Descriptive statistics
We recruited 1,124 nurses and physicians for the study, most from TH (803 nurses, 174 physicians) rather than UMC (71 nurses, 74 physicians). More than a half, 621, shared the most distressing experiences with the rest not responding or indicating that none were applicable; physicians at UMC were the outliers with the lowest rate of report at 17 (22%). Almost a half, 510, reported some experiences related to reinforcing pride in their professions, with the physicians from UMC being an outlier (11 reports, 14%). Just over a third, 443, reported both stressful events and those that instilled pride in their professions.
Nurses were predominantly female (81%), White (89%), married or divorced (65%), aged 44 years on average (range 21–70), almost half had children under 18 years of age living at home (45%). Among nurses, 225 reported to have felt unwell since start of the pandemic and 16 reported a positive test for COVID-19; 45% had history of anxiety or depression with 20% reporting treatment a year before the onset of the pandemic.
There were more males among physicians (56%); they were more likely to be White (73%), married or divorced (68%), aged 50 years on average (range 24–75), almost half had children under 18 years of age living at home (49%). Among physicians, 43 reported to have felt unwell since start of the pandemic and 4 reported a positive test for COVID-19; 26% had history of anxiety or depression with 10% reporting treatment a year before the onset of the pandemic.
Exploratory principal components analysis suggests that there are four independent groups of nurses and physicians, accounting for 80% of common variance (details in Supplemental Material A). There is a group with history of anxiety and depression that was also symptomatic during the pandemic who tended not to report either distressing or proudful experiences. The second group reported both distressing and proud events but had neither history nor current symptoms of anxiety and depression. The third group was anxious and depressed at time of survey but had no history of these conditions and did not report any distressing or proudful experiences. The fourth group was characterized by both distressing experiences and being a case of depression, but low on anxiety scale and with no history of mood disorders. There results suggest that (a) persons with history of mood disorders are not the ones who are most likely to report events that either distressed or reinforced pride (groups 1 and 2) and (b) the history of mood disorders is not the sole driver of experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic (groups 3 and 4).
Risk of anxiety and depression
Among nurses and physicians who reported distressful events, the rate of cases of anxiety was higher (33%, 202/607) than among those who did not (25%, 65/262) and the rate of cases of depression was higher (12%, 70/607) than among those who did not (9%, 23/262). Among those who reported events reinforcing pride in the profession, the rate of anxiety was elevated (32%, 161/501) compared to those who did not (29%, 106/368) while the rate of depression was reduced (10%, 50/501) compared to those who did not (12%, 43/368). There was no evidence of multiplicative interaction between the reports of proudful and distressing experiences on the odds of either anxiety or depression. We observed the evidence of distressing experiences elevating the odds of anxiety: OR 1.39 (95% CI: 0.96, 2.00) after accounting for healthcare system and profession.
For depression, we observed evidence of increased odds with report of distressing experiences (OR 1.48; 95%CI: 0.85, 2.55) and decreased odds with reports of events that instilled pride in the profession (OR 0.71; 95%CI: 0.44, 1.14), after accounting for healthcare system and profession. The null hypothesis test for heterogeneity for the above two effect estimates yielded p = 0.02.
The effect estimates for the above-mentioned logistic regressions models were not materially different after adjustment for other covariates.
Associations of specific themes of distressing experiences with anxiety and depression are illustrated in Table
1. The most reported distressing experiences related to fear of infection (15%), concerns about use of and access to personal protective equipment (14%), lack of transparency in communications and administrative support (14%), and uncertainty (11%). When all factors were considered together, including adjusting for experiences that reinforced pride, the odds of anxiety was elevated among those who expressed worries about infecting immediate family (OR: 1.75; 95%CI: 0.89, 3.44), were dissatisfied with standards of patient care (OR: 3.09; 95%CI: 1.32, 7.24), and struggled with transparency of communications (OR: 1.50; 95%CI: 0.98, 2.29). Challenges with transparency of communication were also linked to elevated odds of depression (OR: 1.52; 95%CI: 0.85, 2.74). Furthermore, aggression from patients or their families (OR: 2.94; 95%CI: 0.66, 13.01) and feeling angry (OR: 2.66; 95%CI: 0.64, 11.07) where independently associated with depression after accounting for other factors.
