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Open Access 01.12.2021 | Research

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being in Chinese clinical nurses: multiple mediating effects of empathy and communication satisfaction

verfasst von: Xue Li, Hongjuan Chang, Quanying Zhang, Jianli Yang, Rui Liu, Yajie Song

Erschienen in: BMC Nursing | Ausgabe 1/2021



Nursing work is associated with great pressure, and nurses are often overwhelmed. Therefore, correct emotional regulation is essential to improve nurses’ job well-being and promote better engagement in nursing work. The purpose of this study was to establish a structural model to estimate the impact of Chinese clinical nurses’ emotional intelligence on job well-being, using multiple intermediaries to explain the internal mechanisms underlying the relationship.


This was a cross-sectional study of 1475 registered nurses from a Chinese hospital who provided responses to emotional intelligence, empathy, communication satisfaction, and job well-being scales. Path analysis using a multiple mediation model was performed using AMOS 23.0.


Among all clinical nurses who participated in the survey, 1475 (98.33 %) completed the questionnaire. The nurses’ job well-being score was 83.61 ± 12.63. There was a significant positive correlation between job well-being and communication satisfaction, emotional intelligence, and empathy ability (r = 0.346–0.570, P < 0.001). Empathy and communication satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being, with effect sizes of 0.047 and 0.227, respectively. The chain mediating effect of empathy and communication satisfaction had a value of 0.045.


It is recommended that hospital managers take actions to improve nurses’ emotional intelligence level, and conduct professional psychological training to improve nurses’ empathy and communication satisfaction, and ultimately improve their job well-being.
This article has been retracted. Please see the retraction notice for more detail:https://​doi.​org/​10.​1186/​s12912-025-02920-5
A retraction note to this article is available online at https://​doi.​org/​10.​1186/​s12912-025-02920-5.

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Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Unstandardized regression
Standard error
Squared multiple correlations
Composite reliability
Average variance extracted


Since the 1950 s, positive psychology has increased in prominence, and researchers have paid greater attention to the study of people’s positive mental states, well-being and other related concepts [1]. Hoopert [2] defined well-being as a positive mental state that includes competence, emotional stability, engagement, meaning, optimism, positive emotions, positive relationships, resilience, self-esteem, and vitality. Job well-being denotes experiencing pleasant psychological states at work, which is conducive to the full development of personal potential and the realization of work goals [3]. Research has revealed that a high level of job well-being has a positive impact on nurses’ work enthusiasm, efficiency, and job satisfaction, while a low level of job well-being results in problems such as work-related exhaustion and increased conflict with patients [4]. In addition, lack of happiness at work is a major reason why nurses quit their jobs [5]. In Europe, 43 % of nurses consider leaving their job within three years [6]. In China, healthcare is hindered by an average annual turnover rate of nurses of 28 %, and the country is facing a shortage of nurses [7]. Increasing the happiness of nurses plays an important role in stabilising the nursing team and improving the quality of nursing. In the context of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare systems in many countries are under severe pressure; with fewer nurses attending more patients, nurses are facing tremendous physical and psychological pressure. Research has indicated that nurses’ job well-being is related to factors such as high work pressure, work satisfaction, and poor organisational management [810].
Happiness-related research has rapidly developed since its inception. In its early stages, Chinese and international researchers usually assessed teachers, older persons, or patients with psychological problems [1113]. More recently, research on well-being has targeted healthcare workers. This is important to decrease the negative emotions experienced by nurses and to thereby create a good working atmosphere, consequently reducing nurses’ job burnout and leaving hospitals, and creating a harmonious nursing workforce [14]. The nurse-patient relationship is of great significance. However, at present, domestic and foreign researches on happiness are mostly related to bivariate research, and the potential relationship between variables is rarely reported [15]. Therefore, this study used clinical nurses as the research object to explore the interaction mechanism among the four variables of emotional intelligence, empathy, communication satisfaction, and job well-being, so as to provide references for intervention research to improve nurses’ job well-being.

