Study design
Search strategy
1- “Personalized” [MeSH] OR “Individualized” [MeSH] OR “Person-centered” [MeSH] OR “personal” [MeSH] OR “Personalized Medicine” [MeSH] OR “Individualized Medicine” [MeSH] OR “P Health” [MeSH] OR “Precision medicine” [MeSH] OR “Patient-Focused” [MeSH] OR “Patient-Centered” [MeSH] |
2- “Nursing” [MeSH] OR “Nursing personnel” [MeSH] OR “Nursing staff” [MeSH] OR “Nurse” [MeSH] OR “Nursing care” [MeSH] OR “nursing intervention” [MeSH] OR “Nursing service” [MeSH] |
3- #1 AND #2 |
Inclusion criteria
Type of studies
Type of interventions
Comparison type
Exclusion criteria
Study selection
Quality assessment
Data extraction
Author, Year | Country, Setting | Study Type | Participants | Sample | Intervention | Assessment Tool | Key points/ Main findings |
(Liu et al., 2022) [38] | China, Community | RCT | Elderly patients with osteoporosis | T:96; F:58, M:38 | Individualized nursing based on Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment. The goal is to provide holistic and personalized care that addresses physical, psychological, social, and functional aspects of their health. | Quality of Life Scale | Higher satisfaction and greater quality of life in the PC group (P < 0.05) |
(Iwasa et al., 2022) [17] | Japan, Community | Descriptive | Patients with Parkinson disease | T:20; F:10, M:10 | Home Health Nursing Care. It is a valuable option for individuals who require medical attention or assistance with activities of daily living but do not need to be hospitalized. | The Home Health Nurse Questionnaire and nursing records | Longer PC dedicated for older participants (P = 0.079), discovering three main sub-categories for PC as daily living assistance, medical care assistance and record keeping |
(Hatice et al., 2021) [46] | Turkey, Hospital and college | Descriptive | Nursing students | T:74; F:62, M:12 | Development and implementation of individualized care plans for patients based on their specific clinical status, personal values, beliefs, preferences, and their desired level of involvement in healthcare decision-making. | The Empathic Tendencies Scale, Personal Information Form and The Individualized Care Scale | Relationship between PC and empathy (P = 0.000), high awareness of PC among nursing students, higher awareness of PC among female students, lack of budget and professionals to provide PC, moderate association between empathic tendency and perception of PC (P < 0.05) |
(Wang et al., 2021) [29] | China, Hospital | RCT | Nurses and patients with liver cancer | T:136, F:109, M: 17 | Establishing a dedicated nursing team as part of personalized nursing means having a group of healthcare professionals who are responsible for the care of a specific group of patients, often for an extended period. | Visual analogue scale, Self-made nursing satisfaction questionnaire, Patients’ quality of life (QoL) and Clinical indicators such as ALT, AST, TBIL and ALB | Significant improvement in OG and CG in terms of social, cognitive, emotional, physical and role function after PC (P < 0.05), lower severe response in the OG (P < 0.05), higher improvement of liver function in OG after PC (P < 0.05), reduced level of anxiety in both groups (P < 0.05), more significant satisfaction among nurses in OG (P < 0.05) |
(Bartkeviciute et al., 2021) [30] | Lithuania, Community | Cross-sectional | Older diabetes patients | T:145; F:86, M:59 | nursing interventions encompass a patient-centered approach that includes conducting comprehensive assessments of medical history and health needs, providing education on diabetes self-management, offering guidance on medication management, dietary control, and foot care, monitoring vital signs and blood glucose levels, and promoting regular physical activity | Individualized Care Scale (nurse and patient version) | The older the patients, the more perceived support of personal life (P = 0.054), the importance of the methods for diminishing the level of glucose in determining the PC for diabetic patients, the important role of education and nutrition in the perception of patients regarding PC, effective role of BMI of < 30 in receiving lower support (P = 0.032), no difference between PC provided by physicians and nurses |