Table 1
Distribution of responses of experiences related to most difficult experiences among 1124 physicians and nurses in relation the psychological needs from self-determination theory (STD) they undermined, and HADS scores > 10 (cases of anxiety and depression) among 869 with complete data
Competence & Autonomy | Change in work and work effort | 61 | 5.4 | 56 | 18 | 32 | 8 | 14 |
Competence & Autonomy | Concerns about PPE access and use | 161 | 14.3 | 160 | 51 | 32 | 19 | 12 |
Relatedness | Social stigma due to work in healthcare | 5 | 0.4 | 5 | 2 | 40 | 1 | 20 |
Competences & Relatedness | Worry about infecting family | 59 | 5.2 | 58 | 26 | 45 | 8 | 14 |
Competence & Relatedness | Aggression of patients or their families | 13 | 1.2 | 13 | 4 | 31 | 3 | 23 |
Competences & Relatedness | Self-expressed anger | 18 | 1.6 | 17 | 7 | 41 | 5 | 29 |
Autonomy | Change in schooling: self or child | 7 | 0.6 | 7 | 4 | 57 | 1 | 14 |
Autonomy | Childcare shortage | 30 | 2.7 | 30 | 14 | 47 | 3 | 10 |
Competence & Autonomy | Testing for COVID-19 concerns | 29 | 2.6 | 29 | 5 | 17 | 2 | 7 |
Relatedness | Death in the family or a friend | 10 | 0.9 | 10 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 10 |
Competence | Death of patient | 89 | 7.9 | 86 | 37 | 43 | 12 | 14 |
Competence | Guilt over perceived substandard patient care | 29 | 2.6 | 29 | 15 | 52 | 4 | 14 |
Autonomy & Relatedness | Lack of transparency in workplace communications and administrative support | 157 | 14.0 | 153 | 57 | 37 | 23 | 15 |
Autonomy | Loss of income: self or family | 87 | 7.7 | 86 | 23 | 27 | 8 | 9 |
Relatedness | Media coverage of the pandemic | 10 | 0.9 | 9 | 2 | 22 | 0 | 0 |
Relatedness | Overstated risk of COVID-19 by others | 5 | 0.4 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Relatedness | Denial of severity of COVID-19 by others | 8 | 0.7 | 8 | 2 | 25 | 2 | 25 |
Competence & Autonomy | Fear of infection and unavoidable proximity to strangers | 171 | 15.2 | 165 | 53 | 32 | 20 | 12 |
Relatedness | Social isolation due to pandemic mitigation measures | 62 | 5.5 | 62 | 21 | 34 | 6 | 10 |
Relatedness | Witnessing distressed colleagues | 37 | 3.3 | 37 | 12 | 32 | 5 | 14 |
Relatedness & Competence | Training staff under changing policies | 47 | 4.2 | 44 | 13 | 30 | 5 | 13 |
Autonomy & Competence | Uncertainty | 128 | 11.4 | 125 | 46 | 37 | 12 | 10 |
Associations of specific themes of experiences that instilled or reinforced pride with anxiety and depression are illustrated in Table
2. The most reported proud experiences was high quality of care provided (19%), teamwork (17%), and composure under stress (13%). When all factors were considered together, including adjusting for difficult experiences, the odds of anxiety was reduced among those who expressed pride about technological sophistication of care (OR: 0.38; 95%CI: 0.10, 1.41), altruism (OR: 0.65; 95%CI: 0.35, 1.21), and not becoming infected (OR: 0.30; 95%CI: 0.09, 0.97). Support from community was independently associated with reduced odds of depression after accounting for other factors (OR: 0.47; 95%CI: 0.16, 1.34). Those who were proud of volunteering for hazardous tasks were at an elevated odds of both anxiety (OR: 1.70; 95%CI: 0.81, 3.55) and depression (OR: 2.47; 95%CI: 0.97, 6.29), after accounting for other covariates considered in our analysis.
