Infection control is defined as minimizing the acquisition and spread of an infectious agent [
1] and is performed to prevent infection or spread in a healthcare facility [
2]. Infections occurring in medical institutions cause socioeconomic losses due to increased hospitalisation periods, medical expenses, and medical disputes. Infection is a major cause of death and poses a serious threat to patient safety [
3]. Therefore, the importance of infection control has been emphasised to prevent the harm caused by infection and protect patient safety.
Nurses are medical personnel who work closely with patients; therefore, they can directly impact infection control [
4]. To this end, nurses must thoroughly comply with infection control guidelines, be equipped with the latest knowledge and skills for infection control, and play a key role in infection control, such as assessment of patients’ infection symptoms and providing education [
6]. However, in previous studies on nurses, the strict practice of infection control guidelines, including hand hygiene, was low [
8]. In particular, sometimes old guidelines are applied or infection control guidelines are simply not followed, even though nurses are aware of them [
9]. Additionally, nurses did not know much about multidrug-resistant bacteria, did not participate in the antibiotic use process, and did not provide sufficient education to those patient to isolate [
9]. Overall, infection control practices appear to be limited.
Infection control competency is defined as the integration of knowledge, skills, and behaviours for performance of infection control in accordance with infection control standards, and it consists of competencies such as basic microbiology, hand hygiene, education, communication, and critical thinking [
12]. Infection control capacity helps medical professionals to quickly apply new guidelines and supports the optimal use of antibiotics [
12]. It can also contribute to reduction of infection rates by enabling the application of the best evidence in clinical settings where knowledge and skills are constantly changing [
13]. Therefore, it is important for nurses to possess infection control competencies to protect themselves and patients from infections [
Yu et al. [
15] reported on their scale developed a scale for measurement of neonatal intensive care unit nurses’ infection control competency. However, to accurately measure a nurse’s competency, it is necessary to reflect on the situation related to the patient, clinical environment, and nurse’s work [
16]. The scale developed by Yu et al. [
15] focussed on the neonatal intensive care unit environment, which has limitations in terms of measuring the infection control competency of nurses caring for patients compared to other environments. In addition, studies related to infection control competency include that by Carrico et al. [
17], which presented a list of infection control competencies of healthcare personnel, and another by Liu et al. [
10], which presented a list of infection control competencies for new nurses. However, Carrico et al. [
17] developed a general infection control competency list for all medical personnel, which did not present nurses’ infection control competencies specifically. In addition, Liu et al. [
10] focused on hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, personal safety, standard precautions, and attention to transmission routes. Although cooperation, communication, and leadership are suggested as important attributes of nurses’ infection control competency [
11], they were not clearly revealed in the study by Liu et al. [
10]. In addition, these infection control competency list development studies were conducted to present a list and a basic framework for infection control competency [
17]. The list of infection control competencies mentioned has been developed not only to encompass professions other than nurses or to focus on newly graduated nurses but also to be based on expert consensus. The reliability and validity verification procedures for using it as a tool have not been conducted, and it consists of an excessive number of questions for use as a scale.
Therefore, in this study, the attributes of the infection control competency of clinical nurses were derived through concept analysis using the hybrid models of Schwartz-Barcott and Kim [
18]. A scale was developed to measure the infection control competencies of clinical nurses in accordance with the scale development guidelines of DeVellis [
19] and we aimed to verify the validity and reliability of the scale.
Confirming the infection control competency attributes of clinical nurses
A total of 15,582 documents were reviewed. Among the retrieved documents, those focusing on professions other than nurses, such as infection control nurse, nursing students, physical therapists, so on and studies with low relevance to the research topic (e.g. fragmented infection control performance measurement studies), were excluded. Among the searched papers, those dealing with concept definitions, attributes, roles, so on, that related to infection management by nurses were selected for final analysis, and a total of 12 documents were ultimately reviewed. Through the literature review, there eight attributes were derived from the theoretical stage, including basic microbiology, assessment of infection symptoms, standard precautions and transmission-based precaution, leadership, critical thinking, risk and emergency preparedness, communication, and education.
Qualitative data were collected through interviews stage of fieldwork. It was confirmed that the properties derived by analyzing the content collected through individual and group interviews were similar to the properties derived through the theoretical stage. There were seven attributes derived at the field stage: basic microbiology, clinical assessment and risk assessment, standard precautions transmission-based precaution, leadership, critical thinking, communication, and education.