The influence of emotional intelligence on job well-being

Emotional intelligence in the context of nursing refers to the ability to understand the patient’s emotions in the process of communication, and to structure words and actions appropriately [16]. The concept of emotional intelligence was first proposed by Mayer and Salovey (1990). Emotional intelligence is a comprehensive ability, and the essence of improving emotional intelligence is a means by which to change emotional output [17]. The nature of nursing work determines that nurses are highly emotional workers. Therefore, research on emotional intelligence has gradually entered the field of nursing [18]. Good emotional intelligence may help nurses manage sources of situational stress, make better nursing decisions, reduce the effects of negative emotions, and positively affect their provision of care, as well as their physical and mental health [19]. Research has shown that emotional intelligence is an important predictor of happiness, and individuals with a high level of emotional intelligence can maintain a positive emotional state and a high level of happiness [20]. Therefore, we hypothesize the following:
Hypothesis 1: Emotional intelligence will significantly predict job well-being (emotional intelligence → job well-being).

The mediating role of empathy between emotional intelligence and job well-being

In positive psychology, empathy refers to the ability of nurses to correctly perceive their own and their patients’ emotions from the perspective of the patient, so as to meet the physical needs of the patient and provide emotional experiences that alleviate the psychological pain of the patient [21]. Empathy enables medical staff to conduct care from the perspective of the patient, respect the patient, and ultimately enables the patient to receive effective nursing interventions [22]. When the patient feels understood and respected, he or she will be more willing to cooperate with the nursing staff during treatment and better understand the nurses, which will, at the same time, stimulate the nurse’s enthusiasm for work and improve his or her happiness. Therefore, we hypothesized the following:
Hypothesis 2: Emotional intelligence will influence job well-being through the mediating effect of empathy (emotional intelligence → empathy → job well-being).

The mediating effect of communication satisfaction between emotional intelligence and job well-being

Communication satisfaction refers to subjective feelings as to whether individuals are satisfied with all aspects of communication within an organisation [23]. Good communication skills are key to building a harmonious nurse-patient relationship, and a catalyst in motivating nurses to work. Nurses with strong communication abilities also have good collegial relationships, enjoy better moods, and a higher sense of self-efficacy than their counterparts [24]. Consequently, we hypothesize the following:
Hypothesis 3: Emotional intelligence will influence job well-being through the mediating effect of communication satisfaction (emotional intelligence → communication satisfaction → job well-being).

The chain mediating effect of empathy and communication satisfaction on emotional intelligence and job well-being

Only by correctly monitoring and recognising the emotions of patients can nurses realise empathy for their patients [25]. Patient-centred and high-quality nursing services are inseparable from active and effective communication. Using empathy while communicating with patients is conducive to eliminating patients’ negative emotions, reducing suffering from complications, achieving ideal treatment results, improving patients’ satisfaction with nurses, reducing the need for nursing care, and improving nurses’ job-related well-being. Consequently, we proposed that empathy and communication satisfaction would play a chain mediating role in the relationship between emotional intelligence and job-related well-being.
Hypothesis 4: Empathy and communication satisfaction will jointly play an intermediary role in the relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being, (emotional intelligence → empathy → communication satisfaction → job well-being).
Through searching and reviewing the relevant literature, we found that hospital managers have only begun to pay attention to nurses’ job well-being in recent years, and there is a lack of theoretical foundation for research on job well-being in the nursing profession. At the same time, most of the scales used by researchers to measure the level of job well-being are not aimed at nursing professions, so the results are relatively inconsistent and cannot adequately reflect the general situation in a nursing context. The job well-being measurement scale used in this research is specifically aimed at nurses, and it has a good general applicability in China. Job well-being is a comprehensive indicator that is affected by many factors; this study explored the mechanisms underlying the relationship between job well-being and emotional intelligence, empathy, and communication satisfaction. Further, the current work suggests ways by which to effectively enhance nurses’ job well-being, improve job performance, and further advance high-quality nursing services.



