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Psychometric evaluation of Persian version of the oral presentation evaluation scale in nursing students

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Oral presentations are widely used for assessing student performance in higher education settings [ 1 ]. They are a crucial tool for evaluating students’ grasp of a subject [ 2 ]. A well-prepared and effectively delivered speech can impart new …

Development and psychometric evaluation of the Nursing Teacher Emotional Labor Scale

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Emotional labor was first proposed by Hochschild [ 1 ] in her book “The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling”. It was defined as the management of feelings to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display for reward. Teaching …

Development and validation of the nurses’ touch comfort evaluation scale in China

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Touch comfort refers to the level of comfort nurses feel internally when touching patients [ 1 ]. During hospitalization, nurses frequently need to touch patients [ 2 ]. As a part of caring activities, touch can not only improve patient outcomes …

Development and preliminary evaluation of a decision coach training module for nurses in Norway

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
The Norwegian Patients’ Rights Act emphasises patients’ right to be involved in healthcare decisions, aligning with the national motto “The patients’ healthcare services” [ 1 – 3 ]. Shared decision-making (SDM) is a collaborative, patient-centred …

Evaluation of primary health care nurses’ knowledge and neonatal screening performance for phenylketonuria in Alexandria

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare inherited metabolic disorder in the phenylalanine (Phe) metabolism. It is caused by deficiency or absence of the phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme. The normal function of phenylalanine hydroxylase is to catalyze the …

Die Evaluation und deren Instrumente (Fünfte Phase des Case Management Prozesses)

  • 2023
  • OriginalPaper
  • Buchkapitel
In Prozessen zu arbeiten, ist allgemein geläufig. Viele kennen aus dem Qualitätsmanagement das „Check – Plan – Do – Act“. In der Pflege gibt es den Pflegeprozess mit „Problem – Diagnose – Ziele – Maßnahmen – Evaluation“, um an dieser Stelle …

Designing and psychometric evaluation of safe nursing care instrument in intensive care units

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
As recently defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2021, patient safety is a framework of organized activities that create cultures, processes, behaviors, technologies, climates, and environments in healthcare organizations. This …

Implementing workplace health promotion in nursing – A process evaluation in different care settings

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Public health is of great interest worldwide and health promotion therefore also requires efforts outside the health sector [ 1 ]. The workplace appears to be a suitable place to promote the health of employees [ 2 – 4 ]. Workplace health promotion …

Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation einer rehabilitativen Kurzzeitpflege

Ermittlung der Kosten von geriatrischen Patienten mit und ohne rehabilitative Kurzzeitpflege nach stationärem Krankenhausaufenthalt

  • Open Access
  • 15.05.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Geriatrische Patient:innen in Kurzzeitpflege (KZP) mit Rehabilitationsbedarf nach akutstationärem Aufenthalt nehmen selten eine Rehabilitation in Anspruch, was langfristig zu einem erhöhten Bedarf an Pflegeleistungen führen kann. Die …

Nurses’ opinions on euthanasia in Spain: an evaluation using a new version of the EAS

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
In the bioethical field, the word euthanasia refers, based on its etymology, to “good death” [ 1 ]. In reference to the conceptual development of ethical conflicts related to the end of life, different terms have been used to focus on the …

The caregiver contribution to self-care of stroke inventory (CC-SCSI): evaluation of psychometric characteristics

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Globally, stroke imposes a significant burden on patients, their families, and society [ 1 ]. In 2019, it remained the second-leading cause of death and the third-leading cause of death and disability combined [ 2 ]. The incidence rate of stroke …

Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Korean version of the Reproductive Concerns After Cancer Scale (RCAC)

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Owing to recent advancements in healthcare systems, cancer survival rates have increased. The 5-year cancer survival rate is 93.6% and is steadily increasing [ 1 ]. In women of reproductive age, better survival raises concerns regarding fertility …

Assessment of operating room nurses’ exposure to biological hazards: development and psychometric evaluation of a scale

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Workplace accidents are the third most common cause of death in the world and the second leading cause of death in Iran after car accidents [ 1 , 2 ]. The International Labor Organization reports that one person loses his/her life as a result of a …

Development and evaluation of an external second victim support program for nurses: a single-group feasibility study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Nurses who experience patient safety incidents are recognized as second victims of such incidents because they can suffer psychological and emotional trauma in the aftermath of the incident [ 1 , 2 ]. As second victims, nurses can be seriously …

Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the nurse turnover intention scale: a translation and validation study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Globally, the shortage of nurses and their uneven regional distribution are significant problems. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) presented a report on March 20, 2023, emphasising the severe urgency of the current shortage of nurses. In …

Evaluation of a new concept to improve and organize clinical practice in nursing education: a pilot-study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Nurses are vital to the healthcare system and consist of the largest part of healthcare professionals. However, the nursing profession worldwide faces shortages due to the increase in the ageing population and people living with chronic diseases …

Evaluation of emergency nurses’ knowledge of medical response in nuclear and radiological emergencies : a cross-sectional study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Nuclear and radiological emergencies (NREs), though infrequent, pose a significant threat to public health and safety, demanding a swift and efficient response from healthcare systems worldwide [ 1 , 2 ]. These emergencies can arise from a variety …

Evaluation of nurses’ attitudes and behaviors regarding narcotic drug safety and addiction: a descriptive cross-sectional study

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2024
  • OriginalPaper
Addiction is the continued use of a substance despite the fact that it causes mental, physical or social problems, the inability to quit despite the desire to quit, and the inability to stop the desire to take the substance [ 1 ]. There are many …

Development of an evaluation index system for inappropriate hospital admissions after colorectal cancer surgery in the context of enhanced recovery after surgery

  • Open Access
  • 01.12.2025
  • OriginalPaper
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in the world, ranking third and second in terms of incidence and mortality [ 1 ]. Surgery remains the primary treatment for colorectal cancer. With the promotion and application of the …
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