Occupational fatigue refers to a state in which individuals are exposed to high work demands and stresses over a long period of time. It manifests as a decline in physical activity, mental cognition, and the ability to work normally [
1]. In the 21st century, occupational fatigue has increasingly become a prevalent issue in contemporary society particularly among healthcare professionals, driven by intense competition, high pressure, and a rapid pace [
3]. As the core department of the hospital, the operating room is the site of the important tasks of surgical treatment [
4] and the rescue of critically ill patients. The tasks performed by operating room nurses are characterized by a high degree of professionalism, precision, collaboration, and the ability to respond to emergencies [
5]. These tasks primarily focus on the care of surgical patients and the smooth progression of surgical procedures [
6]. Operating room nurses are at high risk of occupational fatigue, with an incidence of 71–94.8% [
9]. Long-term occupational fatigue can affect operating room nurses’ physical and mental health and work performance, reduce work efficiency, increase medical errors, and affect the quality of nursing services and patient safety [
Occupational fatigue among operating room nurses has not been thoroughly and comprehensively investigated [
12]. To date, most studies have adopted a variable-centric approach and evaluated each dimension as a discrete variable. This approach is appropriate when the aim is to analyze how the components of different dimensions change in a population or the relationships between variables in a group of individuals [
13]. However, this approach overlooks the dynamic relationships among the dimensions of occupational fatigue and whether the behavioral impact of any one component depends on the relative strength and combination of the other components. Individual-centered analysis (e.g., latent profiling) can address the interactions among the dimensions of occupational fatigue and allow for the holistic assessment of the experience of fatigue, which facilitates precise understanding of the nuances and complexity of individual differences in variable systems [
Attentional control is a topic of increasing interest in both scientific and clinical fields [
15]. Attentional control is a cognitive ability that focuses consciousness on a specific stimulus or location and maintains attention; it plays a key role in a variety of operations and is critical for higher-order cognitive and functional activities [
16]. Attentional deficits can affect individual physiology and mental health and have adverse effects on quality of life, such as poor professional performance, interpersonal difficulties, and emotional disorders [
18]. Occupational fatigue is a significant factor affecting workplace safety, and it has been shown to have a notable impact on human errors and unsafe behaviors across various industries and environments. Previous studies on firefighters [
19], construction workers [
20], and gas industry workers [
21] have consistently demonstrated a strong correlation between occupational fatigue and human errors as well as unsafe behaviors. It significantly reduces the level of safe behaviors, impairs safety behavior intentions, and leads to decreased attention, prolonged reaction times, and weakened judgment. Particularly in complex tasks requiring high levels of concentration, occupational fatigue further increases the likelihood of human errors, thereby threatening the safety of both the workplace and the tasks at hand. Surgical coordination is a task that requires a high level of concentration. The ability to maintain prolonged stability and focus is crucial for the safety and efficiency of surgical procedures [
22]. Any unsafe behaviors resulting from fatigue, such as contamination of the sterile field or dropping surgical instruments, can adversely affect the surgical process and patient safety. Previous research has confirmed that attentional control is related to fatigue [
23]. Although significant associations between fatigue and attentional control have been demonstrated in previous studies [
25], few studies have explored the correlation between occupational fatigue and attentional control in operating room nurses. Therefore, it is unknown whether the degree of occupational fatigue experienced by operating room nurses influences their attentional control during surgical cooperation and affects surgical efficiency and results. Moreover, no research has examined whether attentional control varies across each latent profile of occupational fatigue.
Individual-centered analysis can be used to identify and compare subgroups with similar composition [
26]. Latent profile analysis (LPA) is an individual-centered method that identifies distinct groups based on varying characteristics and differences in indicators, aiding in the detection of high-risk populations and enabling targeted interventions [
27]. Using maximum likelihood estimation, LPA minimizes within-group variability while maximizing between-group variability, with statistical indicators ensuring classification accuracy and validity [
In this context, the purpose of this study was to investigate the level of occupational fatigue and attentional control among nurses in operating rooms, and identify categories of occupational fatigue. Meanwhile explore the latent profiles and its.
influencing factors of operating room nurses’ occupational fatigue, as well as differences in attentional control across each latent profile. To provide a theoretical foundation for nursing managers to design targeted and personalized interventions aimed at alleviating the occupational fatigue experienced by operating room nurses.