(Chen et al., 2021) [31] | China, Community | RCT | Patients with gestational diabetes mellitus | T:139 | Internet combined with exercise-based individualized nursing intervention. Nursing interventions involve personalized exercise plans, guidance, monitoring, and support provided to individuals through online resources, platforms, or telehealth technologies | self-rating depression scale, self-rating anxiety scale, blood pressure, glucose and lipid detection | Greater satisfaction with nursing in the PC group (P < 0.05), lower scores of anxieties and depression in the PC group (P < 0.05), lower rate of unpleasant pregnancy outcomes (P < 0.05), lower rates of blood pressure and blood glucose indicators in PC participants (P < 0.05), |
(Trent et al., 2021) [70] | USA, Community | RCT | Female patients with pelvic inflammatory disease | T:55 | Technology Enhanced Community Health Precision Nursing (TECH-PN) program. It involves the use of electronic health records, telehealth, data analytics, and other technology-driven approaches to better tailor nursing care to the unique needs of patients in the community, ultimately aiming to enhance overall health outcomes and the efficiency of healthcare services. | Biological, Behavioral, and Cost Measures | Efficacy of TECH-PN for providing PC among young adults with pelvic inflammatory disease |
(Bukecık & Terzioglu, 2020) [26] | Turkey, Community | Descriptive | Patients and nurses | T:181 | Development and implementation of individualized care plans for patients based on their specific clinical status, personal values, beliefs, preferences, and their desired level of involvement in healthcare decision-making. | Individualized Care Scales (Patient, Nurse), Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale, Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale | Importance of PC for nurses (r = 0.736; P = 0.001), higher rate among patients than nurses concerning PC perception (r = 0.828; P = 0.001), positive association between job satisfaction and awareness of PC (P = 0.001), negative and moderate relationship between satisfaction with nursing care and PC (P = 0.001) |
(Li & Li, 2020) [32] | China, Outpatient ward | RCT | Patients with tumors and chemotherapy | T:188; F:84, M: 104 | Spending 20 min a day in direct communication with patients allows healthcare providers to establish a strong rapport. | Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, The Activity of Daily Living and Self-Rating Depression Scale | Higher scores of ADL in the PC group (P < 0.05), more satisfaction and compliance in the PC group (P < 0.05), no difference in survival rate in both groups (P = 0.853), lower scores for anxiety and depression in the PC group (P < 0.05) |
(Bartosiewicz et al., 2020) [42] | Poland, Hospital | Cross-sectional | Nurses | T:756 | Not applicable | Standardized scale of life satisfaction and a scale to measure burnout | Low level of readiness for new roles among nurses, the effect of life satisfaction and occupational burnout for writing prescriptions or referrals for diagnostic tests, the association between increasing age and decreased level of life satisfaction (P = 0.0172), the higher the educational level, the higher life satisfaction, more psychological exhaustion among younger nurses (P = 0.0019) |
(Tonkin et al., 2020) [34] | UK, Hospital | Qualitative | Nurse leaders | T:29 | Interactive residential 3-day workshop. These workshops are designed to be hands-on and immersive, allowing attendees to actively engage with the content, instructors, and fellow participants. | Interview | Lack of resources and awareness related to the integration of genomics into nursing, the importance of implementing patient-based and family-centered activities, the significance of evidence-based practice and public involvement, the importance of determining genomic care for nurses as their new duty |
(Hamiduzzaman et al., 2020) [21] | Australia, Hospital and Community | Qualitative | Nurses and care workers | T:104; F:87, M:17 | Not Applicable | Interview | Lack of enough knowledge among nurses, inappropriate PC provided by nurses, ineffective family participation in PC |
(C. Du et al., 2019) [36] | China, Surgery Ward | RCT | Patients in the general surgery ward | T:118; F:55, M:63 | Humanized nursing environment, Intraoperative nursing care, post-operative nursing care, psychological nursing care. Humanized nursing environment include improved patient trust and cooperation, leading to enhanced care quality and patient satisfaction. | Visual Analogue Scale, self-rated anxiety scale and self-rated depression scale | Greater pain relief as well as higher level of perception and quality of life in the intervention group (P < 0.05), fewer complications and lower hospitalization costs, and shorter periods of stays in the intervention group (P < 0.05) |
