Systematic literature search
Search | Algorithms | Article (n) |
1 | (flip* adj2 (class* or learning or teaching or pedagog*)) | 483 |
2 | (invert* adj2 (class* or learning or teaching or pedagog*)) | 205 |
3 | (nursing edu* or nurs* edu* or nurs* or teach* nurs* or health profession* education* or health person* or health person* education* or health occupation* or health occupation*education*) | 517,704 |
4 | (undergrad* or baccalaureate or bachelor* or student*) | 321,077 |
5 | (Search-1) or (Search-2) | 674 |
6 | (Search-3) or (Search-4) | 594,770 |
7 | (Search-5) and (Search-6) | 413 |
8 | (Search-7) limited to (year = “2012 -Current” and English) | 374 |
Study selection
Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
•Description of the Flipped classroom (pedagogy/learning/teaching) in nursing education. •Study using any form of pedagogical model/framework. •Study focusing on measuring the effectiveness of flipped classroom pedagogy. •Study conducted in undergraduate education. •The publication period from 2012 to 2019 (The flipped classroom was introduced into Health Profession Education in 2012 [6]). •Type of publication: Original research, systematic review, or meta-analysis. | •Full text of the article is not published in English. •Study conducted in the context of post-graduate and vocational training. •Study results duplicated in a separate earlier publication. •Type of publication: book, chapters, thesis, commentaries, conference abstracts, protocols, study outlines and government publication. |
Data synthesis
Quality assessment of the selected studies
Categories | Definitions | Operational ranks |
Ia | Evidence from meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | Rank A |
Ib | Evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial | |
IIa | Evidence from at least one controlled study without randomization | |
IIb | Evidence from at least one other type of Quasi-experimental study | |
III | Evidence from non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative studies, correlation studies, case-control studies and qualitative studies. | |
IV | Evidence from expert committee reports or opinions and / or clinical experience of respected authorities | Rank B-D |
Study selection
No | Author(s) | Country | Study Design | Academic Year of Sample | Subject Area | Aim(s) of the study | Category of evidence |
1 | Dehghanzadeh & Jafaraghaee, 2018 [3] | Iran | Quasi-Experimental (Non-equivalent control group Faragher) | 2nd Year (N = 85) | Musculoskeletal Medical Surgical Nursing | Identify the effect of flipped classroom on nursing students’ critical thinking disposition. | IIa |
2 | Oh et al., 2019 [24] | South Korea | Quasi Experimental (Pretest-posttest, one group) | 2nd Year (N = 64) | Nursing informatics | To develop flipped classroom by using film clips and to evaluate the effectiveness. | IIb |
3 | H. S. Kim, Kim, Cho, & Jang, 2017 [25] | South Korea | Randomized clinical trial | 3rd Year (N = 62) | Clinical nursing practicum | To develop flipped learning models for clinical practicums and compare their effectiveness regarding learner motivation, satisfaction, and confidence in performing core nursing skills. | Ib |
4 | Ya-Qian et al., 2018 [26] | China | Meta-analysis | – | – | To examine the effectiveness of the flipped classroom on the development of self-directed learning. | Ib |
5 | Im & Jang, 2019 [27] | South Korea | Retrospective survey | 3rd Year (N = 70) | Mental health nursing practicum | To verify the effectiveness of the flipped learning | III |
6 | Y. M. Kim, Yoon, Hong, & Min, 2019 [28] | South Korea | Quasi-Experimental (Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest) | 2nd, 3th, 4th Year (N = 75) | Patient safety course | To examine the effects of flipped classroom on patient safety competency. | IIa |
7 | Lee & Park, 2018 [15] | Korea | Stratified Group-Randomized Trial | 3rd Year (N = 102) | Surgical nursing Practicum. | To examine the effect of flipped learning. | Ib |
8 | Maxwell & Wright, 2016 | [29] USA | Quasi-Experimental (Pretest/posttest control group design) | N = 64 | Quality improvement and safety | To evaluating the effectiveness of flipped classroom with regard to quality and safety education | IIa |