Table 2
Distribution of responses of experiences related to pride in the profession among 1124 physicians and nurses in relation the psychological needs from self-determination theory they reflect and foster
Autonomy | Adaptability and flexibility (self or colleagues) | 102 | 9.1 | 102 | 35 | 34 | 8 | 8 |
Autonomy and Competence | Technological sophistication (inventiveness) in care for patients | 17 | 1.5 | 17 | 4 | 24 | 1 | 6 |
Autonomy and Relatedness | Volunteered for hazardous tasks | 63 | 5.6 | 61 | 22 | 36 | 10 | 16 |
Autonomy and Relatedness | Altruism | 74 | 6.6 | 74 | 21 | 28 | 10 | 14 |
Competence | Composure under stress | 151 | 13.4 | 150 | 52 | 35 | 15 | 10 |
Comforting dying patient | 19 | 1.7 | 19 | 10 | 53 | 3 | 16 |
Not infected after exposure | 22 | 2.0 | 22 | 5 | 23 | 1 | 5 |
Patients survive, quality of care | 216 | 19.2 | 212 | 66 | 31 | 21 | 10 |
Relatedness | Community outreach by oneself | 19 | 1.7 | 19 | 8 | 42 | 3 | 16 |
Support from community | 64 | 5.7 | 63 | 20 | 32 | 5 | 8 |
Support from leadership | 43 | 3.8 | 43 | 12 | 28 | 2 | 5 |
Teamwork | 196 | 17.4 | 189 | 61 | 32 | 18 | 10 |
Thanks from patients | 42 | 3.7 | 42 | 17 | 40 | 6 | 14 |
Themes of “What has been the most difficult or stressful event you have had to deal with?”
Frequencies and names of the coded themes among difficult or stressful events since the start of the pandemic are captured in Table
1. They also indicate our perceived association of these themes with autonomy-thwarting factors. The meaning of the coded themes is illustrated below using the respondents’ own words (more fully presented in Supplemental Material B).
Change in work or work-effort
Changes in working conditions precipitated by the pandemic were stressful for most. The sheer increase in volume and pace of work was commonly mentioned: “… days were non stop.” On the other side of the spectrum, some changed involved “reducing the work force due to plummeting volumes”. For others, changes involved alterating the nature of work: “Being pulled to the ICU to care for Covid-19 patients without a full orientation and changing my schedule from day shift to evening and night. “ For some, changes involved performing unfamiliar duties, while potentially endangering the usual (non-COVID-19) patients.
When such changes in the nature of work combined with poor communications and childcare obligations, difficult situations ensued: “Communication about daily changes and schedule was also lacking. I also have three children acclimating to on line school and was not always available to assist them with my schedule changes.”
Disruption of patient care not related to COVID-19 appeared challenging for those who were unaccustomed to not having answers for their patients. When change in work involved perceived reduction in quality of patient care, this proved ”a challenge”: “Not being able to offer touch, see facial expressions, or give a hugs.”
Even if the type and patterns of work did not appear to materially change, the extra effort performing these duties during the pandemic-induced procedures proved a source of most notable stress for some, especially when dealing with critically ill patients and deaths: “We had multiple deaths each week and docs were more intense and demanding than usual causing me more stress to the point of crying.” Work effort increased, causing distress, in cases where patients needed extra mental health support.
Economic insecurity, cancelled leaves
For some respondents, threats of loss of income to themselves or to colleagues proved demoralizing, a contradiction between messaging about the essential nature of work by healthcare workers during the pandemic and the reality of economic conditions that restricted their practice. Some loss of income was seen as consequence of poor planning, causing needless increase in work effort. The issues related to change in policies affecting personal time off were upsetting to many, seen as means to economize.
Unavoidable exposure to infected persons and fear of infection
Some nurses and physicians were distressed by their own “irrational fear of other” and “wondering if [they] will contract the virus no matter how careful”. Experiencing and anticipating risk of infection was reported among some of the most difficult experiences, with the underlying sense that infection control was directed by others, placing one’s family at risk: “I never-ever declined an assignment and lived in fear of infecting my family.” Concerns about testing for COVID-19 revolved around several themes, including “receiving patients … that were not tested and later turn out positive”, “false negative tests”, “patients lying during screening to reach face to face interaction with a provider”, “worrying about infecting others because I was not tested”, and “having … symptoms and waiting for my testing”.
Given that “social distancing” was one of the proclaimed means of infection control, when this was not enabled due to hospital policies, this resulted in frustration, likely fueled by a sense of powerlessness to avoid situations perceived as placing one at risk: “All doors are locked and we’re supposed to be social distancing, but here we stand like a herd of cattle, at the few entrances to wait to get our temps taken.”
