812 psychiatric nurses were divided into two groups according to the presence of psychological distress (K10 score ≥ 16). As shown in Table 2, there were mathematically significant differences between the two groups with respect to professional title, shift frequency, psychological capital (self-efficacy, hope, tenacity, and optimism dimensions and total score), job burnout (EE, DP, PA and total score), and the total score of organizational support and sleep quality (P < 0.05). (Table 2)
Table 2
Single factor analysis of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses(n = 812, Shandong, China)
K10<16(n = 241)
K10 ≥ 16(n = 571)
Test statistics
Age (in years)
Marital status
Monthly income
< 3000yuan
Professional title
Junior nurse
85(28.9%)a, b
209(71.1%)a, b
Senior nurse
Associate superintendent nurse
Number of working years
< 5 Years
Educational background
College degree or below
Bachelor’s degree or above
Shift Frequency
No times
1 to 3 times
>3 times
Self Efficacy
Total points
Emotional Exhaustion(EE)
Personal Accomplishment(PA)
Total points
Total points
Total points
Note:a, b:Chi-square segmentation pairwise compares the marking letters; c:x2; d:Z;PCQ-R: Psychological Capital Questionnaire; MBI: Maslach Burnout Inventory; POS: Perceived Organizational Support Scale; PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
Table 3
Table of variable assignments(n = 812, Shandong, China)
Method of assignment
<16 = 0;≥16 = 1
Age (in years)
<30 = 1;30–45 = 2;>45
Male = 1;Female = 2
Marital status
Married = 1;Single = 2
Monthly income
≤ 3000yuan = 1;3000-5000yuan = 2;>5000yuan = 3
Professional title
Nurse = 1;Junior nurse = 2;Senior nurse = 3;Associate superintendent nurse = 4
Number of working years
≤ 5 Years = 1;5-10Years = 2;>10Years = 3
Educational background
College degree or below = 1;Bachelor’s degree or above = 2
Shift Frequency
No times=1;1to3 times=2;>3 times=3
Table 4
Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses(n = 812, Shandong, China)
95% CI
Professional title
 Junior nurse
 Senior nurse
 Associate superintendent nurse
Shift Frequency
 No times
 Self Efficacy
 Emotional Exhaustion(EE)
 Personal Accomplishment(PA)
Note: PCQ-R: Psychological Capital Questionnaire; MBI: Maslach Burnout Inventory; POS: Perceived Organizational Support Scale; PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index

Logistic regression analysis of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses

The 13 factors with statistical significance in the univariate analysis were taken as independent variables, and whether psychiatric nurses experienced psychological distress (K10 ≥ 16 points) was taken as the dependent variable for logistic regression analysis. The assignment table of the independent variables is shown in Table 3. The results show that the title of psychiatric nurse indicates the supervisor nurse, for every 1-point reduction in self-efficacy, for every 1-point increase in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment and for every 1-point increase in sleep quality. It is an independent risk factor for psychological distress in psychiatric nurses. The specific values are shown in Table 4.

Construction of a nomogram for predicting psychological distress in psychiatric nurses

The process of constructing this study’s psychological distress prediction model is shown in Fig. 2. The psychological distress diagram of psychiatric nurses was built based on the logistic regression findings, as shown in Fig. 3. This prediction model identifies the relevant score value of each item in the graph, adds the scores to create the total score, and calculates the likelihood of psychological distress of psychiatric nurses based on the score on the risk axis.

Validation of the predictive effect of the model for predicting psychological distress in psychiatric nurses

The calibrate function was used to create a calibration curve to assess the model’s goodness of fit. As shown in Fig. 4, the slope of the curve was close to one. The model’s prediction effect was tested via receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. As shown in Fig. 5, the area under the ROC curve was 0.916 (P < 0.001), the highest approximate entry index was 0.705, the ideal critical value was 0.610, the sensitivity was 0.894, and the specificity was 0.811.


Analysis of the predictors of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses

