There are many ways to learn emergency ultrasound, and now advances in technology can potentially allow emergency ultrasound to be learned more efficiently. The traditional method of learning emergency ultrasound was through direct mentorship, published hardcopy textbooks, and short educational courses. This is a completely valid approach, but it is one that does not work for many, and it can possibly be improved.
Technology has allowed those without access to some of the above to learn, and even those who do have access will benefit from newer methods, which include electronic education such as podcasts, blogs, apps, and other Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMED). Generally these resources are regularly updated in real time without the publication delays inherent in older media, and they are peer reviewed by thousands of individuals who can comment and discuss in real time. They can be combined with simulation and online mentoring for a much richer blended educational experience that is offered by technology.
There is a fair amount of evidence showing how this combination of methods and newer technology can be leveraged to improve the educational experience. The right combination of methods will depend on the learner. The good news is that there are many options and there has never been a better time to learn emergency ultrasound regardless of the geographical location, access, or specific situation of the learner.