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01.08.2017 | Original Contribution

Nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics

A concept development

verfasst von: Heidrun Gattinger, MScN, RN, Prof. Helena Leino-Kilpi, PhD, RN, Prof. Sascha Köpke, PhD, RN, Stefan Marty-Teuber, lic.phil., Prof. Beate Senn, PhD, RN, Virpi Hantikainen, PhD, RN

Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie | Ausgabe 6/2017

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This study was carried out to systematically describe nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics.


In elderly care the kinaesthetics program for nurses has been taught for over 25 years; however, the competence that nurses should gain through kinaesthetics training from a theoretical perspective has not yet been systematically described.

Material and methods

The method was modelled after the three phases of the hybrid model of concept development by Schwartz-Barcott and Kim (2000). In the theoretical phase a working definition was established and a literature review conducted. We searched the online databases PubMed and CINAHL and the reference lists up to February 2016. In the empirical phase experts defined the attributes during a workshop in October 2013. In the analytical phase the results from the theoretical and empirical phase were combined in order to define antecedents, attributes and consequences of the concept.


The concept of nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics includes two antecedents: (1) nurses’ kinaesthetics training and (2) care recipients’ need for mobility support in activities of daily living. This concept includes a set of attributes in the areas of knowledge, skills, attitudes and dynamic state. It contributes towards (1) movement competence and (2) physical and psychological well-being of both care recipients and nurses.


The concept of nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics might support awareness and communication about mobility-enhancing gerontological care. Based on the attributes of nurse’ competence in kinaesthetics an assessment instrument will be developed that can be used to evaluate nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics in clinical practice. Further research is needed to evaluate the consequences of the developed concept.
Nur mit Berechtigung zugänglich
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Nurses’ competence in kinaesthetics
A concept development
verfasst von
Heidrun Gattinger, MScN, RN
Prof. Helena Leino-Kilpi, PhD, RN
Prof. Sascha Köpke, PhD, RN
Stefan Marty-Teuber, lic.phil.
Prof. Beate Senn, PhD, RN
Virpi Hantikainen, PhD, RN
Springer Medizin
Erschienen in
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie / Ausgabe 6/2017
Print ISSN: 0948-6704
Elektronische ISSN: 1435-1269