(F. Du et al., 2019) [33] | China, Outpatient clinics | RCT | Pregnant women with aerobic vaginitis | T: 60 | Health guidance education, psychological intervention, Personal hygiene education, Medication guidance. Incorporating these components into healthcare can enhance health awareness, well-being, and overall health outcomes, promoting a holistic approach to healthcare that addresses physical, mental, and lifestyle aspects. | Hamilton Depression Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Scale | More significant improvement in the level of anxiety and depression in the PC group (P < 0.05), higher satisfaction with nursing in the PC group (P < 0.05), less adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in the PC group (P < 0.05) |
(Kousoulou et al., 2019) [71] | Cyprus, Outpatient clinics | Descriptive | Patients diagnosed with cancer | T:150; F:64, M:86 | Not Applicable | Individualized Care Scale-patient version and Quality of Oncology Nursing Care Scale | Positive correlation between scales of ICS (The Support of Individuality and The Individuality in Care) (p < 0.01), the relationship between a sense of belonging and being respected (P < 0.01), the significant association between being respected and the importance of spirituality and religiosity (P < 0.001), |
(Alıcı & Koç, 2020) [39] | Turkey, ICU | Cross-sectional | Intensive care inpatients | T:317; F:180, M: 137 | Not Applicable | SF-36 Quality of Life scale and Individualized Care Scale | The positive association between PC and satisfaction with life (p < 0.01), pain (p < 0.01), vitality (p < 0.01), mental and social functioning (p < 0.01), and awareness of general health (p < 0.01) and mental role (p < 0.05) |
(Wright et al., 2018) [48] | Australia, Hospital | Cross-sectional | Registered nurses and midwives | T:253 | level of genomic literacy to provide optimal care to patients, their families, and the community | Genomic Nursing Concept Inventory | Limited knowledge regarding genomics among participants, a significant difference between genomic literacy and educational level (P = 0.036) |
(Rose, 2018) [47] | Germany, Outpatient clinics | Cross-sectional | Patients undergoing radiation therapy | T:250, F:122, M:127 | Nursing interventions focus on individualized care, empowering patients in decision-making, addressing personal life needs, being sensitive to gender-specific preferences, and adapting care to the unique needs of patients receiving chemotherapy. | Individualized Care Scale Patient | Higher effectiveness of PC among males, higher awareness of PC for patients with neck and face problems compared to those with breast radiation therapy, the longer the period of radiation therapy, the greater awareness of PC (P = 0.018), the effectiveness of having a partner in receiving more PC (P = 0.041) |
(Köberich et al., 2016) [44] | Germany, Hospital | Cross-sectional | Hospitalized patients | T:606; F:244, M:360 | Nursing interventions include ongoing assessment of self-rated health and length of ward stay, adapting care plans based on educational levels, actively involving patients in shared decision-making, and ensuring clear and accessible patient education. | Smoliner scale, Instrument to Assess Nursing Care Delivery Systems (IzEP) and Individualized Care Scale | Association between longer hospitalization with higher awareness of PC (p = 0.002), the relationship between decision-making and higher perception of PC (p < 0.001), a significant correlation between the better condition of health (p = 0.027) and higher educational level (p = 0.042) with awareness of PC |
(Suhonen et al., 2016) [45] | Cyprus, Greece, Finland and Sweden, Outpatient Clinic | Cross-sectional | Patients with cancer | T:595; F:278, M:317 | healthcare professionals, including nurses, need to be well-prepared to deliver individualized care in culturally diverse settings by adapting their approaches, ensuring effective communication, and respecting the cultural context of the patient. | Individualized Care Scale | The difference in the scores of sub-scales between the countries (P = 0.117), the difference in the perception of PC in different countries (P < 0.001) |