The attributes and their contents from the theoretical and fieldwork stages were analysed to derive primitive attributes. The review process involved comparing the attributes and contents derived from the theoretical and fieldwork stages of the respective concept, assessing the practical applicability and significance, determining the validity of the initial selection of the concept, and comprehensively verifying whether various research findings support the concept. The seven derived primitive attributes and their sub-attributes are shown in Table
Item generation
Sixty-seven initial items were developed by referring to infection control guidelines, deriving attributes and sub-content. The number of items per attribute as follows: basic microbiology 7 items, infection risk assessment 5 items, infection control practice 16 items, leadership 18 items, critical thinking 11 items, communication 5 items, and education 5 items.
Initial item face validity and content validity
The face validity of the 67 initial items was assessed based on feedback from a small group comprising five nurses from tertiary hospitals and two nursing doctoral students regarding readability, expression, and comprehensibility, which led to the removal of two items. The scale level, CVI (S-CVI), derived from the expert content validity test for the 65 items, constructed after concept analysis, was 0.93, which satisfied the standard. By modifying some detailed words and expressions, this process resulted in 59 items.
Field test
The general characteristics of the 267 participants in the field test indicated that 93.6% were female, and the age group of 26 to 30 years accounted for the largest proportion at 44.2%. Moreover, 83.5% of participants held bachelor’s degrees, and 90.3% of nurses had previous education related to infection control. The participants’ clinical experience showed that 37.5% of participants had more than 7 years of experience (Table
Table 1
General characteristics (n = 267)
Gender | Male | 17 (6.4) |
Femle | 250 (93.6) |
Age(years) | Less than 26 | 61 (22.8) |
26 ~ 30 | 118 (44.2) |
31 ~ 35 | 60 (22.5) |
36 ~ 40 | 24 (9.0) |
More than 41 | 4 (1.5) |
Education | Diploma | 28 (10.5) |
Bachelor’s degree | 223 (83.5) |
Master’s degree | 15 (5.6) |
PhD | 1 (0.4) |
Attending infection control education | Yes | 241 (90.3) |
No | 26 (9.7) |
Career(years) | 0.5 ~ 1 | 46 (17.2) |
2 ~ 3 | 58 (21.7) |
4 ~ 6 | 63 (23.6) |
More than 7 | 100 (37.5) |
Experience in infection control roles and responsibilities | Yes | 32 (12.0) |
No | 235 (88.0) |
Construct validity
To confirm the structure of the concept of infection control competency in clinical nurses, EFA was performed using principal component analysis and orthogonal rotation. Through item analysis before EFA implementation, the average, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of items, and Cronbach’s α value and item-total score correlation were checked to confirm outliers, normality, and contribution for 59 items.
Item analysis, the average of each item was 2.78–4.37, and the standard deviation was 0.51–1.12, showing no extreme values. The skewness was − 0.01– -1.21, and kurtosis − 0.01–2.80, of which the kurtosis was 2.80 for item 50, ‘I provide hospital staff (e.g. patient transport staff, cleaning staff, blood collection team, transfusion team) visiting patients with information about infection transmission pathways and relevant infection control measures that should be observed in relation to the patient’ was removed, the Cronbach’s α value for the 58 items was 0.95, and no items lowered the Cronbach’s α value.
After checking the item-total correlation values of 58 items to confirm item contribution, the items with item-total correlation coefficients less than 0.30 were item 31 ‘My contact can be the cause if multidrug-resistant bacteria spread to the people I care for’, item 38 ‘When I see a nurse who is actively involved in infection control, I feel unusual [reverse question]’, and item 39 ‘I think that when an infection control problem occurs in a department, the first priority is to find the employee who caused the problem [reverse question]’. These items were removed because it was judged that they would pose difficulty in attaining an appropriate response and the contribution of these item was low because they were related to social desirability or consisted of reverse questions.
To test the construct validity of the 55 items derived after item analysis, five sessions of EFAs were conducted to confirm the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) value, Bartlett’s sphericity test value, factor structure, and loading.