Becoming ill or exposed during the pandemic was recounted as one of the most difficult experiences, with the concerns centering on how this affected one’s family: “I contracted the disease and was very ill for 2 weeks, requiring a hospitalization. most stressed about how this affected my family”. When family members did contract COVID-19, a difficult situation ensured, especially when there appeared to be no additional support during the crisis: “My [spouse] was gravely ill with COVID and I had to care for both him and my children AND then return to work to care for my patients.“
Personal protective equipment (PPE) and other infection control challenges
A matter closely related to risk of infection due to unavoidable contact with infected patients was the availability and utilization of PPE. Even possibly appropriate measures were a source of distress, like “constant” “… mask fit testing” and “… disinfecting”,, and “… putting the same dirty mask back onto my face every time disgusts me.” Concerns about inadequate PPE were naturally intermingled with concern about infection, causing reports of distress.
Some reported difficulties that arose from trying to elicit collaboration of patients with the infection control measures. For others, the concerns arose from the PPE and infection control measures adversely affecting communication that is integral to quality care: “The room has a huge loud fan for negative pressure you have a mask and a face shield on so not only can they [patients] not hear you at all but they can’t even read your lips.”
The effort involved in using PPE proved very onerous for many, including “working 13 hours in N95 causing severe SOB, and dizziness”. A common related source of distress arose from having to re-use PPE, both due to discomfort, fear of shortages of PPE, and knowledge that this is leads to sub-optimal protection (i.e., against PPE training).
For some, the access to PPE was the major concern, combined with perceived lack of preparedness of the healthcare system, and implied disregard for patient and staff safety: “The lack of adequate PPE putting my friends and coworkers at risk due to poor planning.”
A particularly difficult situations arose when it appeared that management refused to share the burden of risk with frontline workers who lacked PPE: “The [leadership team] let us go in and get contaminated but stayed in the hallway and watched.“.
Concerns about health of oneself and others, not related to contracting COVID-19
Being unable to receive proper medical care due to infection control protocols in place proved difficult for some: “I had a scheduled appointment with my [specialist] and it was very upsetting and stressful that they wanted to reschedule it due to the sole fact that I am … working with COVID patients.” Some noted “lack of assistance getting access to mental health”. For a few, “unexpected death” of a family member during the pandemic overshadowed any other difficulties.
Death of patients
For some nurses and physicians, the sheer rate of mortality was overwhelming: “5 deaths in one shift.” The loneliness of dying patients due to infection control protocols that isolated them from their families was a common “heartbreaking” theme: “Seeing nurses so defeated in having to facetime with families to help the loved ones say goodbye….”.
Some reported struggling with the sense of failure and futility of effort in trying to avert death of the COVID-19 patients, combined with belief that such patients could have received better care, including emotional support, even if they could not be saved: “Very difficult to watch a patient suffocate slowly over weeks only to die despite our best efforts. No family is allowed to visit. Horribly sad.” Even some veterans of the field who “can handle almost anything” found they “cried everyday” when dealing with dying COVID-19 patients.
Some choices that nurses and physicians had to make, precipitated by infection control protocols, appear to be the stuff of ethical nightmares: “Patient likely going to die and having to limit which son will be able to remain.” A recurring, experience appeared to have been related to lapse in ethics of care due to lack of communication with families of patients: “… the DNR/AND is not honored.”
Perceived lapse (guilt over) in standards of patient care
Some nurses and physicians were burdened with “a lot of guilt” over belief that they did not provide the usual level of care. Those who had work hours reduced reported that “not being able to provide nursing care in a pandemic has caused feelings of worthlessness.” For some, concerns about quality of patient care appear to have been aggravated by breakdown in teamwork and fairness in allocation of responsibilities across a team.
Social isolation
For some, the most difficult experiences of the pandemic arose from the loss of the usual social contacts. In many cases this was related to self-isolation for fear of spread of infection to family members at high risk from the virus, especially when combined with recognized mental health difficulties: “Dealing with my personal depression and anxiety, self isolation, not being able to see my mother in her SNF [skilled nursing facility]”. Isolation from family and wider community made coping with the pandemic more challenging for some, precisely because family, community and friends were the usual sources of support. For those who rely on co-workers for support and companionship, having to stay away from work for fear of spreading infection to vulnerable family members was distressing: “Staying home again after extended leave and being isolated from everyone has lead to depression - on top of the extreme fear of my … baby contracting the virus.” Working from home likewise resulted in erosion of social support from co-workers.