This study explored the current level of nurses’ job well-being, and whether empathy and communication satisfaction mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being.


The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional design and adhered to the STROBE guideline for cross-sectional studies.


A questionnaire survey was conducted among nurses in a tertiary general hospital in Henan Province from September to December 2019. A total of 1475 nurses participated in the study. A convenience sampling method was used to select participants from each of the 65 hospital departments, including internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology, and intensive care units. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) participants must have obtained a nursing certificate and had to be a registered clinical nurse with a ‘Nurse Professional Qualification Certificate’, (2) they must have attended at least a technical secondary school, and (3) volunteered to participate in the survey and to provide accurate and reliable answers. The exclusion criteria were: (1) non-hospital registered on-the-job nurses, including intern nurses, non-nursing staff, and nurses who came to visit and study in the hospital, (2) nurses who were on vacation, retired, or not working in the hospital during the questionnaire survey.


Demographic characteristics

A self-compiled general demographic questionnaire was adopted, including the nurse’s age, gender, working years, education level, work department, average monthly income, type of contract, emotional intelligence related training, intensity of work, frequency of night shift, etc.

Outcome variable: job well-being

The Job well-being Scale for Nurses, compiled by Chen and Liu [26] was adopted to evaluate the subjective well-being of nurses in work situations, including nurses’ positive emotion and cognitive evaluation of their work. The scale includes a total of 19 items, and 5 dimensions: “Welfare treatment”, “interpersonal”, “work value”, “manager”, and “working characteristics”. All items were rated on a Likert scale, with “1” representing “strongly disagree” and “6” representing “strongly agree”. The total scores range from 19 to 114, and the higher the score, the higher the nurses’ job well-being. The scale was valid and reliable with a Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.929 in this study.

Independent variables: emotional intelligence

Wang and Law’s Emotional Intelligence Scale was adopted to evaluate the level of emotional intelligence [27]. In this study, it was mainly used to evaluate the emotional intelligence level of nurses, that is, nurses’ ability to distinguish and regulate their own emotions from others, and to use emotional information to guide thinking. The scale has a total of 16 items and 4 dimensions: “self-emotional perception”, “emotion regulation”, “emotional use”, and “recognize other’s emotions”. All items are rated on a Likert scale, with “1” standing for “strongly disagree” and “7” standing for “strongly agree”. The higher the total score of the scale, the higher the emotional intelligence level of nurses. The scale was valid and reliable with a Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.926 in this study.

Mediator variable: empathy

Jefferson Empathy Scale was compiled by Dr. Hojat in 2001 [28]. Chinese scholar Xiuqin An [29] then translated it into the Chinese version of JSE-HP scale, which is used to measure the empathy ability of doctors, students and nursing professionals. This study mainly used it to evaluate the nurse’s empathy ability, that is, the nurse’s ability to understand the patient’s inner experience and opinions, and to convey this understanding to the patient. The scale has a total of 20 items and 3 dimensions: “perspective taking”, “compassionate care”, and “standing in patient’s shoes”. All items were rated on a Likert scale, with “1” meaning “completely agree”, and 7 meaning “completely disagree”. The higher the score, the higher the level of empathy. The scale was valid with a Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.845 in this study.

Mediator variable: communication satisfaction

The Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction Scale was compiled by Hecht in 1978 [30]. After the Chinese adaptation, it is used to measure the satisfaction degree of nurses in communicating with patients, their families and medical staff in various aspects of interpersonal communication in nursing work. The scale has a total of 20 items, divided into 3 dimensions: “overall satisfaction with the conversation”, “individual response to conversation”, and “free interaction”. All items were rated on a Likert scale, with “1” standing for “very inconsistent” and “5” standing for “very consistent”. The higher the score, the more satisfied the individual is with the communication. The scale was valid and reliable with a Cronbach’s α coefficient of 0.887 in this study.

