Since the study was a secondary data analysis, indicators of the study variables (hours of care, age, gender, social support, stressful life events, perceived stress, depression, physical function, self-esteem and marital satisfaction) were selected from the Americans' Changing Lives Survey questionnaires, based on face validity. That is, the questions selected gave the appearance of measuring the content of interest. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and internal consistency tests were then conducted to confirm the underlying structures of established scales and develop outcome measures for the current study.
Hours of care were the total hours estimated by the caregiver in the past year, categorized as less than 20 hours, 20 to 39 hours, 40–79 hours, 80–159 hours, and 160 hours or more. Providing more hours of care was expected to indicate more burden of caregiving.
Stressful life events were measured by a 12-item checklist of negative or undesirable events, such as being robbed or burglarized, losing a job, being physically attacked, or experiencing the death of spouse, death of a parent, death of a close friend/relative, serious illness, life-threatening illness/accident, divorce/separation, serious financial problem, death of children, and other such events. Respondents were asked to report whether they had experienced any of these events within the past 2 years. A simple score, the stressful life events index, was created by summing the number of events reported by each respondent. A high score reflected more stressful life events.
Social support was measured by two items: friends/relatives' love and care, and their willingness to listen. Alphas reliabilities were .73 and .74 for Wave 1 and Wave 2, respectively. Higher scores indicated greater support from friends/relatives. Demographic data included age, defined as the chronological age of the caregiver, and gender, coded as biological sex identity.
Perceived caregiver stress was measured by one item asking how much stress the caregiver felt about caring for or arranging care for the elderly relative. Responses were on a 5-point scale ranging from not stressful to very stressful; a higher score reflected more perceived stress. Other studies have shown that stress was associated psychosocial well-being, such as depression [
43]; in this study the correlation between perceived caregiver stress and depression was .25 (p < .001).
Depression was measured by the 11-item Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale [
44], which assesses mood and level of overall functioning in the last 7 days. The CES-D was originally developed as a 20-item unidimensional scale. The shorter 11-item CES-D version contains items on feeling depressed, restless, happy, lonely and sad; feeling that people dislike me; people are unfriendly; I enjoy life (reverse scored); I have a poor appetite; cannot keep going; and everything is an effort. The items are rated on a 3-point scale from "hardly ever" to "most of the time." Higher scores indicate higher levels of depression. Based on exploratory factor analysis, three factors of the CES-D scale – depressed and positive mood, somatic symptoms and interpersonal relations – were identified as indicators of the latent variable, depression
Physical function was defined as consisting of functional health, number of chronic illnesses, and self-rated health. Functional health was measured by asking the caregiver whether the caregiver was bedbound, and whether the caregiver had difficulty bathing, climbing stairs, walking, or doing heavy housework, and the degree of difficulty of these tasks. Higher scores reflected a higher level of physical function. The number of chronic illnesses was the sum of the following: arthritis or rheumatism, lung disease, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, circulation problems, stroke, fracture, and urinary incontinence. A low score on this measure indicated high physical function. Self-rated health was measured by a single item that asked caregivers to rate their own health on a 4-point scale ranging from poor to excellent. A high score reflected high physical function.
The caregiver's self-esteem was measured by five items: "I take a positive attitude toward self," "I am no good at all," "I see myself as a failure," "I have the feeling of being pushed around in life," and "I perceive myself able to solve problems." These items were measured on a 4-point scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. A higher score indicated higher self-esteem.
Marital satisfaction was also measured by five items: "Overall satisfaction with relationship," "love and affection expressed from spouse or significant other," "spouse treats me well," "thinking about divorce or separation," and "things happened that I can never forget." Higher scores indicated more marital satisfaction.
Cronbach's alphas for all measures were above the acceptable criterion of .70 in both waves except for self-esteem in Wave 1. However, that measure was on the margin of acceptance, at .68. Since Cronbach's alpha is a conservative estimate of internal consistency [
45], the self-esteem index was retained.