9 | Oh, Kim, Kim, & Vasuki, 2017 [1] | South Korea | Quasi-Experimental (Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest) | N = 64 | Nursing Informatics | To evaluate the effects of the flipped learning on nursing informatics | IIa |
10 | Hoover et al., 2018 [12] | USA | Quasi-experimental study | 3rd Year (N = 42) | – | To examine the readiness for active learning and perceived level of student confidence and preparedness with the flipped classroom method using two different types of pre-class preparation materials | IIb |
11 | Hew & Lo, 2018 [6] | Hong Kong | Meta-analysis | – | – | To summarize the overall effects of teaching with the flipped classroom approach | Ib |
12 | Holman & Hanson, 2016 [30] | USA | Descriptive design | N = 236 | Pharmacology & psychiatric nursing | To analyze the effect of the FM On student learning and to evaluate student perceptions. | III |
13 | H. Kim & Jang, 2017 [31] | South Korea | Randomized controlled trial | 3rd Year (N = 202) | – | To verify the effects of flipped learning on the academic achievement, teamwork skills, and satisfaction. | Ib |
14 | Geist, Larimore, Rawiszer, & Sager, 2015 [32] | USA | Quasi-Experimental (Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest) | N = 86 | Pharmacology | To determine difference in content knowledge acquisition between traditional and flipped classroom methods. | IIa |
15 | Dabney & Mitchell, 2017 [33] | USA | Descriptive study | N = 42 | Gerontological Nursing | To measure students’ perceptions and satisfaction with the Flipped Classroom. | III |
16 | El-Banna, Whitlow, & McNelis, 2017 [34] | USA | Crossover repeated measures | N = 76 | Pharmacology | To examine differences on exam scores and satisfaction of teaching between flipped and traditional classroom approach. | IIb |
17 | Missildine, Fountain, Summers, & Gosselin, 2013 [5] | USA | Quasi-experimental | N = 589 | Adult Health nursing | To determine the effects of a flipped classroom and innovative learning activities on academic success and the satisfaction of nursing students. | IIb |
18 | Simpson & Richards, 2015 [35] | USA | Descriptive and exploratory | 3rd Year (N = 64) | Population Health | To evaluate the flipped classroom design | III |
19 | Greenwood & Mosca, 2017 [36] | USA | Quasi experimental design | N = 215 | Medical-surgical nursing | To determine the relationship between a flipped classroom and test scores | IIa |
20 | Saunders, Green, & Cross, 2017 [37] | Australia | An exploratory mixed methods design | 1st Year | – | To evaluate an integrated flipped and simulated teaching intervention. | III |
21 | Green & Schlairet, 2017 [38] | USA | Phenomenological approach | N = 14 | Fundamental Concepts of Nursing | To understand how students perceived their experiences in the flipped classroom and how students’ learning dispositions were affected by the flipped classroom experience | III |
22 | Bingen, Steindal, Krumsvik, & Tveit, 2019 [39] | Norway | Design-based research | N = 192 | Physiology | To explore how nursing students experience learning physiology within a flipped classroom. | III |
23 | Cho & Kim, 2019 [40] | South Korea | Quasi-Experimental (Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest) | N = 80 | Clinical adult nursing practicum | To compare the outcomes and influential factors using flipped learning methods | IIa |
24 | Harrington, Bosch, Schoofs, Beel-Bates, & Anderson, 2015 [41] | USA | Experimental design, randomizing a convenience sample | N = 82 | Care of the adult | To compare learning outcomes between traditional class and flipped classroom. | Ib |
25 | Park & Park, 2018 [42] | South Korea | Descriptive and quasi-experimental study | N = 81 | Adult health nursing | To reveal the effectiveness of flipped learning pedagogy | IIb |
26 | Hanson, 2016 [43] | Australia | Descriptive research | 2nd Year (N = 51) | Pharmacology | To examine nursing students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of a flipped classroom | III |
27 | Xu et al., 2019 [44] | China | Systematic review and meta-analysis | – | – | To examine the effect of a flipped classroom versus a traditional classroom on their skill competence. | I |