Data collection

Use paper questionnaires. With the help of hospital administrators, investigators distributed the questionnaires on a departmental basis, using nurses’ morning meetings, business studies, and after get off work. All nurses on the job who meet the inclusion criteria and are willing to participate in the survey will issue questionnaires. The investigator informs the purpose of the study, and obtains the nurse’s informed consent, and reads out the explanation instruction to guide the nurse to fill it out. The questionnaire can be withdrawn at any time during the process and the questionnaire will be collected on the spot. A total of 1,500 questionnaires were distributed and 1,475 were recovered, with an effective rate of 98.33 %.

Ethical consideration

This study was approved by the local ethics committee (number XYLL-2,018,096). Obtained permission from the hospital to issue research questionnaires and conducted anonymous surveys. All participants in the study are voluntary participation.

Data analysis

SPSS (version 25.0) statistical software was used for statistical analysis. The data were normally distributed without outliers or missing values. Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationships among emotional intelligence, empathy, communication satisfaction, and job well-being. Then, AMOS (version 21.0) was used to establish the structural equation model. First, a model with emotional intelligence as the independent variable and job well-being as the dependent variable was constructed to test Hypothesis 1. Second, two intermediary variables of empathy and communication satisfaction were added between emotional intelligence and job well-being, and hypotheses 2 and 3 were tested. Finally, under the premise that the two-factor mediation model was established, the chain mediation effect of Hypothesis 4 was tested to form the final model. A bootstrap method was used to construct 2000 samples for mediation analysis, and the significance of each path coefficient was tested at α = 0.05. In the tested model, all coefficients reached the level of significance. The specific values, significance, reliability, validity, and convergence of each parameter are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Parameter significance, reliability and convergence effectiveness of emotional intelligence, empathy, communicate satisfaction and job well-being (n = 1475)
Parameter significance assessment
Factor Loading
Emotional intelligence
Self-emotional perception
Emotion regulation
Emotional use
Recognize other’s emotions
Perspective taking
Compassionate care
Standing in patient’s shoes
Communication satisfaction
Overall satisfaction with the conversation
Individual response to conversation
Free interaction
Job well-being
Welfare treatment
Work value
Working characteristics
Notes: Unstd. means unstandardized regression, S.E. represents the standard error of the estimated parameter coefficient, SMC stands for squared multiple correlations, CR signifies composite reliability, AVE denotes average variance extracted



1475 clinical nurses, aged 21–59 (32.51 ± 7.00) years old; 97.42 % of them are women; most of the years of service in the hospital are 6–10 years, accounting for 36.07 %; 70.98 % of them have a bachelor degree; Internal medicine nurses accounted for 28.47 %, surgical nurses accounted for 25.36 %, and intensive care unit nurses accounted for 13.83 %; the average monthly income was mostly RMB 6000–8000, accounting for 22.44 %; the number of nurses in the formal establishment was only 19.86 %; Only 27.05 % of nurses received training related to emotion management.

Nurse’s job well-being score

The total score of nurses’ job well-being was (83.61 ± 12.63), and the average score was (4.40 ± 0.67). The average score of each dimension is from high to low: interpersonal, manager, job value, job characteristics, and welfare treatment, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Participants’ job well-being score
The total score
The average score
Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Job well-being
83.16 (12.63)
4.40 (0.66)
Welfare treatment
15.10 (3.87)
3.77 (0.97)
19.41 (2.78)
4.85 (0.69)
Work value
22.63 (3.38)
4.53 (0.68)
13.77 (2.80)
4.59 (0.93)
Working characteristics
12.71 (2.50)
4.24 (0.83)

