Theoretical considerations
Research design
Case study site and participants
Participant recruitment and data collection
Data analysis
Reflexivity and trustworthiness
Ethical considerations
Preferred Social Media Platforms | Frequency |
YouTube | 9 |
Facebook | 8 |
Instagram | 5 |
Twitter | 1 |
WhatsApp | 1 |
Figure 1 | 1 |
Pinterest | 1 |
Formal Uses of Social Media | |
Course assignments | 7 |
Clarifying course content | 5 |
Course-related sharing | 5 |
Studying for exams | 3 |
Patient education | 3 |
Informal Uses of Social Media | |
Connect with peers and the nursing community | 9 |
‘Behind the scenes’ teaching and learning | 8 |
Review clinical skills | 6 |
Follow areas of interest | 5 |
Scaffolding knowledge and accidental learning | 4 |
Why Use Social Media | |
Encouraged by programs and professors | 8 |
Convenience | 5 |
Engagement | 4 |
Why Not Use Social Media | |
Credibility and relevance of sources | 7 |
Distraction | 4 |
Professionalism | 4 |
Accessibility | 2 |
Target Audiences | |
Friends | 7 |
Family | 3 |
General public | 3 |
Formal learning
Theme | Participant Quotes |
Sharing or clarifying course content | I know I post some of my own, like, kind of study notes or, like, little cheats and tricks and kind of things for certain difficult concepts and I, you know, share it with my classmates so whether or not they use it, I don’t know but I definitely share my own knowledge just to try to help other people (P6) Being distance ed, watching YouTube videos kind of grounds the, um, experience, I suppose. It’s adding that little extra. A lot of the stuff I do is reading and listening to teachers talk on like a video livestream, um, and it just feels like there’s an extra dimension that’s missing from online learning so watching YouTube videos kinda just fills in that extra little space you miss from … face-to-face teaching (P7) |
Supplementing university services | [S]ometimes we use a classroom platform and the profs will post their PowerPoints on there and sometimes you get to class in the morning and the platform’s crashed for whatever reason. So, people will just, like, upload the file to Facebook and that way we can grab it off of there (P6) |
Assignments and exams | We were placed with the health unit, um, and they had developed a new… mandate saying that for students in, I believe it was JK or SK had to get mandated vision treatment in school, kind of like they get, um, the dental screenings done in school. So our job was to kind of raise awareness and develop a Facebook campaign for their Facebook page to talk about different reasons why they should get vision screening and the impacts that it has on the student… so we developed four Facebook posts that had to kind of revolve around that or about funding options related to, like, if your student was recommended for more screenings after their initial one in school, um, then here is a post about different funding options, whether it’s OHIP or ODSP or anything like that (P1) [F]or exams we’ll form a collective group and each of us will list the chapters that we’ve covered, each one of us will take an assigned chapter to do a review of and then we’ll just post all the files, so we have summaries of everything. Um, yeah, it’s actually quite cool ‘cause then that way, you know, we did it for a midterm this term and it’s nice not having one person, not having to go through and do a full review of, you know, 21 chapters (P2) |
Sharing and clarifying course content
Supplementing university services
Assignments and exams
Informal learning
Theme | Participant Quotes |
Creating community | I think [social media] helps, especially as a distance student because you don’t have that same in-person classroom connection to begin with that at least when there’s a platform, whether it’s my group on WhatsApp or the, you know, larger program, larger page group on Facebook that we can connect, we can ask questions, get responses within seconds, minutes, or hours. Um, there’s a feeling of camaraderie, um, that we wouldn’t have as distance students, um, just because we’re all having similar experiences, similar frustrations, similar challenges, um, and we’re sharing that so it’s very relatable (P2) I, we do have, um, more social [groups] for, um, like our year so like Nursing 2020 ‘cause I’ll be graduating this year. We have a Facebook platform where we’re able to, um, just talk about like questions in class or if we’re like, say we’re doing presentations we can post our notes for our presentation, um, so it’s like external resources that we’re going to use or if, even social things like buy your formal ticket or like, buy, we have nursing clothing orders. Or, hey, we’re doing this mixer, come and, like, join us for it. Things like that too so it’s kind of both…. like an academic purpose and also, like, social, get involved in the… nursing community (P1) |