Analytic procedure
Univariate and bivariate analyses were used to examine the descriptive findings. To test the appropriateness of the indicators for each latent variable in both waves, the following procedures were used. First, a single indicator was extracted when applicable (e.g., for social support, self-esteem, and marital satisfaction), and summary scale scores were used as single indicators. This strategy was used to reduce the number of parameter estimations in a complex model; it is considered appropriate when individual factor item loadings in a specific scale are high [
46]. Second, for all latent variables with single indicators (i.e., hours of care, stressful life events, social support, age, gender, perceived caregiver stress, self-esteem, and marital satisfaction), the measurements were assumed to be perfect (with 0% error). This conservative estimation was made since increasing measurement errors would induce artificial correlations among the latent variables in the measurement model. Thus, a full factorial loading of 1.0 was assumed for all single indicators in the subsequent latent variables. For latent variables with multiple indicators (i.e., depression and physical health), one factor loading was arbitrarily set to 1.0 to test the relative contribution of the factors. Error variances were not allowed to correlate, but all the latent variables were allowed to correlate with each other. The confirmatory factors analysis indicated that all factor loadings were above 0.4 and significant (p < .01), and they accounted for at least 16% of the true score variance [
47]. The only exception was the "interpersonal" factor in depression, with a factor loading of 0.39. Although it was slightly below the required value of 0.4, it was included because it is a well established measure of depression. The factor loading and measurement error for each indicator are shown in Table
Table 1
Standardized factor loadings and measurement error variances for the measurement model predicting caregiver stress
Hours of care | Hours of care | 1.00a (.00)b
Stressful life events | Number of stressful life events | 1.00a (.00)b
Social support | Friend/relatives positive support | 1.00a (.00)b
Age | Age | 1.00a (.00)b
Gender | Gender | 1.00a (.00)b
Perceived stress | Perceived caregiver stress | 1.00a (.00)b
Depression | CES-D Depressed & positive mood | .75a (.44) |
| CES-D Somatic symptoms | .74 (.45) |
| CES-D Interpersonal | .39 (.84) |
Physical function | Functional health | .55a (.70) |
| Numbers of chronic illness | .65 (.57) |
| Self-rated health | .77 (.41) |
Self-esteem | Self esteem/mastery index | 1.00a (.00)b
Marital satisfaction | Marital satisfaction index | 1.00a (.00)b
Table 2
Sample characteristics and comparisons by waves
Hours of care | | | | | | | |
<20 hours | 38 | 16.1 | | 30 | 11.1 | | .45 |
20–39 hours | 28 | 11.9 | | 39 | 14.4 | | |
40–79 hours | 35 | 14.8 | | 48 | 17.7 | | |
80–159 hours | 35 | 14.8 | | 42 | 15.5 | | |
≥160 hours | 100 | 42.4 | | 112 | 41.3 | | |
Stressful life events | | | .57 (.69) | | | .50 (.64) | .13 |
Social support | | | 7.65 (1.95) | | | 7.91 (1.77) | .12 |
Age, in years | | | 53.56 (16.36) | | | 53.41 (14.43) | .91 |
Gender | | | | | | | |
Male | 85 | 36.0 | | 86 | 31.7 | | .31 |
Female | 151 | 64.0 | | 185 | 68.3 | | |
Perceived caregiver stress | | | | | | | |
Not at all stressful | 46 | 19.5 | | 57 | 21.0 | | .75 |
Not too stressful | 62 | 26.3 | | 78 | 28.8 | | |
Somewhat stressful | 77 | 32.6 | | 76 | 28.0 | | |
Quite stressful | 26 | 11.0 | | 35 | 12.9 | | |
Very stressful | 25 | 10.6 | | 25 | 9.2 | | |
Physical function | | | | | | | |
1) Functional health | | | | | | | |
Most severe impairment | 7 | 3.0 | | 9 | 3.3 | | .87 |
Moderately severe impairment | 19 | 8.1 | | 17 | 6.3 | | |
Least severe impairment | 18 | 7.6 | | 23 | 8.5 | | |
No impairment | 192 | 81.4 | | 222 | 81.9 | | |
2) Number of chronic illnesses | | | 1.26 (1.28) | | | 1.37 (1.34) | .36 |
3) Self-rated health | | | | | | | |
Excellent | 34 | 14.4 | | 42 | 15.5 | | .95 |
Very good | 88 | 37.3 | | 95 | 35.1 | | |
Good | 65 | 27.5 | | 79 | 29.2 | | |
Fair | 38 | 16.1 | | 45 | 16.6 | | |
Poor | 11 | 4.7 | | 10 | 3.7 | | |
Self-esteem | | | 16.02 (3.11) | | | 16.84 (2.86) | .00 |
Marital satisfactionb
| | | -0.12 (3.66) | | | 0.05 (3.61) | .67 |
Depression | | | 16.00 (4.14) | | | 15.15 (3.87) | .02 |
A covariance matrix derived from data in the Wave 2 sample was analyzed as input data in the process of model testing. Hypothesized models were tested using the maximal likelihood procedure in the LISREL statistics program. The model tests used absolute goodness-of-fit indices (Chi-square [χ
2], the goodness-of-fit index [GFI], and the adjusted goodness-of-fit [AGFI]) and comparative fit indices (change in Chi-square [Δ χ
2], the relative noncentral index [RNI] and the relative normed fit index [RNFI]). Values of GFI, AGFI, RNI, and RNFI between 0.90 and 1.00 were considered to indicate a good fit between the model and the data [
An exploratory structural modeling method, specification search [
51], was then used to develop the data-derived model for the Wave 2 sample. The specification search procedure removed all invalid paths in the hypothesized model and added plausible paths suggested by the modification index. Cross-validation was performed to verify that this data-derived model was valid and stable across samples. In this procedure, the data-derived model was cross-validated by the Wave 1 sample, with both Wave 1 and Wave 2 data sets as input files at the same time.