Correlation analysis

Table 3 shows the correlations between the variables. Emotional intelligence, empathy, communication satisfaction, and job well-being were all significantly correlated in the expected direction (positive). These correlation coefficients presented moderate effects (r ranging from 0.346 to 0.570, P < 0.001), the positive relationship between Emotional intelligence and job well-being was strong (r = 0.570, P < 0.001), which was in line with our hypothesis.
Table 3
The correlation of job well-being, emotional intelligence, empathy, and communication satisfaction (r value, n = 1475)
2. Welfare treatment
3. Interpersonal
4. Work value
5. Managers
6. Working characteristics
7. Emotional intelligence
8. Empathy
9. Communication satisfaction
Notes: All P values < 0.001. “1” stands for “Job well-being”

Mediation model construction

This study used structural equation model to explore the relationship between variables, and to investigate the mediating role of empathy and communication satisfaction. The structural equation consists of four latent variables: emotional intelligence, empathy, communication satisfaction, and job well-being. The observed variables of latent variables are composed of different dimensions of these scales. “e” represents the residual error of each observed variable, which can be regarded as each observed variable to estimate the measurement error of the latent variable. The final structural equation model is shown in Fig. 1. Owing to the large sample size, the Bollen-Stine method was adopted to correct the match (Bollen & Stine, 1992). After modification, the fitting indexes of each model were relatively good: root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was < 0.08, comparative fit index (CFI) was > 0.90, goodness of fit index (GFI) was > 0.90, and normal fit index (NFI) was > 0.90. The fitting index of the model is good and acceptable (χ2/DF = 1.160, RMSEA = 0.010, CFI = 0.999, GFI = 0.991, NFI = 0.991).

Mediation model validation and effect analysis

The mediation model between emotional intelligence, empathy, communication satisfaction and job well-being is shown in Fig. 1. After increasing the two mediating variables of empathy and communication satisfaction, the direct effect of emotional intelligence on job well-being decreased from 0.701 (P < 0.001) to 0.448 (P < 0.001). Emotional intelligence had a significant positive predictive effect on empathy (β = 0.362, P < 0.001) and communication satisfaction (β = 0.572, P < 0.001).
Empathy had a significant positive predictive effect on communication satisfaction (β = 0.314, P < 0.001) and job well-being (β = 0.104, P < 0.001). Communication satisfaction had a significant positive predictive effect on job well-being (β = 0.317, P < 0.001).
The non-parametric percentile Bootstrap method of deviation correction was used to test the mediation effect, repeat the sampling 2000 times and calculate the 95 % confidence interval. The results showed that the total indirect effect was 0.319, the independent mediating effect of empathy was 0.047, the independent mediating effect of communication satisfaction was 0.227, the chain mediating effect of empathy and communication satisfaction was 0.045, the path coefficient of each variable and the effect value of the mediating path are shown in Fig. 1; Table 4. The 95 % confidence interval of the mediating effect from emotional intelligence to job well-being was [0.012, 0.466], and the range did not include 0, and Z > 1.96, indicating that the mediating effect of the model was significant. All assumptions are true.
Table 4
The mediating effect of empathy and communication satisfaction between emotional intelligence and job well-being
Point estimate
Product of coefficients
Two-tailed significance
Percentile 95 % CI
Bias-corrected 95 % CI
Emotional intelligence→Empathy→Job well-being
< 0.050
Emotional intelligence→Communication satisfaction
→Job well-being
< 0.001
Emotional intelligence→Empathy→Communication satisfaction→Job well-being
< 0.001
Total indirect effects
< 0.001
Notes: Standardized estimating of 2000 bootstrap sample


