Design, participants, and data collection
Data analysis
Original text | Code | Sub-category | Category | Main category |
“…to make sure that there are enough nurses on every shift…” “…to make sure that there is enough protective equipment…” “…it is not fair to assume that nurses from operating theatres are ready to work in the ICU after two days of training…” | Ensure enough nurses for every shift Know the amount of protective equipment Training is enough for the new tasks | Ensuring the amount of personnel is enough Enough protective equipment Ensuring training is enough for the new tasks | Ensuring the amount of personnel is enough Concerning protective equipment Ensuring knowledge for the new tasks | OFFERING SAFETY IN WORKING CONDITIONS |
Ethical consideration
Variable | N (%) | |
Gender | Female | 522 (90) |
Male | 44 (8) | |
Another | 13 (2) | |
Education level | Bachelor’s degree | 436 (75) |
Upper secondary vocational education | 70 (12) | |
Master’s degree or higher | 67 (11) | |
Other | 6 (1) | |
Working experience | 10 years or less | 330 (57) |
Over 10 years | 249 (43) | |
Family situation | Living with family and children under 18 years | 228 (39) |
Living with family with no children under 18 years | 196 (34) | |
Living alone | 143 (25) | |
Other | 12 (2) |
Main category | Number of categories | Number of sub-categories | Number of codes |
Awarding personnel | 3 | 21 | 361 |
Offering safety in working conditions | 8 | 26 | 254 |
Showing appreciation to personnel | 9 | 34 | 199 |
Offering a variety of support methods | 6 | 30 | 162 |
Providing proper flow of information | 8 | 31 | 151 |
Ensuring proper management in exceptional situations | 5 | 25 | 108 |
Total | 39 | 167 | 1235 |
Main category (n = 6) | Category (n = 39) |
Awarding personnel | Offering benefits Defined awarding methods Awarding with money |
Offering safety in working conditions | Ensuring the availability of protective equipment Guarantee of safe working conditions Safety instructions Equivalent practices in every ward Ensuring adequate number of personnel Ensuring adequate know-how of personnel Offering health services Ensuring enough time to rest |
Showing appreciation to personnel | Understanding about the burdensome situation Ensuring fair procedures Paying attention to individual needs Giving positive feedback Supporting personnel Thanking personnel Listening to personnel Acknowledging the personnel with understanding Appropriate treatment of personnel by the employer |
Offering a variety of support methods | Supporting personnel by the supervisor Offering support to personnel Offering help in problematic situations Offering options for active discussion Offering mental support Awarding with well-being support methods |
Providing proper flow of information | Ensuring clarity of instructions Ensuring uniform instructions Ensuring that the instructions are followed Ensuring that the instructions are delivered Early information about changes Transparent information for personnel Appropriate information Truthful information |
Ensuring proper management in exceptional situations | Management improvements Personal support from the manager Reacting in exceptional situations Planning personnel transfer Enhancing the engagement of personnel |
Awarding personnel
Remembering should be something defined… some kind of credit for taking care of patients in a pandemic and risking our lives.
… employer could make deals with sport centers….
The salary is worse compared to Nordic countries and the level of health care is high compared to the rest of the world. Why the salary is not fixed?
Offering safety in working conditions
Those who have not met this disease close up should be happy. Unfortunately, we did not have a choice in this. If we have to work with COVID-19 patients, we need proper equipment for protecting ourselves, and working conditions should be proper too.
To raise a level of cleaning like the situation needs. I presume that it needs to continuously evaluated!
Follow the directions so that employees and patients feel that they are insafe in the hospital.
… some have had one month orientating; some have had only few hours before “diving”….
…but training needs time, planning and detaching oneself from one`s own work.
By increasing the personnel, it is possibility to have day offs and to recover.
…the occupational health care is so loaded that it is impossible to get any help there.
By taking care of everybody are having a chance to recover. Single days off are not enough. There should be more staff to make this happen.
Showing appreciation to personnel
The employer hopes for and demands flexibility. As a nurse I wish there is some flexibility towards us too.
By paying attention to all employees. Now they have verified all the vacations for doctors. Nurses are allowed to have maximum 3 weeks and even those are not verified yet.
Paying attention to shifts. Everybody should have an impact to their own shifts according to their coping. It is not reasonable to ask extra shifts now.
Employees will cope and help with pandemic. For this, positive feedback, rewards, and motivating will help– more things like that.
So, to pull it together, the most important is to show, in a practical way, that employees are listened to, no more nice words.
The supervisor should think staffs’ safety and thank them!
Listening the clinical workers about treating COVID patients– not only directions from above, but by discussing with nursing staff.
Offering a variety of supporting methods
“The supervisor’s actions help us to carry on with our work more than organizational instructions do. “.
It felt that no-one came to see how we were doing the job or how we were coping.
…anesthesiologists just visited shortly once a day in the isolation and came not next to patients but only when there was a necessity. Ventilator and all the equipment were strange. I only had some advice in the phone or thru isolation door, and it made me feel unsafe.
Making sure that there is a possibility to share feelings after every day.
Maybe some crisis-management professional could go regularly to units during epidemic. People could talk about their feelings, and this could help with employee anxiety.
Even small things that ease everyday life like eating, exercising or recovering will show that employer cares and respects….
Providing proper flow of information
…directions for example to protecting us changed sometimes many times per day > it will not increase well-being.
“…it feels that everyone have their own directions how the personnel is protected when treating covid patient…“.
Equivalent directions and demanding for all nurses, doctors and other staff to follow them.
Some kind of link, from where it is possible to search the newest guidelines….
Exact and fast information. You often hear things in corridors before information is officially received. There should already be information when something is being considered and not only the final decisions.
Information should be better and should not change all the time. New directions are hard to find from e-mail inbox because it is so full of messages about everything.
All the information given should be practically tested and possible to use.
…managers of the organization said that nurses from operating theaters are willing to go to intensive care units… it is a lie.
Ensuring proper management in the exeptional situations
The management should orientate oneself to modern management. It is time to get rid of awfully old and inefficient culture.
It doesn’t really provide much comfort when bosses send supporting videos from their nice offices to say, ‘Well done!’ when we and our families are exposed to this disease– on every shift.
Paying attention to the future. It is possible that these exceptional arrangements are influencing the future of nursing staff….
Before moving personnel to other workplace should be evaluated what are the persons competences and willingness….
Professionals are tired of empty promises and are going to go and work somewhere else– the future will be sad.