Nurses in charge are vulnerable to psychological anguish, which could be because this category of nurse forms the backbone of clinical work and is subjected to severe professional demands by family, teaching, scientific research, and family pressure [35].
The results of the single-factor analysis revealed that shift frequency was an influential factor of psychological distress but not a predictor of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses in the multivariate analysis. This may be because shift frequency changes nurses’ work and rest schedules; however, it is not an independent factor causing psychological distress.
Psychological anguish is more prevalent among psychiatric nurses who have low self-efficacy. In this study, a single-factor analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the level of organizational support between psychiatric nurses with and without psychological distress. However, in the regression analysis, this variable was not included in the regression equation, suggesting that organizational support was not an independent predictor of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses. In the present research, single-factor analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the overall score of psychological capital and each of its four components—self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism—between psychiatric nurses with and without psychological distress. Regression studies revealed that self-efficacy predicted the probability of psychological discomfort. These findings demonstrate that nurses’ psychological capital is closely connected to the prevalence of psychological discomfort; this could be because psychological capital is a good psychological state demonstrated by people who are growing and developing. Psychological capital is an essential positive psychology resource and an individual’s basic psychological characteristic that may successfully enhance individual progress [13]. Improving an individual’s self-confidence and optimistic attitude can effectively reduce the distress of negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression [36], and reduce the individual’s stress response [37]. Individuals have a high level of psychological capital, allowing them to face stress with a positive attitude, better perceive the respect, care and attention of the organization, and, thus, have more self-confidence and be able to respond positively when encountering problems and setbacks. Therefore, it stimulates the positive and optimistic mentality of nurses. This positive emotion brings more positive energy to the individual, reducing the psychological distress of anxiety, depression and other negative emotions caused by stressful events. Self-efficacy was a predictor of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses. Self-efficacy is the ability of people to motivate themselves, recognize their own resources and take the necessary actions to behave in a certain way in a given environment [38]. When facing challenging work, individuals with high self-efficacy are confident that they will succeed through hard work. When encountering crises and obstacles, confident people are usually more optimistic, allowing them to face positive setbacks and difficulties with solid confidence. Therefore, in the career training of psychiatric nurses, group training programs to improve self-efficacy should be added, and more motivational language and measures should be provided at work to improve nurses’ self-confidence.
Emotional exhaustion (EE) is severely reduced. Increased emotional exhaustion (EE) is more prone to psychological distress in psychiatric nurses, which could be due to the nature of the job. Patients with mental problems, particularly those with severe mental disorders, may encounter violent events, suicide, self-injury, escape, and other unexpected events as a result of diminished mental health and mental illness [27]. Psychiatric nurses also experience high rates of workplace violence [39]. The institutions where the subjects of this study are located are psychiatric hospitals in Shandong Province, and most patients admitted have severe mental disorders, with higher risks and greater pressure on nurses [29]. Psychiatric nurses are often in a state of high emotional tension and are prone to emotional exhaustion [31].
Low psychiatric nurses’ PA scores may be due to the high-risk and high-relapse features of individuals who have mental illnesses [32]. The relapse and repeated hospitalization of patients with mental disorders, the low cure rate for patients with severe mental disorders and the continuous decline in social functions [40] reduce the value experience of psychiatric nurses, frustrating their self-confidence and resulting in a diminished sense of work achievement. Moreover, most psychiatric nursing work involves basic, medication, psychological, and rehabilitation nursing, among other types [35]. Psychological nursing skills, requiring strength-based nursing care for psychiatric nurses, can lead to a sense of accomplishment for nurses [24, 41]. However, improving psychological nursing skills requires some organizational support, including professional training, practice and case supervision, to increase personal professional skills and recognition from patients, prompting a sense of value for psychiatric nurses. Without sufficient organizational support and intrinsic motivation for personal growth, the year-after-year performance of traditional daily psychiatric care, such as primary care, will cause psychiatric nurses to lack a sense of self-worth. Moreover, the utilization of professional skills and advanced equipment to rescue critically ill patients involve the urgent challenge of saving lives but also provides nurses an intuitive experience of treatment and saving lives for, increasing their sense of self-worth [42]. However, these complex first aid tasks for critically ill patients are rarely used in psychiatric departments. According to Xia Lei [40], the recognition rate of low personal achievement among psychiatric nurses is as high as 61.9%, which is greater than that among psychiatrists (47.8%) and psychotherapists (40.0%).
Psychiatric nurses who sleep poorly are more prone to experience psychological disturbances. According to this study, psychiatric nurses with greater sleep quality scores are more likely to experience psychological discomfort. This may be due to the bidirectional interaction connection between sleep quality and psychological suffering, such as anxiety and depression. Sleep deprivation activates the body’s stress response. If a person remains in this state for an extended period of time, he or she can develop psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. This emotional and psychological distress prolongs fast-wave sleep and aggravates sleep disorders. This type of psychological distress and sleep disorders has interdependent effects and ultimately leads to the deterioration of an individual’s physical and psychological state [24]. In this study, single-factor analysis revealed statistically significant variations in the frequency of nurses’ shifts between psychiatric nurses with and without psychological distress. However, this variable was not included in the equation of the regression analysis, suggesting that the frequency of nurses’ shifts may have some effect on sleep, even though it was not an independent predictor of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses. Research has shown that the frequency of nurses’ shifts is positively correlated with sleep latency, sleep efficiency and subjective sleep quality [41]. The biological rhythm of nurses on shifts is disrupted, affecting body functions, leading to insomnia or lethargy, and resulting in worse sleep quality [42]. The prevalence of shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) among psychiatric nurses in China is 37.5% [43]. The nursing profession determines the work pattern of shifts. Currently, healthy sleep queues for nurses have been established in Japan [44] and Norway [45]. This finding also suggests that shifts may cause the psychological distress of nurses through its impact on the quality of sleep.