As a result of the EFA for the first 55 items, the KMO value was 0.93 and the Bartlett’s sphericity test value was χ² = 7445.48, df = 1540, p <.001, which was appropriate for factor analysis.
For the first round of exploratory factor analysis of 55 items, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy was 0.93, and Bartlett’s test of sphericity yielded χ²=7445.48, df = 1540, p <.001, indicating the appropriateness of conducting the factor analysis. The cumulative explained variance of the factors was 51.0%. However, items 27, 28, 32, 35, 42, and 51 showed communalities below 0.4 (specifically 0.33, 0.38, 0.34, 0.39, 0.39 respectively), prompting the removal of these six items before conducting next factor analysis.
For the second round with 49 items, KMO value was 0.92, and Bartlett’s test yielded χ²=6338.11, df = 1176, p <.001, indicating suitability for factor analysis. The cumulative explained variance of the factors was 53.6%. However, items 22 and 25 exhibited communalities below 0.4 (specifically 0.37 and 0.39 respectively), leading to the removal of these two items before factor analysis.
In the third round, with 47 items, the KMO value was 0.92, and Bartlett’s test yielded χ²=6137.52, df = 1081, p <.001, indicating suitability for factor analysis. The cumulative explained variance of the factors was 54.9%, with communalities ranging from 0.43 to 0.72, meeting the criterion for communalities. However, there were 12 items that did not converge with factors derived from the concept analysis stage or other items.
In the fourth round with 35 items, KMO value was 0.91, and Bartlett’s test yielded χ²=4274.520, df = 595, p <.001, indicating suitability for factor analysis. The cumulative explained variance of the factors was 59.6%, with communalities ranging from 0.46 to 0.76, meeting the criterion for communalities. As a result, item 7, ‘I observe areas vulnerable to infection in patients (e.g., surgical and wound sites, insertion sites for invasive devices or drainage tubes) during each shift’, was deemed related to patient conditions and was deleted. Item 17, ‘I determine the visiting order considering isolated and reverse isolated patients during patient rounding’, although related to infection control practices, was deleted as it loaded with items related to patient education factors.
For the fifth round, with 33 items, the KMO value was 0.91, and Bartlett’s test yielded χ²=4022.756, df = 528, p <.001, indicating suitability for factor analysis. The cumulative explained variance of the seven factors was 60.8%, and communalities ranged from 0.45 to 0.76, meeting the criterion for communalities.
As a result of the final EFA of 33 items in the 5th order, the KMO value was 0.91 and the Bartlett’s sphericity test value was χ² = 4022.756, df = 528, p <.001, which was appropriate for factor analysis. For the seven factors derived as a result of the EFA, the factors were named to represent all items belonging to each factor. The seven factors are: (1) Basic Microbiology (2) Critical Thinking (3) Communication and Patient Assessment (4) Compliance with Infection Control Guidelines (5) Education of Patient (6) Infection Control Leadership (7) Prevention of Occupational Exposure.
The cumulative explanatory power of the seven factors was 60.8%, and the commonality was 0.45–0.76, confirming that the criteria for commonality were satisfied. As a result of the final EFA, 33 items and seven factors appeared, and the overall explanatory power was 60.8%. The explanatory power of factor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 was 9.9%, 9.9%, 8.9%, 8.5%, 8.2%, 7.9%, and 7.9%, respectively. The average explanatory power was 7.3% and the commonality ranged from 0.46 to 0.77 (Table
Confirmatory factor analysis and item convergent-discriminant validity
To assess the model fit of the infection control competency tool for clinical nurses, a CFA was conducted, consisting of seven factors derived from the EFA. In the initial model, the partial fit indices were not ideally satisfactory (RMSEA was 0.056 (90% confidence interval: 0.051 to 0.062, p-close 0.035), SRMR was 0.060, TLI was 0.878, and CFI was 0.891). Therefore, we reviewed the modification index and conducted CFA again based on it. The modified model fit indices of the measurement model inputted into CFA were as follows: RMSEA was 0.052 (90% confidence interval: 0.046 to 0.058, p-close 0.309), SRMR was 0.056, TLI was 0.898, and CFI was 0.909 (Table
2). We found that the generated model was appropriately derived from theory and exhibited TLI and CFI values approximating the cutoff, along with optimal RMSEA and SRMR values, we adopted this model.