This cross-sectional study was approved by the medical ethics committee. From May 2024 to July 2024, participants were selected from nine administrative areas in Chengdu via convenience sampling. The inclusion criteria were (a) registered nurses who worked in the operating room, (b) provided informed consent regarding their willingness to participate in the study and (c) had worked in this position for at least 1 year. The exclusion criteria were (a) nurses on shifts who were currently not in a hospital nursing position, (b) newly graduated registered nurses with standardized training, and (c) nurses who were not on duty for various reasons (such as further training, maternity leave or vacation, and health problems). In addition, questionnaires with incorrect entries, those with consecutive identical responses exhibiting a certain pattern, and those with more than 10% of items left unanswered will be excluded. Paper questionnaires were distributed both offline and online, and 386 operating room nurses from 6 tertiary hospitals in Chengdu were included.
For descriptive cross-sectional studies of quantitative variables, the sample size was calculated as follows [
29] :
\(N = {{{Z^2}\alpha /2p\left( {1 - p} \right)} \over {{\delta ^2}}}\)
At the 95% confidence interval, Z
α/2=1.96, δ represents the absolute error or precision, which was 0.05 in this study, and
p is the incidence of severe occupational fatigue among nurses in the operating room that can be based on the data from previous research [
31], which was 26.3% here. According to the formula, the the oretical sample size was 298. Considering an invalid response rate of 20% during the study, it was concluded that at least 358 operating room nurses need to be investigated.
Data collection
This study used a combination of offline and online methods to collect questionnaires. For nearby hospitals, onsite surveys were used to gather data. For distant hospitals, data collection was conducted using an online questionnaire administered via the Questionnaire Star platform (Wenjuanxing, Regardless of whether an offline or online survey was conducted, the researchers submitted ethical review approval documents and obtained the permission of the person in charge of the hospital before the investigation began. The investigators for this study comprised the research team, nursing departments in various hospitals and administrators of the hospital’s operating room department. All investigators received unified training and were responsible for selecting participants who met the inclusion criteria and informing the participants of the aim, significance, and content of the research. The research was anonymous. For offline questionnaires, after informed consent was obtained from the participants, the investigators introduced the requirements for completing the questionnaire to participants and then collected and reviewed the questionnaire on the spot. If any missing items were found, the respondent was invited to complete them in a timely manner. For the online questionnaires, the investigators sent the questionnaire link to the nursing WeChat group of each hospital and explained the purpose and completion requirements of the questionnaire survey to the participants through the WeChat group. After the participants provided informed consent, they could click the link to complete the questionnaire and submit it independently. To improve the quality of the online data collection, each IP address could be used only once to complete the questionnaire, and participants could submit the questionnaire when all options were completed. When the answers provided in a questionnaire were the same or the completion time for the online questionnaire was less than 300 s, the completed questionnaire was rejected.
Participants’ general characteristics
Demographic data (age, gender, marital status, educational level) and work-related information (i.e., professional title, monthly salary income, average number of hours worked per week, monthly average number of night shifts, employment status, years of operating room work experience) were collected.
Occupational fatigue for operating room nurses
Nurses’ occupational fatigue recovery was measured via the Occupational Fatigue Exhaustion Recovery scale (OFER) for operating room nurses, which was developed by WINWOOD et al. [
31].and Fang et al. [
32].translated the Chinese version of the Scale in 2009. The scale consists of 15 items in 3 subscales: chronic fatigue(items 1–5), acute fatigue(items 6–10) and intershift recovery(items 11–15) and a cumulative variance contribution of 70.367%. The instrument measures chronic fatigue, acute fatigue and intershift recovery with a 7-point Likert response scale ranging from 0 (never) to 6 (always). The scores of each subscale were converted to a percentage scale, calculated as the total score of the items divided by 30, multiplied by 100. The total score ranges from 0 to 100 points, and acute and chronic fatigue are divided into 3 levels (0 ~ 33.3 points indicates mild fatigue, 33.4 ~ 66.6 points indicates moderate fatigue, and 66.7 ~ 100.0 points indicates severe fatigue). The higher the scores of the acute and chronic fatigue subscales, the greater the degree of fatigue. The lower the score is for the intershift recovery subscale, the lower the degree of recovery between shifts. The scale in our study showed good internal consistency and reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.783. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for each of the three dimensions were 0.902 (chronic fatigue), 0.876 (acute fatigue), and 0.827 (intershift recovery).
