Research design
Study setting
Population and sampling
Data collection method
What are the presence practices amongst unit managers in a selected provincial hospital in Free State?
What are the perceptions of unit managers on presence practices in a selected provincial hospital in Free State?
How does one practise relational care and human connectedness towards one’s subordinates in the unit?
Data analysis
Step one – The researcher transcribed the data verbatim from the tape recorder, read through the data, and reflected on what the participants said. Data were shared with a co-coder who read through the data and reflected on the findings.
Step two – Codes were generated from the collected data (phrases or categories were then coded) and were written down in a book to assist with the interpretation of the data [30]. The researcher and the co-coder independently conducted this step.
Step three – The researcher searched for themes and categories which gave meaning to the data set [30]. This step was conducted independently by the researcher and the co-coder and then consensus was determined.
Step four – All potential themes and categories were reviewed for quality purposes, coherence, and suitability [30].
Step five – Themes and categories were named and defined by clearly stating the uniqueness of these themes and categories to provide structure for the analysis process [30].
Step six – The researcher validated the generated themes and categories and reflected on them to ensure that they reflected the participants’ authentic responses [30].
Demographic characteristics of participants
Organisation of the themes
1. Presence practices among unit managers in a selected provincial hospital in Free State | 1.1. Leadership presence and accessibility | • Be available and accessible to patients and staff; • Be involved and visible; and • Establish a conducive workplace environment. |
1.2. Supportive work culture | ● Supportive and helpful attitude towards staff; ● Acceptance of personal differences; and ● Personal interviews with staff and referral of nurses and patients who require interventions. | |
1.3 Effective management and development | ● Problem-solving and conflict management; ● Staff education and staff empowerment; ● Patient feedback with corrective interventions; ● Planning, time, and resource management; ● Clinical governance and participative leadership; and ● Encouragement and motivation of staff. | |
2. Impact of Presence Practices on Hospital Dynamics in a selected provincial hospital in Free State province | 2.1 Positive impact on patient care and staff management | ● Collaboration, harmony, and teamwork; ● Healing and calming effects on patients and their families; ● Patient satisfaction; ● Prevention of adverse events; and ● Effects on staff management. |
2.2 Challenges and negative outcomes | ● Negative effects on patients’ and their families’ healing; ● Patient dissatisfaction; and ● Decline in quality patient care. | |
3. Unit managers’ practices of relational care and human connectedness in the unit | 3.1 Practice of relational care | ● Establish rapport and trusting relationships; ● Communication; ● Establish professional relationships; and ● Supportive practices. |
3.2 Practices to facilitate human connectedness | ● Reaching out to others; ● Supportive actions; ● Empathy; and ● Team-building activities. | |
4. The perceptions of unit managers on barriers to presence practices in a selected provincial hospital in Free State | 4.1 Managers and staff-related barriers to presence practices | ● Staff compassion fatigue and burnout; ● Staff attitude-related barriers; and ● Staff members with personal disequilibrium. |
4.2 Work-related barriers to presence practices | ● Insufficient resources; ● Staff shortages; ● Work overload and multiple expectations; and ● Inadequate support and acknowledgement. | |
4.3 Managers coping with barriers to presence practices | ● Coping through support from others; ● Emotion-focused coping (control stress and emotions); ● Problem-focused coping (improvisation); and ● Self-sacrifice. |
Theme 1: Presence practices among unit managers in a selected provincial hospital in Free State
For, my patients as well. My patients usually I will start with them, because we are here for the patients. I’ll start with them in the morning after taking the report, we go bed by bed with them. I go with my staff, the matron is also there, myself going bed to bed seeing that every, you know, patients are being taking care of accordingly [Part 1, F-59, 2 yrs exp].
But for me definitely I think it is part of being here being visibly here, having an open door-policy,. But for the staff these days you have to be more present emotionally. You have to be seen physically as well, otherwise it is like oh, this matron is just in the office the whole day long [Part 2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
The presence means, okay on my side I understand it as I must be there all the time when my staff needs me, when there is something about my patient, I need to be there for that patient … [Part 12, F-54, 18 mnths exp].