In contrast to traditional psychology, positive psychology emphasises the exploration of positive factors in life. More people are increasingly aware of the importance of discovering positive forces from adversity [31]. Therefore, job well-being as a positive factor can be applied in the field of nursing.
The results of this study showed that the overall score of nurses’ job well-being was 83.61 ± 12.63. The score was higher than that of hospital nurses in the Wujiang area [32]. This may be due to the different regions and management structures of the research objects. Clinical nurses reported the highest scores on the interpersonal dimension (4.85 ± 0.69). We can see that patients and colleagues are an important source of nurses’ job well-being. As a positive emotion, job well-being can improve personal and organisational performance and enable nurses to show higher work enthusiasm and creativity [33]. Therefore, it is necessary for nursing managers and educators to implement relevant interventions to improve nurses’ job well-being.
In this study, emotional intelligence had a significant positive predictive effect on job well-being, which supports Manse’s [34] research results that showed that people with high emotional intelligence can better perceive the emotions of others. Further, they are good at psychological adjustment and the management of personal emotions, and thus are able to avoid depression and hide emotions. It reduces negative behaviours, reduces nurse–patient conflicts, and enhances job well-being. However, different studies have shown that excessive emotional attention to patients will increase the nurse’s own emotional energy consumption, and when their emotional energy is too low, it will turn into negative emotions [35]. Empathy also had a positive predictive effect on job well-being. Nurses with high empathy tend to empathise more at work, exhibit altruistic and pro-social behaviours, have more harmonious interpersonal relationships, and experience more happiness [36, 37]. Moreover, communication satisfaction had a positive predictive effect on job well-being. According to relevant literature, 49.5 % of nurse–patient disputes were not caused by medical accidents but rather by improper communication [38]. Good communication skills can help establish a trusting nurse–patient relationship, establish a harmonious and comfortable working environment, and improve the job satisfaction and job happiness of nurses accordingly. Emotional intelligence also had a positive predictive effect on empathy. Related research has suggested that empathy is an aspect of emotional intelligence. In addition, emotional intelligence also consists of self-awareness, self-motivation, and mental management [39]. Emotional intelligence has shown a positive predictive effect on communication satisfaction. In nursing work, nurses with high emotional intelligence are good at relieving the pressure and discomfort caused by the contradiction between nurses and patients by moderating their own emotions. With the increase of communication with patients, the nurses’ abilities to express and communica are effectively exercised, and their communication satisfaction is enhanced [40]. Empathy has a positive predictive effect on communication satisfaction. The realisation of nurses’ empathy is based on nurse–patient communication. In communication, the nurse imagines themself in the patient’s situation and experiences emotional resonance [41].
The research results show that in addition to the direct effect of emotional intelligence, it can also affect on job well-being through the indirect role of empathy, The higher the level of emotional intelligence in nurses, the higher is their empathy and the stronger is their sense of job well-being. However, the mediating effect of empathy is low. Research has also suggested that empathy might impact nurses negatively. Nurses have enhanced physical arousal due to the experience of long-term emotional resonance with patients. This long-term arousal is not conducive to the well-being of nurses [42]. In addition, excessive sympathy and care will make nurses fall into the disadvantaged situation of patients in the process of empathy, and also empathize with patients’ pain, resulting in negative emotions and lower their job well-being. While the majority of nurses are expected to empathise and care for patients, they also need to be empathized and cared for, so as to ultimately increase their happiness.
In addition to the mediating role of empathy, communication satisfaction also plays a partial mediating role between emotional intelligence and job well-being. The higher the nurse’s emotional intelligence level, the higher is their communication satisfaction and the stronger is their job well-being. This mediating role of communication satisfaction indicates that main purpose of emotional intelligence in nurses’ job well-being is the generation of communication satisfaction. Therefore, to improve clinical nurses’ job well-being, we must pay attention not only to the emotional intelligence of the nurses but also to the level of communication satisfaction experienced by the nurses. To effectively improve job well-being, nursing managers and educators should turn their attention to communication skills training and improving communication satisfaction [43].
In addition, emotional intelligence can also improve communication satisfaction by improving empathy, thereby improving job well-being. Under the influence of emotional intelligence, nurses who perform emotional management to regulate their emotions, can enter the world of their patients with an optimistic attitude and high empathy [44]. By communicating from the perspective of the patient, they can perceive patient needs, gain the respect of their patient, experience communication satisfaction, and enhance their job well-being. Therefore, if nursing managers and educators wish to improve the job well-being of clinical nurses, they need to pay simultaneous attention to emotional intelligence, empathy and communication satisfaction.
In summary, all our assumptions are valid. Therefore, it is necessary for nursing managers and educators to train nurses in non-verbal communication training, in aspects like conveying meaning through methods other than spoken language, including gestures, facial expressions, and even environmental characteristics [45]. They should also train nurses to send, receive, and interpret communication content to improve their communication skills. In addition, role-playing exercises [46] may have value in this respect, in which nurses play the roles of patients when discussing medical history and physical examination results. Nurses could thereby express their role-play medical history and clinical problems, simulate specific clinical symptoms, and feel the patient’s physical condition and emotional experience, which could improve nurses’ emotional intelligence and empathy. Training nurses regularly over an extended time could indirectly enhance nurses’ sense of job well-being.