‘Behind the scenes’ knowledge sharing | We all share textbooks so I might buy a textbook for $20 and then at the end of the semester as long as the same edition is being used, I turn around and sell it for $20. Um, so we’re buying and selling and shipping textbooks all the time, um, which is pretty cool, rather than having to buy or rent them, so I mean there’s a cost benefit to it (P2) We were able to get a lot of insight from people who were ahead of us in school and then also provide guidance for people who were just starting so like people would ask which professors to take or which courses, um, were interesting, like for electives (P3) If there was somebody from the university who went and poked through, you know, went and poked through the Facebook page and posted the answers to certain questions like about study plans, about whatever for the students to see on the [school] platform, I think that would be beneficial for a lot of students (P5) |
Scaffolding knowledge | Even having like, just platforms, like I said we have our Facebook group where we’re able to post both social and academic things which I think is so good because so many times people will be like, shoot, like this question I have about this project we’re doing, like does anyone else understand this? Or do we need to email the prof about it, kind of thing. Um, so I definitely think there are some huge benefits to it (P1) |
Creating community
‘Behind the scenes’ knowledge sharing
Scaffolding knowledge
Why use social media
Theme | Participant Quotes |
Credibility and relevance of sources | I think sometimes, again, depending on the pages out there and what can be followed, I think my biggest thing would be the accuracy. So, for somebody that is very much using this for study purposes, um, for my schooling right now as well as the NCLEX coming up, a big thing for me was, um, how, how true is this information and how reliable is this? (P9) It really is a positive experience just because I’m able to critically think about something and be like, you know, is this even, you know, you see this random article on Facebook or YouTube or whatever and it’s like, does this really make sense? Is this really a legitimate source? Like, and it’s just second nature to be able to filter that kind of uncredible source out whereas again, people who haven’t grown up with that mindset would have a more difficult time probably (P6) |
Professors and professionalism | I’m not very, I guess out front, at least for the Instagram page with kind of what’s going on in that sense, um, just because I do know there are some professionalism bodies that do kind of regulate and kind of watch what is being posted, specifically since I am still trying to get into the world of nursing, so I’m very conscious of that (P9) I try to keep social media and my profession kind of separate. Maybe once in a while I might post something, but it’s very rare. Like, I really ty to keep that stuff separate…. I find that nursing is a reputable profession. I really take pride in my job and, yeah. Not that I’m a party animal or anything, don’t get me wrong (P8) Like, we always get warned about, we can’t break confidentiality so we can never say something on any social media platform that discloses information about our patients or clinical experiences. Like, they said that we can talk about oh, I had a really good day at clinical but obviously that’s excluding everything about our patient and what we actually have done, and they warned us about getting expelled or anything, getting kicked out of the program. So, they obviously provide us with that precautionary teaching but other than that, there’s not really, we don’t have guidelines other than that (P6) |
Convenience and accessibility | It’s an easy platform to share from. The interface usually works really well. It’s really not hard to go onto Facebook and actually instead of emailing someone, instead of logging online and opening my email and going from there, if I already have Facebook open, I just open up messenger and I can just share documents, just drag and click directly into that, it just is super easy, convenient thing to do (P7) You can’t disconnect from social media so that was one of the other things I’ve often experienced was that social media as a whole, I reach a point where it’s, because of news media or something that’s going on in the world, I just don’t want to deal with it but in order for me to get information for school and communicate with some of my classmates, I need that Facebook app, um, my account active in order to, you know, to access that (P2) |
Engagement and distraction | I think any educational experience would be very beneficial, especially since kind of my generation and the rest going forward, we are very attached to social media so to be able to use that platform to help us learn and to communicate and kind of connect with us on that level since it is something that works well for us and that we are quite connected to (P9) You know when you kind of start drifting off in class and you just open up your browser and oh, there’s Facebook or oh, I’m just going to casually scroll through Instagram and it’s a distraction for sure. Or, even when you’re like, on campus between classes and you’re like, ‘oh, I’m going to finish this assignment’ and then you end up wasting an hour on Twitter or something (P6) |