What I understand when you said practice presence, according to me, I think I must be present on the patient at all times [Part 7, M-56, 1 year exp].
For, me presence means being visible with your team. Seeing that things or processes are running and everything. So, my presence being visible … [Part 6, F-54, 8 year exp].
But if I can make the environment where you work, where a patient maybe sees his last minutes here, maybe before they die and I can make it positive, then I’ve done my job the day [Part 3, F-51, 6yrs exp].
… you don’t know how emotionally the person is heard but in the meantime on my side I have to start to make the environment of the theatre to be calm so that everybody is covered … [Part 12, F-54, 1 year.6 months exp].
So I’m coming with her we are doing this thing like this and this and then if she, you see she is struggling you help. That’s why I said to you I carry them along because there are those you say nna cannot afford this I don’t think I can manage you come with them, that’s what I mean sitting with them, supporting them, supporting them that’s the main thing [Part 1, F-59, 2 yrs exp].
To say, but we, we are supporting you don’t resign or don’t drink. Because a lot of things came out yesterday, she’s not in a good state. Just to find out, she’s not drinking. We said OK we’ll take her out of that place, we are putting in another clinic, but whilst we’re doing that, we support you and motivate [Part 6, F-54, 8yrs exp].
The support that I give them is I’ll be there for them. They know even if I’m off during the week there is a problem, they called me and I come and help them. For there’s nothing I can do. There’s no way I can get other people somewhere else. So I’ll be there even if I’m home, they know they call me, matron come and help, I come and help [Part 9, F-50, 6yrs exp].
So, then they will come to me that I follow up with their doctors, so we solve the problems normally very quickly and there’s no further complaints on on issues like that, that small things normally [Part 3, F-51, 6yrs exp].
One of the responsibilities is to ensure that all the conflicts are resolved so that the key environment is very friendly to all of us. So, it’s very it’s very it’s very it’s very straining to try to keep to try to keep up with their fight, is very straining to to try to keep up to say let’s have a team because somebody have done something to and they take it personal [Part 6, F-54, 8yrs exp].
I will listen to the patient or the patient relative what is the problem, then I will go to the my staff and ask what was really happening just to investigate the matter. And then if we maybe the thing need to be solved, because at times it will be misunderstanding between the patient and the nurse, you know, miscommunication then we resolve it in my office like asking apologies and all those stuff [Part 7, M-56, 1 year exp].
… definitely just involving them will also increase your practice in presence in a leadership situation…actually participative management. So at least if you practice that type of management. I think people will also feel responsible for the unite and take ownership for the unit … [Part 2, F-51, 20yrs exp].
Now with clinical governance, we are accountable for, for whatever that we are doing to our patients, we are accountable [Part 4, F-44yrs, 2yrs exp].
And then do follow ups and sometimes maybe sometimes if the problem you know when you are working in an environment and then I’m working with you maybe I’ve got issues with you, like I’ll try to find out what is the problem, then I will separate them like in a shift maybe the other one will go to the other shift and the other one to the so to prevent the mis understanding [Part 8, F-50, 15yrs exp].
Theme 2: Impact of presence practices on hospital dynamics in a selected provincial hospital in Free State
Maybe the manager would say but we’ve got shortage in maternity, in ICU, wherever and then she place you there and she wasn’t actually for that. So, make the place friendly for her, ja. Obviously, she will be anxious, but I didn’t like this, though I’m a nurse, I didn’t like this. So I like making the work place friendly for them, ja by sitting around with them and then saying but this is not complicated [P1, F-59, 2yrs exp].
But if the environment is positive, I can’t fix the things at home for you? But if I can make the environment where you work, where a patient maybe see his last minutes here, maybe before they die and I can make it positive, then I I’ve done my job for the day neh. So, for me it’s very important that patients are happy and and that my staff is happy because if you if you can get that part, you will work harder. Everyone will give a extra more of themselves. If your environment is positive and what you call it? Conducive [P3, F-51, 6yrs exp].