Although a chain mediating effect of empathy and communication satisfaction on the relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being was demonstrated, this study had some limitations. First, the cross-sectional design means we cannot directly derive causality. Second, we only surveyed nurses in one hospital in China; as such, the results may be geographically limited. Third, there are many female nurses and very few male nurses in China. Therefore, 97 % of the participants in this survey were female nurses, and there may be gender differences in experiences that were not reflected in the study results. Therefore, in the future, a longitudinal dynamic study should be conducted with nurses of different genders working with multiple doctors in different regions. Further, researchers should explore other mediators besides empathy and communication satisfaction. This will inform the ways nursing managers can aim to improve nurses’ job well-being.


In summary, the emotional intelligence, empathy, and communication satisfaction of clinical nurses cannot be ignored in the quest for job well-being. Nursing managers should create a good working environment for nurses, optimise the staffing of nurses in various departments, and alleviate their work pressure. Nursing educators should also pay more attention to the mental health of nurses, conduct psychological counselling in a timely manner, and regularly provide nurses with relevant skills training, such as non-verbal communication training and role-playing exercises. In addition, nurses also need self-compassion to enhance their sense of job well-being. In the future, interventional research can be conducted on job well-being in the nursing profession.


We would like to express our gratitude to our colleagues who agreed to participate to the study.


This study has been was approved by the Ethics Committee of Xinxiang Medical University (China). Ethics review number: XYLL-2,018,096. All participants gave their voluntary written informed consent prior to study participation.
Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Zurück zum Zitat Jarosova D, Gurkova E, Ziakova K, Nedvedova D, Palese A, Godeas G, Chan SW, Song MS, Lee J, Cordeiro R, et al. Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being Among Midwives: Analysis of a Multinational Cross-Sectional Survey. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2017;62(2):180–9. Jarosova D, Gurkova E, Ziakova K, Nedvedova D, Palese A, Godeas G, Chan SW, Song MS, Lee J, Cordeiro R, et al. Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being Among Midwives: Analysis of a Multinational Cross-Sectional Survey. J Midwifery Womens Health. 2017;62(2):180–9. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1111/​jmwh.​12516.CrossRefPubMed
Zurück zum Zitat Li X, Fang X, Wang L, Geng X, Chang H. Relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being in Chinese Registered Nurses: Mediating effect of communication satisfaction. Nurs Open. 2021;8(4):1778–87. Li X, Fang X, Wang L, Geng X, Chang H. Relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being in Chinese Registered Nurses: Mediating effect of communication satisfaction. Nurs Open. 2021;8(4):1778–87. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1002/​nop2.​820.
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Relationship between emotional intelligence and job well-being in Chinese clinical nurses: multiple mediating effects of empathy and communication satisfaction
verfasst von
Xue Li
Hongjuan Chang
Quanying Zhang
Jianli Yang
Rui Liu
Yajie Song
BioMed Central
Erschienen in
BMC Nursing / Ausgabe 1/2021
Elektronische ISSN: 1472-6955