Concept analysis methods
Phases | Specific Content | Position |
1. Select a concept | Hidden costs of informal caregiving | Introduction |
2. Determine the purposes of the analysis | To clarify the concept of hidden costs of informal caregiving and develop an operational definition | Introduction |
3. Identify all uses of the concept | Definitions and uses of hidden cost of care were scooped from various sources to reduce potential bias in understanding | Methods |
4. Determine the defining attributes | Characteristics that were the most frequently associated with the concept of hidden costs of informal caregiving were identified | Results |
5. Identify a model case | Examples of hidden costs of informal caregiving that encompassed all the defining attributes | Results |
6. Identify borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases | - | Results |
7. Identify antecedents and consequences | Events that occurred before the occurrence of hidden care costs and the consequences of hidden care costs were identified | Results |
8. Define empirical referents | Empirical measures of hidden costs of informal caregiving | Results |
Data sources
Screening methods
Search results of included studies
Author, year | Antecedents | Defining attribute | Consequences |
Varricchio, 1994 [24] | 1) Loss of income; 2) Intangible human cost; | ||
Fast et al., 1999 [9] | 1) Costs that seldom enter into discussions about health care and social policy; 2) Employment-related costs; 2) Unpaid labour costs; 3) Non-economic costs: such as physical, social, and emotional well-being; | ||
Dewey et al., 2002 [25] | 1) Time cost on informal care; 2) Work adjustments of paid workers: cessation of paid work; reduction of their work hours; available leave; rearrangements of their work schedules; | ||
Wagner and Lacey, 2004 [12] | 1) Employment-related costs: lost wages, loss of opportunity for occupational promotions and advancement possibilities; 2) Unpaid labour of family caregivers; | 1) Compliance with a treatment plan: Patients’ delayed diagnosis or accessible treatment; 2) Patient outcomes: inhibit the treatment regimen; 3) Family burden: the psychological toll of financial burden; 4) Employment: the inability to change jobs, losing insurance coverage or employment itself, or a hesitancy to pursue salary increases and promotions; | |
Chiò et al., 2006 [13] | 1) Worsening of disability; | 1) Cost of time on caregivers; | |
Meyers & Durfee, 2006 [26] | 1) The time devoted to unpaid caring work in the home; | ||
Ansello & Rosenthal, 2007 [27] | 1) The costs were paid privately rather than from the public purse; | ||
Phipps & Burton, 2009 [28] | 1) Family structure; 2) Gender; 3) Characteristics of the care recipients: the severity of the condition, chronic condition, conditions with an early onset; | 1) Implicit costs in the form of foregone labour market opportunities; | |
Sabes-Figuera et al., 2010 [29] | 1) The cost of time on unpaid care; | ||
Chatterjee, Riewpaiboon, Piyauthakit, & Riewpaiboon, 2011 [30] | 1) Opportunity costs: foregone paid work, unpaid work and loss of leisure time; 2) Benefits that informal caregivers give up for informal care; 3) Time cost of unpaid caregiving; | ||
Gervès et al., 2013 [31] | 1) Opportunity costs of the caring dimension; 2) Lack of social relationships: social handicap, fatigue, giving up leisure activities, and fewer social contacts; 3) Negative effects on caregiver’s morale (such as grief, anxiety, pain and suffering); | 1) Negative influence of intangible impacts of caring on both informal caregivers’ ability to estimate their WTP value and their willingness to pay (WTP) to be replaced; | |
Addo, Nonvignon, & Aikins, 2013 [32] | 1) Emotional suffering; 2) Leisure time; 3) Social relationship; 4) Fear; 5) Stigmatization/Discrimination; | ||
Silva et al., 2013 [16] | 1) Feelings of anguish and concern; 2) Restrictions to the activities of daily life and leisure; 3) Thoughts of having lost the life they used to have; | ||
Colucci et al., 2014 [33] | 1) Suffering, psychological stress, limitations to social relationships etc. | ||
Jowsey, Strazdins, & Yen, 2016 [34] | 1) Worry; 2) Time cost on the caregiving activity; | ||
Opoku-Boateng et al., 2017 [35] | 1) Gender 2) Educational degree | 1) Indirect costs: productivity losses to caregivers; 2) Non-monetary costs such as stigma and pain; | |
Stephen Tettey et al., 2017 [36] | 1) Gender | 1) Caregiving burden; 2) Financial stress; | |
Chen et al., 2019 [6] | 1) Impacts on caregivers’ employment decision-making, physical and mental health, and social capital accumulation; | 1) Subjective well-being; | |
Di, 2021 [15] | 1) Characteristics of the caregivers: working state, gender, marital status, age; 2) Caregiving attributes: intensity and duration of caregiving; | 1) Impact of labour market: included impact on labour supply, caregivers’ labour time and personal income; 2) The negative effects on caregivers’ mental and physical health; | |
Hongwei and Yanyu, 2021 [10] | 1) Caregiving attributes: insufficient professionalism and lack of sufficient energy investment in caregiving; 2) Characteristics of the caregivers: non-working age, non-employed population (such as spouse); | 1) Cost of unpaid caregiving services; 2) Hidden loss to caregivers in terms of time, job opportunities and income levels; 3) Cost of health loss: such as psychological stress, physical and mental health stress, and potential social isolation; | 1) Contribute to the strategic choices in home (community) care or institutional care; |
Bradley, Schulick, & Yabroff, 2022 [37] | 1) Time of caregiving; 2) Characteristics of the caregivers: such as employment or not, age, gender, lack of paid annual leave, inadequate preparation for carer roles; | 1) The time cost of unpaid care; 2) Employment-related costs: including non-employment, reduced wages and earnings, missed workdays, and/or changes to lower paying jobs; 3) A decline in physical and mental health; | 1) Poor quality of life; 2) Other life-altering decisions; 3) Financial impact hardship including increased debt and withdrawals from savings; |
Robbins et al., 2022 [14] | 1) Caregiving-related awakenings; 2) Caregiving-related work productivity impairment; | ||
Kotzeva et al., 2023 [38] | 1) Intangible costs: including the pain, suffering, stress, and anxiety; 2) Caregiver cost: loss of productivity (presenteeism, absenteeism, permanent disability, unemployment, early retirement) and forgone leisure time; 3) Constraints on social activities; 4) Negative effects on family life; 5) Feelings of loss; | ||
Xiaoxiao, 2023 [39] | 1) Opportunity costs of care: reduction in working hours and leisure time, relinquishing or delaying career promotion, withdrawal from the labour market; 2) Social isolation; 3) Social exclusion; | 1) Weaken family function in economic support; | |
Tahami Monfared et al., 2024 [40] | 1) Higher education; 2) Age; 3) Advanced disease severity of patients; 4) Type of disease of care recipients; | 1) Fulfillment with carrying out care tasks; 2) Support with carrying out care tasks; 3) Relational problems with care recipient; 4) Problems with own mental health; 5) Problems combining care tasks with daily activities; 6) Financial problems because of caring tasks; 7) Problems with own physical health; |