(Eylem Pasli Gurdogan, 2015) [41] | Turkey, Surgical wards | Cross-sectional | Patients at internal and surgical wards | T: 425; F:190, M:235 | Nursing interventions should focus on respecting patient individualism and uniqueness, regularly assessing patient satisfaction, using assessment tools to measure perception and satisfaction, and continually striving to provide specific and individualized care to enhance patient satisfaction. | Individualized Care Scale and Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale | Significant relationship between awareness of PC and satisfaction with nursing care (P < 0.001), high satisfaction with personalized nursing care (P < 0.001) |
(Tekin & Findik, 2015) [40] | Turkey, Orthopedic Surgery Ward | cross-sectional | Patients hospitalized at the orthopedic surgery ward | T:156; F:90, M:66 | Instead of providing standardized or one-size-fits-all care, nurses aim to customize their care plans and interventions to cater to the individual requirements of each patient undergoing orthopaedic surgery. | Individualized Care Scale and Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale | Correlation of nursing satisfaction and PC (P < 0.001) |
(Calzone et al., 2013) [37] | USA, Hospital | Cross-sectional | Registered nurses | T:481; F:461, M:20 | The potential of genomics to improve personalized healthcare, where the genetic and genomic information of an individual is used to guide their medical care. | Not mentioned | Association between being educated regarding genomics and considering genomics in treatment decisions (P < 0.001), the higher the educational level of nurses, the more the possibility of using genetic information (P < 0.001), presence of disadvantages such as insurance discrimination and anxiety of patients in this regard, the importance of genomics for 67.5% of participants |
(Roldán-Merino et al., 2012) [72] | Spain, Psychiatric ward | RCT | Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia | T:94; F:65, M:29 | Periodic home visits, individualized healthcare plan was made based upon the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, Nursing Outcome Classification and Nursing Intervention Classification taxonomies, subsequent evaluation and regular check-ups | The Lawton and Brody Index, Family Problems Questionnaire and The Katz Index | Increased level of independence in the PC group (P = 0.99), reduced level of family burden (P = 0.001), no difference in the terms of age and gender (P > 0.05) |
Data synthesis
Overview of included studies and data selection
Personalized nursing care interventions
Outcomes of personalized nursing care
Emotional symptoms
Reduction of complication
Genomic knowledge
Importance of education
Study | Category | Findings | Impact on Personalized Care |
C. Du et al. (2019) | Patient Outcomes | Significant reduction in complications (14% decrease) and improved clinical outcomes. | Highlighted positive impact of personalized care on patient well-being. |
Paola et al. (2019) | Patient Perceptions | Patient education, cultural background, and gender influence perceptions, affecting engagement. | Emphasized the role of patient perceptions in the success of personalized care. |
Rose (2016) | Nurse Perceptions | Moderate understanding of personalized care among nurses. | Suggested need for better nurse education on personalized care practices. |
Hatice et al. (2021) | Nurse Perceptions (Students) | Nursing students tend to have a more favorable view of personalized care. | Showed generational differences in nurse perceptions. |
Bartosiewicz et al. (2020) | Nurse Burnout | High nurse workload and burnout hinder personalized care delivery. | Identified burnout as a major barrier to effective personalized care. |
Leigh et al. (2015) | Nurse Burnout | Supported findings of burnout due to workload and high demands. | Reinforced the need to address burnout for improving personalized care. |
Han (2016) | Genomic Data Integration | Precision nursing, incorporating genomic data, improves patient interactions. | Advocated for integrating genomic data for personalized interventions. |
Li & Li (2020) | Patient Care Compliance | Personalized care improves patient compliance and reduces negative emotions. | Highlighted the emotional impact of personalized care on patient behavior. |
Liu et al. (2022) | Patient Outcomes | Personalized nursing care improves quality of life for patients. | Confirmed personalized care’s effectiveness in improving patient quality of life. |
Grua et al. (2022) | AI-driven self-adaptation in e-Health apps | Enhances user engagement and personalization | Improves user experience by tailoring interventions |
Fatima et al. (2024) | Technology in Personalized Care | AI-driven predictive models enable early disease detection. | Supports early interventions and improved patient outcomes. |