Some nurses and physicians felt ostracized by the community due to fear of contracting the virus, combined with perceived empty gestures of support: “… friend, neighbors considering me a deadly weapon because I might be infected and a threat to them.” Difficult situations arose when nurses and physicians felt that their ability to communicate risk of the pandemic with their patients was superseded by misleading media coverage, resulting in self-censorship, which is a form of social isolation: “It’s hard to do my job when families are constantly throwing cnn[sic] or google in my face! … This histeria[sic] has foced[sic] me to socially distant or i[sic] get social[sic] shamed.”
Stressed colleagues
Give the importance of teamwork to successful provision of healthcare, perceived stress of co-workers proved difficult: “Staff breaking down and crying”. For some, breakdown in teamwork manifested in multiple ways, anchored in worries about risk of infection and unequitable workloads, and aggravated by lack of administrative support.
Several nurses and physicians appeared find it difficult to deal with colleagues who appeared to not be bearing well under what was perceived as normal pressures of intensive care: “Mostly hearing co-workers ‘fishing for thank you’s’ [sic]. … being overly dramatic”. It appears that difficulties related to perceived “irrational fears” were conflated with frustration about how the pandemic was portrayed in the media and politicized.
Aggression and anger
Encounters with agitated, angry and aggressive patients and their families was among the most adverse experiences of the pandemic for some: “Being yelled and screamed at by distraught, isolated suspected and confirmed Covid-19 patients because they did not feel I was moving fast enough … .”
Some nurses and physicians were distressed by their own anger.
Uncertainty of the impact of the virus on one’s patients intermingled with sense that patients are not receiving the best possible care: “Every day feeling like I am failing my patients because we don’t know enough … .” The sense of apprehenssion troubled some: “Feeling that I will encounter situations that I am not confident in my ability to manage.” The uncertainty about what holds true about the pandemic made it difficult for some to train staff “on policies/initiatives that [one does] not personally agree with.” Some nurses and physicians reported that “managing staff anxiety, fear” was particularly stressful in light of “knowledge deficits”. The constant changes, “at a daily and sometime hourly basis,” in the understanding of the pandemic at the leadership level precipitated stressful changes in procedures at the bedside. For some, the diversity of views of the pandemic by the public and patients placed nurses and physicians in the crossfire of the competing narratives, such that the community’s uncertainty had an adverse spill-over effect on the frontline nurses and physicians.
Poor transparency at work
Some of the most difficult experiences related to “lack of communication”, including “no support from manager regarding how to find information or what to tell patients”. When practice guidelines appeared to make no sense and work-related requests were not perceived as having been dealt with rationally and respectfully, distressing situations arose: “… being told I did not need to wear PPE. After push back, getting the required PPE and being questioned why I needed them.” For some there was an overall sense of “the disorganization, poor communication, and frequent disrespect by [leadership/management]” which included perception of lack of concern for well-being of nurses and physicians: “Being told we are ‘heroes’ while being treated like second class citizens.”
Lacking administrative support
An issue closely related to poor communication is perception of lack of administrative support, even among those who otherwise welcomed the challenges of the pandemic:
“I enjoy a challenge, so the pandemic was an opportunity to prove that I can survive and be a positive support for others. The most stressful event so far is witnessing the poor leadership choices. Very disorganized.”
When frontline works appeared to be overlooked in recognition by the management despite taking risks and speaking up in an attempt to remedy lapses in practice, this proved “stressful”: “we were constantly exposed and not recognized at all.” Worse still was “being disciplined for being frustrated with the increased work loaf [sic]”, leading some to believe that they are “unable” to perform their duties both safely and well.
Perceived lack of empathy and “respectful conversation” with administration was led to “unnecessary frustration”: “the disorganization, poor communication, and frequent disrespect by my director and the command center.” When there was perception that rules were not fair, frustration arose due to: “… being ridiculed for wanting to follow set guidelines”. “Lack of empathy and understanding” from leadership appears to be recurring theme in situations that caused hardships to nurses and physicians, for example “when daycare closed and I had to figure out a schedule to still be able to work while my husband, who is also essential, was still able to work and our child was still cared for every day.” One of the expressions of this lack of empathy appears to have been seen in reports that “system is more worried about their bottom line than they are about patient safety”.