Table 2
Model fit indices for infection control competence of clinical nurses (n = 267)
Initial model | 1.850 | 0.056 | 0.051 | 0.062 | 0.035 | 0.060 | 0.878 | 0.891 |
Modified model | 1.713 | 0.052 | 0.046 | 0.058 | 0.309 | 0.056 | 0.898 | 0.909 |
As a result of the CFA to verify the convergence validity of the measurement scale the AVE value of the scale was 0.53–0.69 and the CR value was 0.78–0.90. The criteria were met, and convergent validity was secured. The discriminant validity of the measurement scale was tested in two ways. First, it was confirmed that the value of the correlation coefficient(r) between factors was 0.37–0.83, which did not exceed 0.85 (Fig.
Second, discriminant validity was secured because 1.0 was not included in the confidence interval of the correlation coefficient between the factors derived through the CFA (Table S3).
To test the internal consistency reliability of ICCS-CN(Appendix A) developed in this study, the Cronbach’s α value of all items and each factor, and the correlation coefficient between the items and the total score were checked. The Cronbach’s α value of all items was 0.93, and the Cronbach’s α value of each factor was 0.84 for the Basic Microbiology factor, 0.85 for the Critical Thinking factor, 0.83 for the Communication and Patient Assessment factor, 0.77 for the Compliance with Infection Control Guidelines factor, 0.79 for the Education of Patient factor, 0.73 for the Infection Control Leadership factor, and 0.63 for the Prevention of Occupational Exposure factor. The Cronbach’s α value of all factors was over 0.60, which satisfied the reliability criterion for internal consistency (Table
3). The item-total score correlation coefficient was 0.39–0.67, and the correlation coefficient standard was 0.30 or higher, which satisfied the reliability standard.
Table 3
Internal consistency of scales
1. Basic microbiology | 4 | 0.84 |
2. Critical thinking | 6 | 0.85 |
3. Communication and patient assessment | 7 | 0.83 |
4. Compliance with infection control guidelines | 5 | 0.77 |
5. Education of patient | 4 | 0.79 |
6. Infection control leadership | 4 | 0.73 |
7. Prevention of occupational exposure | 3 | 0.63 |
Infection control competency of clinical nurses | 33 | 0.93 |
This study aimed to develop and verify a scale for measuring the infection control competency of clinical nurses. The infection control competency measurement scale for clinical nurses (ICCS-CN) consists of 33 items and seven factors. The first factor, ‘Basic Microbiology’, comprises content pertaining to the interpretation of test results related to the understanding of pathogenic bacteria, and the explanatory power was 9.9%. In a situation where more than 70% of microorganisms associated with infections in medical institutions are related to bacteria, the incidence of multidrug-resistant bacteria is increasing, and patients infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria are reported to have a poorer prognosis than patients infected with non-resistant bacteria [
35]. The ‘Basic Microbiology’ factors derived from this study are important factors for nurses to perform infection control in a clinical environment. This content is similar to the basic microbiological properties detailed in the study by Liu et al. [
10], which derived a list of new infection control competencies for nurses, thereby supporting their results. For effective infection control, correct knowledge and understanding of microorganisms is required, and knowledge and understanding of basic microorganisms enables optimal antibiotic treatment for patients [
36]. Nurses also play an important role in preventing the risk of antibiotic resistance and should ensure that appropriate antibiotics are used [
37]. To this end, it is important for nurses to understand the transmission mechanism of microorganisms, to be aware of the chain of infection, and to have the ability to interpret the results of microbial tests and antibiotic susceptibility [
38]. Therefore, the ‘Basic Microbiology’ factors were able to measure these important components.
The second factor, ‘Critical Thinking’, includes content that explores and applies the latest credible evidence, reflecting a critical perspective on issues related to infection; it had an explanatory power of 9.9%. Nurses should not practice without utmost care in a specific situation but should analyse information, reason with it, and apply it [
39]. In addition, critical thinking in nursing is a characteristic indicator that connects theory and practice, and in infection control situations, the period during which an indwelling catheter is inserted is shortened by applying theory to prevent urinary tract infection in practice [
40], thus supporting the results of this study. In other words, for infection control, applying the latest reliable guidelines and literature related to infection control to practice is an important role included in infection control competency [
42]. The items constituting the ‘Critical Thinking’ factor reflect this theoretical background effectively.