If your personnel they are satisfied, happy and you always support them, even if you are having like, we having shortage of staff like in South Africa, even if there’s a shortage, they will always be willing to help, you see because they know that our matron is always there for us, so they will support you [P8, F-50, 15yrs exp].
All the support that you are giving them, they become relaxed, they they they tend to learn how to care for their babies and you won’t even struggle with milk production [P4, F-44, 2 yrs exp].
It’s all about like patient being like healed going out of the hospital being like healed you know going back to his family his or her family so that makes us very good as a team yes [P7, M-56, 1 year exp].
If my staff practice presence the advantages is that the stay of the patients in the hospital will be short and then one other thing, they would have too much burden of work if they do what they are supposed to do [P11, M-53, 1.7 yrs exp].
To make them feel relaxed that whichever way I’ll be taken into theatre, I will be operated that’s it, the most important thing is for our patients to know that is the most important thing, I mean the advantage of knowing is you are calming them, you are making them relaxed, you are making them believe that whichever way I’ll be done today [P12, F-54, 1.6 yrs exp].
So many things can go wrong, so many things can go wrong if really they are not happy, they are not coming to work because who will nurse the patients you know [P1, F-59, 2yrs exp].
There will be more death, the death rate will be higher. So, mortality will increase as it is at the moment we don’t have a high care so, my ward is also a high care. So, if we are not present, we will really have a bad mortality rate here and it will really increase [P4, F-44, 2yrs exp].
Yeah, the mothers well if we don’t practice presence. They are also not supported. They don’t support their babies and they feel frustrated. They don’t know who to talk to. Therefore, you’ll be having this, this, I don’t want to say bitter mothers that you will behave in these mothers that are not active in their babies care that are not participating whenever you need them to participate, and that also indirectly affects the baby. Because they need their moms to be there for them [P4, F-44, 2yrs exp].
One patient will complicate, two you won’t identify the problems on time [P5, F-48, 2yrs exp].
The disadvantage, the anxiety with our patients they are lying there not knowing. I’m being collected from my ward but I’m lying here, you understand, so it’s the anxiety that I think that can go through [P12, F-54, 1.6 yrs exp].
I would think, depending on whether your patient is a minor or not. Or even a geriatric patient, or a patient cannot speak for him or herself. They will also be feeling negative about the very institution where the patient is being nursed. They might feel unhappy with the care that the patient is getting [P2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
Even our image as a hospital, you know will be at the bad side you know to the community, they won’t even trust our hospital, yes [P7, M-56, 1 year exp].
If I don’t practice presence the disadvantages is that there will be no smooth running of the department, there’s gonna be chaotic, and then its gonna, there’s gonna be lot of complaints that the patients are not cared for. And then even that will lead to the long stay of the patients [P11, M-53, 1.7 yrs exp].
The patient will die, definitely the patient will die. That is the only thing the patient will suffer, there’s nothing. If you don’t do anything the best to the patient that you are here for, who’s suffering, that helpless patient, if you don’t do anything if you don’t do wound dressing on daily basis the patient will end up being septic, if you don’t clean the wound of the patient the patient will be septic [P10, F-55, 3 yrs exp].
Theme 3: unit managers’ practices of relational care and human connectedness in the unit
The relationship, the relation I’m building with my staff, listen to their concerns and then if maybe I see they are not on the line I discipline them and then I try to motivate them to do what they are supposed to do [P11, M-53, 1.7 yrs exp].
So, I’m always around and helping all over the hospital, and that’s also something that I say to them, remember it don’t help we keep our knowledge for ourselves, so even if we need to go to other departments and share our knowledge, use it like that [P3, F-51, 6yrs exp].
Like when you are a manager mos you must communicate with your staff. So, like every morning when during report taking I’m there with them so that I can know what is going on in the unit and then to understand if there is any challenges like staff shortages or equipment [P8, F-50, 15yrs exp].
