Ausgabe Sonderheft 1/2015 Improving access to healthcare
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
The genetic diabetic nurse: transforming diabetes care
- Open Access
- Keynote presentation
Maggie Shepherd
Access to healthcare for people with intellectual disability
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Magnus Sandberg, Gerd Ahlström, Jimmie Kristensson
Managing life-altering situations – health needs of families living with recently diagnosed memory disorder
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Hanna-Mari Pesonen
Assessing emotional health needs of patients with schizophrenia in order to apply more effective therapies to improve their quality of life
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Andrea Mallorquí Molina, Mercé Comes Forastero
Network meetings – access to specialist knowledge and mediation of social support for patients with primary brain tumours and their families – a participatory action research project
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Pia Riis Olsen
Risk factors associated with the colonization of group b streptococcus during pregnancy: preliminary results
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Lidia Francés Ribera, Àngels Paulí Cabezas, Paula Amorós Ferrer, Montserrat Villanueva Guevara, Avelina Tortosa Moreno, M Victoria Cambredó Aparicio
Access to healthcare services for people recovering from alcohol excess
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Sarah Rhynas
Access to effective healthcare: effective self-management support intervention for patients with a chronic condition and a low social economic status: a systematic review
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Ann Van Hecke, Maud Heinen, Paz Fernandez-Ortega, Marit Graue, Jeroen Hendriks, Bente Høy, Sascha Köpke, Maria Lithner, Betsie van Gaal
Investigating the experiences of older adults with osteoporosis focusing on the diagnostic journey and pathways to specialist care
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Margaret Smith
Food‘to’go - a feasibility study of post-discharge delivery of protein- and energy-enforced meals for older patients by the use of information and communications technology (ICT)
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Tove Lindhardt
Future distinguishing competencies of baccalaureate-educated registered nurses in nursing homes
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Ramona Backhaus, Hilde Verbeek, Erik van Rossum, Elizabeth Capezuti, Jan PH Hamers
What is the extent, range and nature of evidence available around the impact of 12-hour nursing shift patterns?
- Open Access
- Speaker presentation
Ruth Harris