The third factor, ‘Communication and Patient Assessment’, comprises questions related to the sensitive assessment of the patient’s potential risk and symptoms of infection, and information exchange and free communication between medical staff regarding the assessed patient’s infection information and treatment direction, and the explanatory power was 8.9%. Communication also includes the keeping of detailed records related to infection control, and communication between various hospital staff, including doctors and nurses, is essential for effective infection control, as it increases cooperation and work efficiency and leads to prompt and accurate testing [
43]. In addition, communication between medical staff is the process of conveying information about the patient, including collecting and transmitting information about test results and potential risks [
44]. This content is sufficiently reflected in the ‘Communication and Patient Assessment’ factors. In addition, the communication factor was not derived from the study by Liu et al. [
10], but from the study by Massaroli et al. [
11], which suggested communication as a key element of nurses’ infection control competency, thus supporting the results of this study. Therefore, the ‘Communication and Patient Assessment’ factors that could measure communication in clinical infection control situations.
The fourth factor was ‘Compliance with Infection Control Guidelines’, which consists of items such as hand hygiene, application of aseptic methods when administering drugs, and management of isolated patients. The explanatory power of this factor was 8.5%. Hand hygiene, in particular, is an effective and easy way to prevent healthcare-associated infections and reduce the spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria [
45]. As nurses often have frequent contact with patients and invasive nursing behaviour, it is important to perform hand hygiene routinely and habitually at a high standard [
46]. In addition, compliance with aseptic techniques when administering drugs, along with hand hygiene, are basic elements of infection control [
47] and the items derived from this scale are the results of the theoretical importance reflected in the scale.
In addition, the use of exclusive medical supplies with those isolated patients is included in the concept of item management and contact caution for multidrug-resistant bacterial infection control [
48]. Contact caution recommendations consist of patient placement, personal protective equipment use, patient movement restrictions, treatment equipment and equipment management, environmental management, and visitor management, and there are exclusive management items for patients in isolate corresponding to treatment equipment and equipment management [
47]. Liu et al. [
10] suggested hand hygiene, standard precautions, propagation route-specific attention, and personal protective equipment factors, which were similar to those in this study, but these factors were presented separately. The difference is that it was derived by dividing it into the ‘preventing occupational exposure’, ‘compliance with infection control guidelines’ factors, and since the composed items also include items related to personal protective equipment, it can be seen that these items are supported at the overall scale level. In addition, as hand hygiene, wearing of protective equipment when in contact with blood or body fluids, and daily cleaning of the environment are included in internal medical aseptic techniques [
49]. ‘Compliance with Infection Control Guidelines’ is a factor that measures an important competency at the practical level of infection control by nurses.
The fifth factor was ‘Education of Patient’, which comprised patients’ education on infection control and behavioural changes, and the explanatory power was 8.2%. Education is a nurse’s professional responsibility and an independent function, which allows patients to manage their own health and maintain their health [
50], therefore, it can be said that it is important to provide education to patients to prevent infection [
6]. For example, to properly administer antibiotics, the patient must know the type of antibiotic, the reason for administration, and the side effects and related symptoms caused by the antibiotics [
51]. This is because it is necessary to immediately report the side effects of antibiotics to medical staff when they occur, and nurses play an important role in educating patients [
In addition, it has been reported that inpatients under isolate have high levels of anxiety and depression when sufficient explanations are not provided regarding the sudden progress of isolation or infection, indicating the need for sufficient education, considering the capability of the patient [
9]. Also, to prevent infection, the patients themselves must participate in infection control measures [
6]. Therefore, the ‘Education of Patient’ factor reflects the professional characteristics of nurses for infection control and recognises the barriers to patient education and behavioural change education and training using various methods.
The sixth factor, ‘Infection Control Leadership’, which consisted of content related to cooperation with hospital staff and self-leadership, had an explanatory power of 7.9%. Leadership is needed not only in senior positions or executives but also for individual nurses, and will drive change for their colleagues and other team members [
6]. Additionally, clinical nurses can indirectly become role models for others by self-regulating their behaviours and attitudes [
53]. Self-leadership related to one’s own behavioural control has also been shown to affect the performance of standard guidelines [
54]. In addition, in clinical practice, there can be resistance from nurses when receiving feedback on infection control from colleagues or infection control nurses [
55], but for infection control to be carried out in medical institutions, when a nurse receives feedback from infection control experts or colleagues, they need to modify their behaviour [
56]. Therefore, it was confirmed that self-leadership is necessary to improve behaviour by reflecting on appropriate feedback from others and to comply with infection control guidelines; this content was well represented in the questions for infection control leadership factors.