Attentional control for operating room nurses
The Attentional Control Scale (ACS) developed by Derryberry and Reed et al. [
17].was originally developed in the form of a self-report survey. Yang et al. [
33].translated the Chinese version of the Scale in 2014 and named it ACS-C. It measures the ability to control attention and contains 20 items on two subscales (i.e., 9 items on attentional focus and 11 items on attentional shift). This instrument measures attentional control on a 4-point Likert response scale ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (always). The higher the score, the better the individual’s attentional control ability is. The Cronbach’s alpha for attentional control was 0.801, and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the dimensions of attentional focus and attentional shift were 0.874 and 0.776, respectively.
Ethical considerations
This research was approved by the medical ethics committee of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (approval no. 2024 − 197). All participants were informed of the purpose of the study before recruitment, and all participants were asked to voluntarily sign a written consent form. To protect the participants’ privacy, all collected data were preserved anonymously and confidentially.
Data analysis
Mplus version 8.0 was used to explore the latent profiles of operating room nurses’ occupational fatigue. Data for each item in the three dimensions were entered into the LPA. In this study, one to five potential profile models were explored sequentially from the initial model (1 profile) to the determination of the most appropriate model with a log-likelihood test. The LPA model fit test indices included the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and the adjusted Bayesian information criterion (aBIC), with a lower value indicating a better-fitting model. The classification accuracy was evaluated with entropy values (from 0 to 1, with better values close to 1). The Lo–Mendell–Rubin Test (LMR) and bootstrap likelihood ratio test (BLRT) were used to assess the P values in the comparisons among models with different numbers of classes [
34]. A low P value indicated that the k-class model fit better than the k-1-class model [
35]. To explore the differences between demographic characteristics and work-related information for the subtypes based on LPA, IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.0 was used (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Nurses’ demographic characteristics and work-related information, including the mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage, were analyzed via descriptive statistics. Differences between categorical variables of the different subtypes of operating room nurses’ occupational fatigue were analyzed via the chi-square test (χ2) or Fisher’s exact probability. Furthermore, multinomial logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the predictive factors in the groups. One-way ANOVA, the Student–Newman–Keuls (SNK) test, and the Kruskal–Wallis test were conducted to determine differences in the ACS scores in each latent profile. Statistical significance was identified at a two-tailed P value < 0.05.
This research used LPA to innovatively identify the subgroup characteristics and predictors of operating room nurses’ occupational fatigue. We identified three obvious profiles of occupational fatigue among nurses with occupational fatigue: “low-fatigue/high-recovery”, “high-fatigue/low-recovery”, and “moderate- fatigue/moderate-recovery”. Furthermore, we discussed the role advantages of nurses in the “low-fatigue/high-recovery” group and revealed potential predictors of profile membership, including age, work experience, educational level and monthly income. This study contributes to the literature by suggesting that nursing administrators can design targeted interventions and specific training programs in relation to the heterogeneity of operating room nurses’ occupational fatigue. For example, nursing administrators can select nurses who are suitable for operating room positions on the basis of demographic and work-related characteristics. Furthermore, administrators can provide targeted incentives and psychological empowerment, such as peer support, and increase salaries for operating room nurses on the basis of the characteristics and needs of each subgroup, which may reduce nurses’ occupational fatigue. Reducing occupational fatigue can also affect the attentional focus aspect of nurses’ attentional control. In other words, reducing occupational fatigue is crucial to allow nurses to meet the demands of the hospital operating room and to improve their attentional focus. These approaches can improve the overall service quality of the hospital.
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