Supporting everybody. Where they need support, knowing your staff, seeing when they are having an off day or not feeling well, asking them about them [P2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
Well, sometimes, for instance, when they are busy and there are a few people, I will assist but if I can’t assist, I will do just give them a little something like for instance a cappuccino sachet that they can enjoy on teatime or something like that and they do appreciate those little gestures [P2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
If somebody have done and everything correctly I will buy some a cup just to say you have done well good for this, you understand. Others are depending being depressed neh because of some other social problem that I have but what I usually do I will let the staff to contribute whatever they have to buy something, it can be a slipper or whatever or a present or whatever, just to say [P12, F-54, 1.6 yrs exp].
Ja, is to my staff and we do some things in the ward just for team building, mustn’t be work, work, work all the time. So sometimes I’m there doing somethings cheering us up [P1, F-59, 2yrs exp].
Human connectedness to my staff, sometimes we hold the small, the small parties together and go out to be together in our free time so that we can have time to know each other well even outside our workplace [P11, M-53, 1.7 yrs exp].
Theme 4: The perceptions of unit managers on barriers to presence practices in a selected provincial hospital in Free State
The unit manager, operational manager. Name it what you want to is actually emotionally and psychologically drained she cannot support the rest of the people, neither the patients, neither the staff, neither the family members, nobody [P2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
They don’t want to be confronted, you know, they feel that if you are wanting things to be done as they’re supposed to be done, you’re on them, on their case. So, that’s what I’m saying people are just on the edge. If you say a thing, no matter how in what context they’re just on fire day [P6, F-54, 8yrs exp].
The challenges sometimes the nursing staff others especially at night mos they would be rude maybe they are tired so like when the patient is asking for something they would be like rude to the patient or ignorant [P8, F-50, 15 yrs exp].
Others will be abusing substances. There are those that are abusing substances. There are those that are that are going through divorce [P4, F-44, 2 yrs exp].
It’s not always to say that we can physically change the situation or. Say for instance, you don’t have a certain kind of consumable. Doctors, sisters, everybody will get frustrated and highly frustrated. And then you have to be the sound board for that [P2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
Shortage of resources, cos sometimes they are the one next to the patient. If maybe there is no resources, they become frustrated. So, they have to leave the patient in the ICU to go and ask around you know, so those things like frustrate them and then their interpersonal relationship also like people they are not the same so those things [P4, F-44, 2yrs exp].
Presently, it’s so challenging because like, some of the things that, I can’t even, not a problem, for example there’s a shortage of staff, there’s not enough personnel as I indicated, shortage of what you call it, equipment and also absenteeism also affect the things that we manage, some of the things that affects me, yes [P7, M-56, 1 year exp].
Sometimes we are so exhausted even the nurses I see sometimes really they are so exhausted but we keep on working, we keep on working because even if there is no someone, I have to call them come to do overtime, come to help us [P9, F-50, 6 yrs exp].
…and I must say that, sometimes you get more support than other times in the sense of not only just nursing management, but also your doctors that actually works with you or the ones that’s in charge of your units [P2, F-51, 20 yrs exp].
Even me, I need sometimes to just go and rebrief with my manager or with one of the doctors, you know, because we need because of the death rate [P3, F-51, 6yrs exp].
I do get support from the two ladies that I’ve mentioned my assistant manager and my nurse manager, recently just they’ve supported me fully. I don’t want to lie [P5, F-48, 2 yrs exp].
Fortunately with me I’m a very, very, calm person, even if I see that I can’t manage, I’m a very, very, calm person, I wouldn’t even show you that now I’m so much overwhelmed. I’ll take them one by one, one by one until I finish what I’m supposed to be doing for that day [P12, F-54, 1.6 yrs exp].
So, we’ll be improvising, improvising and then at end when the families came here then they gonna log the complaints? [P11, M-53, 1.7 yrs exp].