Collaboration with other employees in environmental management also consists of questions on infection control leadership factors. In the clinical environment, surfaces of the hospital room, such as the toilet seat, are important sources of microbial transmission; therefore, thorough environmental management is required, and nurses must achieve an appropriate level of cleanliness through collaboration with environmental management personnel [
6]. However, not only environmental management but also infection control requires cooperation between medical staff. If the nurse is unable to resolve it, cooperation between infection control teams may be required [
6]. Cooperation between medical staff is considered an important aspect of infection control leadership.
The seventh factor was ‘Prevention of occupational exposure’, and personal protective equipment properties and occupational exposure prevention properties were combined as one factor, and the explanatory power was 7.3%. Nurses are exposed to infections more than other occupational groups, so they need to be especially careful [
57]. In particular, it is reported that nurses need to be careful about blood exposure to damaged skin or mucous membranes [
59]. It was found that the interview participants in the fieldwork stage of this study also experienced infection through skin wounds. Rebmann and Carrico [
60] reflected on this importance and presented a list of nurses’ infection prevention capabilities as an occupational health factor, as done in our study. In addition, a study on the development of a scale to measure nurses’ preventive behaviours against blood-borne infections supported this study by including items to protect one’s own skin wounds, wear protective gear suitable for the type of infection exposure, and take precautions against stabbing accidents [
The Cronbach’s α value of all items in this study was 0.93, indicating very good reliability, and the Cronbach’s α value of each factor was also found to be 0.63–0.85, confirming good internal consistency. The Cronbach’s alpha value for the seventh factor is somewhat low, likely due to the small number of items. In this study, both the Cronbach’s α values for the scale and factors were found to be above 0.60, indicating good reliability. However, to confirm the scale’s consistency, it is necessary to establish test-retest reliability, which was not validated in this study. Therefore, further research is needed to verify reliability through future studies.
The difference between previous studies and ours was that the attributes derived by Liu et al. [
10] mainly focused on hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, personal safety, standard attention, and propagation route-specific attention. Including all of them and adding the attributes of patient education, patient assessment and communication, and infection control leadership is meaningful in that nurses’ infection control capabilities are further expanded and presented. In addition, Carrico et al. [
17] and Liu et al. [
10] presented a list of infection control capabilities but derived the attributes of infection control capabilities through concept analysis in the absence of scales to measure the infection control capabilities of clinical nurses. This study is meaningful in that we developed a scale with verified validity and reliability and laid the foundation for conducting quantitative research through the scaling of infection control capabilities.
To test the discriminant validity of the scale, the correlation between factors and the confidence interval of the correlation coefficient between factors were checked, and the criterion was satisfied, thereby ensuring discriminant validity. However, the correlation between the factors ‘Education of Patient’ and ‘Communication and Patient Assessment’ was relatively high at 0.83, because education on the patient and communication with medical staff are similar in the context of conveying information [
62]. Statistically, construct validity can be secured by meeting the criterion for discriminant validity; however, it is necessary to be careful when using the scale because high correlations between variables can cause multicollinearity.
To confirm the stability of the scale, test-retest reliability must be ensured; however, this aspect was not verified in this study. Therefore, it is necessary to verify reliability through further studies. Also, as reliability was verified by performing a CFA on the data collected from one group, the scale should be applied to other groups and analysed repeatedly using the collected data.
The ICCS-CN did not include nurses working in diagnosis and treatment departments such as endoscopy rooms and artificial kidney rooms, which perform infection control according to each department (e.g. anaesthesia and recovery room, delivery room, operating room, and central supply room). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct follow-up studies targeting research groups from various departments, including nurses from departments not included in this study, as well as from various countries. Moreover, future research should explore empirical comparisons, such as assessing convergent validity, between various scales developed in different cultural contexts, building upon the studies conducted by Carrico et al. [
17] and Liu et al. [