Loss of childcare and the resulting need to balance professional duties as an “essential” worker with family responsibilities was among most difficult experiences of the pandemic reported by those with children living at home: “Working full time … while the schools have been closed for the last two months, my [children] are at home …”. This was especially difficult when person was the only available caregiver.
Themes of “What has been the event that has most reinforced your pride in your professional behavior?”
Frequencies and names of the coded themes of the events since the start of the pandemic that reinforced pride in the profession are captured in Table
2. They also indicate our perceived association of these themes with autonomy-supportive factors experienced by nurses and physicians. The nuances and meaning of the coded themes are illustrated blow using the respondents’ own words, with detailed presentation of representative quotations in Supplemental Material B.
Courage, composure under pressure
It is not surprising that individuals who felt that they conquered their fears and remained on the job were proud of the fact: “… I haven’t allowed COVID to overtake my life with fear/anxiety”. Some were proud not only of the fact they continued to work but that they could say: “I still love the work I do”. The pride in overcoming personal fears was related to putting the needs of patients above personal risks: “Showing up at work everyday [sic], odd shifts despite the hardships of felling unprepared without all of the answers and constraints on family life… .” For some, the pride in steadfastness of nurses and physicians intertwined with pride in effective teamwork: “The resolve of the … doctors and nursing staff …. There is a collegial feeling of purpose that is palpable but hard to articulate.” Some were proud of being up to the challenge of the pandemic as the team: “We succeeded in spite of administration. Not because of it.” This sense of autonomous professional success is summarized as “relying On myself”. Some noted that they were proud that their “… confidence has grown throughout this whole experience … .”
Volunteering for hazardous tasks and altruism
One example of courage under duress was volunteering for tasks perceived to be hazardous, an understandable source of personal pride: “I will see covid patients to keep another provider, at higher risk that I”. Some nurses and physicians were proud of doing what they thought was right despite acknowledging personal risks: “Being able to be there for the community and treat patients while risking my own self and family’s health.”
Some reported being proud of taking extra effort to do what they thought was right, even when there was perceived lack of support for such acts: “… had to use community resources and also my own money to buy [N95 masks and face shields]…. This was both very stressful and proud moment.” Altruism and courage displayed by others was a clear source of pride about the profession overall.
Quality of care, positive outcomes
Among most common experiences that reinforced pride in the discipline among nurses and physicians was that “the few who have been the most sick with covid and survived”. Beyond survival, specific aspects of patient care that were highlighted among those that instilled pride included “successfully educating patients about what we currently know and easing their fear and anxiety”. Pride in compassionate “high quality of empathetic, therapeutic care” was evident, especially needed due to isolation of patients precipitated by infection control measures: “being able to make these isolated pts smile …”. Success in infection control was a source of pride: “Knowing that I have come to work through this all and have not contracted Covid.” Some shared that they were proud of being able to help others provide the high-quality care.
Examples of assertiveness and successful advocacy on behalf of the patients were a source of pride: “I am proud of my ability to advocate for suffering patients … .” A related source of pride is how nurses and physicians adapted to caring for patients, growing in both confidence and skill required to practice their profession under the pandemic’s constraints; there was a sense that this is what the profession was meant to do: “We were the first COVID unit. Watching the nurses go from being uncertain, scared to totally embracing it and doing an excellent job caring for these patients. Putting patients first. This is our calling, it’s why we are nurses.” Some shared that their pride rested on having provided quality care despite lack of recognition and support: “… we didn’t do it for the recognition anyway, but for our patients.” For many of the respondents, pride arose simply from doing their usual work well despite pandemic.
Comforting dying patients
Despite death of patients being named among most difficult experiences by nurses and physicians, the manner they handled death of patients was a source of pride for many: “None of My patients died alone. I was there for each of them.”
Innovation and technological sophistication
Some reported overcoming challenges posed by the infection control protocols, reporting that they were proud of: “coming up with out of the box ideas … to facilitate better communication with patient and caregiver.” The fact that developing new way of providing care necessitated initiative due to (perceived) lack of organizational support was a source of pride for some.
