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Onkologische Rehabilitation

  • 2024
  • OriginalPaper
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Die onkologische Rehabilitation ist ein wichtiger Baustein im Gesamtkonzept der Behandlung von an Krebs erkrankten Menschen. Der Rehabilitationsprozess ist als langfristige Intervention zu betrachten und sollte sich zeitnah an die Akutbehandlung …

Wissenswertes zur neurologischen Rehabilitation

  • 2023
  • OriginalPaper
  • Buchkapitel
Auch für eine Rehabilitation bei Polyneuropathie gibt es kein Kochrezept. Jeder Patient erhält die an seine individuelle Krankheitsgeschichte optimal angepassten Behandlungspakete. Der große Vorteil einer neurologischen Rehabilitation ist, dass …

Cancer rehabilitation in clinical practice: a qualitative study exploring contact nurses’ views on prerequisites

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Currently there is a lack of knowledge and structures for how contact nurses in cancer care (CNCC) should systematically address and meet patients’ individual needs for cancer rehabilitation. Cancer rehabilitation aims to prevent functional …

Transitional care for older persons with need of geriatric rehabilitation nursing interventions

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Population ageing, mostly due to an increase in average life expectancy and improved health care, has brought important social and longevity gains, but it has also increased the incidence of chronic and/or disabling diseases [ 1 ], and the …

Strategies for enhancing home-based cardiac rehabilitation self-management for patients with coronary heart disease: a qualitative study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Cardiac rehabilitation encompasses a comprehensive approach to ensure that patients with heart disease achieve optimal physical, mental, and social functioning, enabling them to restore normalcy in their lives through personal effort [ 1 , 2 ].

Construction of sensitive quality indicators for rapid rehabilitation care of patients after combined pancreaticoduodenectomy

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
A common malignant tumor of the human digestive system, pancreatic cancer displays rapid progression, higher prevalence as well as mortality rates, and poor prognosis [ 1 ]. The National Cancer Center’s most recent data reveal that the incidence …

Effectiveness of a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation maintenance programme: the Rehab2Life study protocol

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is the bedrock of non-pharmacological treatment for people with COPD. Nonetheless, it is well described in the literature that unless the patient changes his behaviour, the benefits of PR programmes will decline in …

Rehabilitative Kurzzeitpflege – Optimierung der poststationären Versorgung von geriatrischen Patienten mit Rehabilitationsbedarf: Ergebnisse der REKUP-Studie

  • Open Access
  • 28.09.2024
  • Online First
Fortbestehende Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen über den Krankenhausaufenthalt (KA) hinaus und sinkende Verweildauern führen zu einer Zunahme der Inanspruchnahme von Kurzzeitpflege (KZP) bei geriatrischen Patient*innen nach der Entlassung aus dem …

Rehabilitation komplexer muskuloskelettaler Verletzungen

Kompendium für Physiotherapeuten und Ergotherapeuten

Dieses Praxisbuch liefert Physiotherapeuten und Ergotherapeuten grundlegendes Verständnis für verschiedene Gewebearten, deren individuelle Belastbarkeit und therapeutische Fördermöglichkeiten während des Rehabilitationsprozesses. Wie sieht ein …

The heterogeneous depression trajectory and its predictors in coronary heart disease patients undergoing home-based cardiac rehabilitation: a cohort study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive program designed to improve the cardiac and overall functional status affected by cardiovascular diseases, prevent recurrent cardiovascular events, enhance quality of life, and facilitate reintegration …

From need to action: decoding the role of motivation in adherence to home-based cardiac rehabilitation exercise in chronic heart failure patients

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a prevalent condition that imposes a significant burden on both patients and healthcare systems worldwide [ 1 ]. Among the various therapeutic interventions, home-based cardiac rehabilitation (HBCR) has emerged as a …

Impact of a comprehensive rehabilitation palliative care program on the quality of life of patients with terminal cancer and their informal caregivers: a quasi-experimental study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Cancer remains a consequential worldwide health issue as its rate continuously rises across the globe [ 1 ]. In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) approximated that around 19.3 million individuals acquired new cases of cancer. This estimate …

Development and evaluation of a rehabilitation training compliance scale for patients with urinary incontinence

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Urinary incontinence (UI) refers to an objectively proven condition of involuntary urine leakage [ 1 ]. Sneezing and coughing can induce urine leakage, which leads to awkwardness, anxiety, and depression in most patients. The frequent urine leakage …

A scale for measuring home-based cardiac rehabilitation exercise adherence: a development and validation study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Despite progress in prevention and control, the number of patients with cardiovascular disease is still on the rise due to global aging [ 1 ] Cardiovascular disease remains a leading contributor to human mortality and loss of healthy years, thus …

Sophomore nursing students’ perception of their Professional Behavior toward Rehabilitation patients: a cross-sectional study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Rehabilitation is considered one of the elements of universal health coverage (UHC), meaning that rehabilitation services must be available worldwide for every person in need [ 1 ]. The term ‘rehabilitation’ refers to a targeted and time-delimited …

Rehabilitationsbedarf geriatrischer Patienten in Kurzzeitpflege nach akutstationärem Aufenthalt – ein vernachlässigter Versorgungsanspruch

  • 26.06.2024
  • Online First
Statistiken der Pflegeversicherung zeigen eine zunehmende Inanspruchnahme von Kurzzeitpflege (KZP) durch geriatrische Patienten nach akutstationärem Klinikaufenthalt. Bei einem Teil dieser Patienten liegt Rehabilitationsbedarf vor. Es stellt sich …

Predictors of home-based cardiac rehabilitation exercise adherence among patients with chronic heart failure: a theory-driven cross-sectional study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Chronic heart failure is a persistent clinical syndrome caused by structural and/or functional abnormalities of the heart and confirmed by objective evidence [ 1 ]. Despite some progress in prevention and control, the clinical prognostic burden of …

Patients’ experiences of using a mobile application-based rehabilitation programme after total hip or knee arthroplasty: a qualitative descriptive study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are two surgeries that are widely performed worldwide [ 1 ]. Patients undergoing THA and TKA are often discharged from the acute-care hospital within 4 days after surgery [ 2 ]. Due to …

Construction of nursing-sensitive quality indicator system for cardiac rehabilitation of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention based on structure-process-outcome model

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2023
  • OriginalPaper
Coronary heart disease (CHD), also known as coronary artery disease, is a very common cardiovascular disease. Specifically, CHD refers to coronary artery stenosis due to plaque or atherosclerosis in the arterial wall, thereby affecting the blood …

Barriers to hospital-based phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation among patients with coronary heart disease in China: a mixed-methods study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2022
  • OriginalPaper
Coronary heart disease (CHD) has increasingly become a leading cause of morbidity and premature death worldwide [ 1 ]. China, as a middle-income country, has an estimated 11 million patients with CHD, which accounts for the largest proportion of …
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