The prediction model of psychological distress among psychiatric nurses has a good prediction effect

We constructed a nomogram for psychological distress prediction for psychiatric nurses, as shown in Fig. 2. This study uses the operating characteristic curve of the research object to test the prediction effect of the model. When the region under the contour of the curve is 0.5– to 0.7, the prediction impact is poor; when it is 0.7– to 0.9, the prediction effect is medium; and when it is > 0.9, the forecasting effect is high [46]. In this study, the model’s circumference of the receiver operating characteristic curve is 0.916, the highest Youden index value is 0.699, its ideal critical value is 0.610, its sensitivity is 0.894, and its specificity is 0.811, indicating it has a strong prediction impact. A calibration curve was created to assess the model’s quality of fit. The slope of the curve is close to one, indicating that the model accurately predicts the risk of emotional distress among nurses working in psychiatry. The prediction model developed has a high degree of discrimination and calibration. The nomogram-based psychological distress prediction model for psychiatric nurses visualizes complicated equations and estimates the likelihood of psychological distress occurrence among psychiatric nurses on the basis of the nomogram model score, which is simple and straightforward to apply.


This study investigated the variables that influence the likelihood of emotional distress among nurses working in psychiatry wards in Shandong Province. The model has high discrimination, accuracy, and high test efficiency, can assist nursing managers and nurses in assessing the risk of psychological distress for themselves, and provides a theoretical basis for early prospective intervention.

Relevance for clinical practice

Being a supervisory nurse, self-efficacy, emotional tiredness, a low level of personal success, and poor sleep quality were determined to be independent risk factors for psychological distress among psychiatric nurses (P < 0.05). These findings indicate that psychiatric nursing supervisors should pay particular attention to middle-aged backbone nurses and those with low self-efficacy, severe burnout, and poor sleep quality. In the career planning and core competency training of nursing staff, positive psychology intervention courses should be added to improve nurses’ self-efficacy, increase their attention to their own sleep quality, and help them learn and master popular and professional knowledge about improving sleep. More career development platforms should be provided for nurses in management to help them better realize their self-worth. At the same time, standardized management and reasonable allocation of nurses can improve nurses’ satisfaction with the practice environment and relieve the occupational pressure of psychiatric nurses, reducing professional burnout and promoting mental health. The nomogram model developed in the present study was employed to assess the influence of multiple factors on the psychological distress of psychiatric nurses and to quantify the likelihood of psychological discomfort. When the predicted probability is ≥ 0.610, psychiatric nurses are at a greater risk of psychological distress and should be highly concerned. For this group, timely follow-up and professional intervention are needed. When the predicted probability is close to the critical value, the nursing staff should be reminded to pay attention, and a forwards-looking intervention plan should be formulated for them. Psychological distress is a dynamic process. Nursing managers should establish nurses’ mental health files and regularly conduct dynamic tracking assessments of nursing staff in their institutions, at least once a year, to identify high-risk groups in advance and take active and effective intervention measures to improve the quality of work and life of psychiatric nurses.


First, this was a multicentre cross-sectional study with regional representation. However, only clinical nurses in tertiary hospitals in Shandong Province were sampled, which does not fully represent the psychological distress level of nurses in Shandong Provincial Psychiatric Specialized Hospitals. Therefore, future studies in other parts of China are needed to verify the results of this study. Second, this study employed a survey for self-assessment, which is relatively subjective. Finally, this study only used a nomogram, a model prediction method, for visualization. Although the model prediction fits well, it does not compare multiple methods. Using various artificial intelligence prediction methods for statistical analysis in later research and selecting optimal prediction models are recommended.


We thank the hospital for providing support and help with this study and all the nursing participants.


The present study was conducted with the approval of the Ethics Committee of Shandong Mental Health Center ([2023] No. (37)). The present study adheres to the guidance listed in the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants provided written informed consent.
All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.
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Construction and verification of a risk prediction model of psychological distress in psychiatric nurses
verfasst von
Qinghua Lu
Mengjia Wang
Yi Zuo
Yingxue Tang
Rui Zhang
Jie Zhang
BioMed Central
Erschienen in
BMC Nursing / Ausgabe 1/2025
Elektronische ISSN: 1472-6955