Some respondents were proud of the fact that they contributed to management of the pandemic outside of their immediate clinical duties: “… making sure I have researched facts I provide to friends/family/patients.”
For some, pride stemmed from recognition of nurses and physicians by the wider community: “The outpouring of community support, donations, thank yous[sic], and the complete strangers that were kind enough to make scrub hats for us.” Recognition of difficulties faced by nurses and physicians by media appeared to be an important part of instilling a sense of pride: “… the news reporting how medical staff and nurses are treated when we try to ourselves safe and healthy by advocating for ourselves and speaking up for what is happening that is not right.” Expressions of gratitude and concern that had a personal touch appeared to be appreciated such as when a former patient called: “… to ask if the nurses are ‘OK’ … .” Expressions of support and gratitude from family members were likewise a source of pride: “My family supporting me in continuing my job as a nurse, despite being away from home, while friends were telling me to get out of nursing due to COVID.”
Adaptability and flexibility
Nurses and physicians reported to be proud of how they and their colleagues adapted: “Everyone’s resourcefulness and support in coming up with ways to continue to take care of pts in ways that keep exposure to a minimum.” For some, adaptability that they were proud of appeared to be facilitated by effective teamwork: “Teamwork, sacrifice, and agility of each member of our staff to re-organize and implement provision of care while keeping patients and staff safe as possible.”
Revealing leadership qualities
One respondent was proud of how they “took it upon” themselves “to guide and take care of” their “team during time where office manager lacked decision making and / or communication with staff”. Some found effective leadership displayed by others a source of pride for the profession as a whole: “… the course shown by some nursing, physician and several other staffs.” Those in the leadership positions appreciated being recognized when they proved effective.
Teamwork was a source of pride in how some nurses and physicians comported themselves, despite fears and uncertainties. This is exemplified by a report “that nurses and other health care providers, even when scared without having information, still came to work and did their job for their patients.” The sense of esprit de corps and focus on the mission to serve patients despite personal risk was on display when “ nurses and doctors work expertly toward one mission, saving the life before you while keeping all stakeholders involved in the care safe from harm and illness. I admire their ability to set aside their fears and go into action, regardless of their internal insecurities.” The pride in teamwork arose because it entailed peer support: “Happy with support of co-workers at coming together to work in a pandemic.”
Gratitude from patients
The sense of professional pride was reinforced when patients expressed gratitude: “compliments from my patients, when they tell me they appreciate me listening to them and taking the time needed to take great care of them”. It appears that gratitude from some patients and their families was related to both quality of care and recognition of personal risks that nurses and physicians endured in order to care for the patients.
Recognition from administrators and leadership of healthcare systems
Nurses and physicians who believed that they were appreciated by their employers and team leads tended to report this as one of the experiences that reinforced pride in their professions. When organizations did not come across as divided between nurses and physicians and administration, there was a reason to report this as a proud achievement: “The love, support and spirit of my nurses, first responders, and hospital administration.” For some nurses and physicians, the pride in their professions was reinforced by acts of advocacy by those in a position to do so: “my union’s persistence”.
Not proud
Some respondents elected to tells us why there were not proud of their profession, even though we did not inquire about this. Some regretted not having done enough: “I should have tried harder to get the necessary resources … I should not have let the counseling deter me for advocating for myself and my colleagues.” The sense of not being able to advocate for the best handling of the pandemic appears to be a common them among those who appear to feel less than proud about their profession’s contribution during pandemic, with the source of frustration aimed at government and hospital leadership. Others expressed dismay at how healthcare systems reacted, conveying a sense of futility and apathy in light of a contradiction between known best practices and demands of administrators: “I try to keep it together for my patients, but who cares about PPE regulations … ? We know this is wrong, but our administration tells us to do it anyway- so why try?” Some responses appear to capture a sense of exhaustion, burn-out: “I don’t[sic] have any feelings any more to my profession. … Having feelings is not much use.”
It appears that for some respondents pride in the profession depended on action of external forces and how they were treated rather than intrinsic values or achievements: “We have been treated increasingly worse as this rolls on. Most staff are barely hanging on and several have quit.” It would appear that for some the value of recognition within organizations and faith in rational actions in the best interest of patients outweighs positive impact of support from community at large: “Media calls us heroes while leadership treats us like an expendable commodity. … MANY patients and staff exposed due to incompetent decisions … .”