Eligibility criteria
Search strategy
Database: PubMed (Medline). Search conducted on October 13, 2023. Results: 128 ((“nurses“[MeSH Terms] OR “nurs*” [Title/Abstract] OR “nursing staff” [Title/Abstract] OR “nurse practitioner” [Title/Abstract] “intergenerational relations” [MeSH Terms] OR “Generation Y” [Title/Abstract] OR “millennial generation” [Title/Abstract] OR “Generation z” [Title/Abstract] OR “baby boomer*” [Title/Abstract] OR “millennial” [Title/Abstract] OR “generational diversity” [Title/Abstract] OR “Generation X” [Title/Abstract] OR “generational differences” [Title/Abstract] “workplace” [MeSH Terms] OR “work environment” [Title/Abstract] OR “working conditions” [MeSH Terms] OR “work setting” [Title/Abstract] OR “professional practice” [MeSH Terms] OR “practice environment” [Title/Abstract] OR “positive work environment” [Title/Abstract])))) |
Database: CINAHL (EBSCO). Search conducted on October 16, 2023. Results: 95 (AB ((MH “staff nurses”) OR (MM “nurses”) OR “nurs*” OR “nurse practitioners” OR “nursing staff”) AB ((MH “Intergenerational Relations”) OR (MH “Generation Y”) OR (MH “Generation X”) OR (MH “Baby Boomers”) OR “Generation Y” OR “millennial generation” OR “Generation z” OR “baby boomer*” OR “millennial” OR “generational diversity” OR “generational differences”) AB ((MM “work environment”) OR (MH “professional practice”) OR work environment OR working conditions OR work setting OR practice environment OR positive work environment)) |
Database: Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO). Search conducted on October 16, 2023. Results: 7 (AB ((MH “staff nurses”) OR (MM “nurses”) OR “nurs*” OR “nurse practitioners” OR “nursing staff”) AB ((MH “Intergenerational Relations”) OR (MH “Generation Y”) OR (MH “Generation X”) OR (MH “Baby Boomers”) OR “Generation Y” OR “millennial generation” OR “Generation z” OR “baby boomer*” OR “millennial” OR “generational diversity” OR “generational differences”) AB ((MM “work environment”) OR (MH “professional practice”) OR work environment OR working conditions OR work setting OR practice environment OR positive work environment)) |
Database: Scopus. Search conducted on October 16, 2023. Results:78 ABS (“nurses” OR “nurs*” OR “nursing staff” OR “nurse practitioner”) ABS (“intergenerational relations” OR “Generation Y” OR “millennial generation” OR “Generation z” OR “baby boomer*” OR “millennial” OR “generational diversity” OR “Generation X” OR “generational differences”) ABS (“workplace” OR “work environment” OR “working conditions” OR “work setting” OR “professional practice” OR “practice environment” OR “positive work environment”) ABS ( “nurses” OR “nurs*” OR “nursing staff” OR “nurse practitioner” ) AND ABS (“intergenerational relations” OR “Generation Y” OR “millennial generation” OR “Generation z” OR “baby boomer*” OR “millennial” OR “generational diversity” OR “Generation X” OR “generational differences” ) AND ABS ( “workplace” OR “work environment” OR “working conditions” OR “work setting” OR “professional practice” OR “practice environment” OR “positive work environment” )) |
Database: Worldcat. Search conducted on October 16, 2023. Results: 5. Source type: Dissertations and Theses. Search strategy: Kw: nurse AND kw: intergenerational relations Filter: Theses and Dissertations |
Database: ProQuest. Search conducted on October 16, 2023. Results: 80. Source type: Dissertations and Theses Search strategy: Abstract (nurse) AND (intergenerational relations) Filter: Theses and Dissertations |
Study selection
Data extraction
Data analysis and presentation
Authors/year/country | Study design and Participants | Results/Conclusions |
Tan & Chin, 2023 [17] Singapore | Cross-sectional study 778 nurses | The emphasis on work-life balance is greater as the generation gets younger. Gen Y and Z are more easily adaptable to change. |
Lee & Lee, 2023 [9] South Korea | Cross-sectional study 159 nurses | Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are higher in Gen X than in the following generations. There were no differences between the generations in terms of types of communication. |
Pawlak et al., 2022 [18] Poland | Literature review | Baby Boomers and Gen X reveal greater organizational commitment. Gen Y and Gen Z show a greater need for work-life balance. Gen Z shows higher expectations towards leadership. |
White et al., 2021 [19] Australia | Cross-sectional study 18,963 nurses | Job satisfaction was highest among Gen Z, followed by Gen Y, Baby Boomers and Gen X. All generations expressed satisfaction with their work-life balance. |
Oliveira & González, 2021 [10] Spain | Integrative review | Older generations showed greater organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Gen X and Gen Y nurses consider the right balance between professional and personal life significant. |
Peter et al., 2021 [20] Switzerland | Cross-sectional study 98 midwives | The intention to leave the organization was higher for the younger generations (X and Y) than for Baby Boomers. The intention to leave the profession prematurely increases when the balance between professional and personal life is compromised. |
Cantada & Lee, 2020 [21] South Korea | Descriptive and correlational study 256 nurses | Job satisfaction is lower for Gen Z nurses than Gen Y nurses, and lower for Gen Y nurses than Gen X nurses. Time availability for private life is more valued in Gen Y and Z. |
Campbell et al., 2020 [22] United States of America (USA) | Concept analysis | Gen Y attaches greater importance to areas such as salary, free time, personal interactions at work, benefits of the job, and support from their managers/leaders. Gen X attaches importance to factors related to nursing practice, such as autonomy. |
Stevanin et al., 2020 [23] Finland | Cross-sectional study 3,093 nurses | All generations report positive feelings about teamwork with colleagues from different generations. All generations consider themselves to be oriented toward change and use of technology, with Baby Boomers reporting a slightly lower propensity. Gen Y nurses generally need more feedback than those from other generations. |
Hisel 2019 [24] USA | Quantitative, non-experimental study 1885 nurses | Veterans were the most engaged, followed by Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y. |
O’Hara et al., 2019 [25] USA | Descriptive and correlational study 825 nurses | Autonomy, teamwork, leadership, and motivation contribute to the job satisfaction of Gen Y nurses. |
Stevanin et al., 2019 [26] Finland | Descriptive and correlational study 3,218 nurses | Peer relationships are more important for Baby Boomers than for other generations. Baby Boomers and Gen X revealed themselves to be less change-oriented than Gen Y nurses. |
Huber & Schubert, 2019 [27] Germany | Cross-sectional study 992 nurses | Gen Y has a lower engagement level than Gen X and Baby Boomers. “Professional ambition” is more valued by Gen Y than by previous generations. |
Christensen et al., 2018 [7] USA | Literature review | Intergenerational differences, although challenging, can be used advantageously to boost efficiency and create more cohesive teams through comprehensive communication strategies, personalized reward systems, and flexibility in the workplace. |
Stevanin et al., 2018 [11] Finland | Systematic review of mixed methods | Baby Boomers report lower stress levels and burnout than Gen X and Y. Gen Y seem more sensitive to stress. Baby Boomers report higher job satisfaction and engagement and Gen Y lower job satisfaction and engagement. |
Stevanin et al., 2017 [28] Finland | Cross-sectional study 1302 nurses | The Multidimensional Nursing Generations Questionnaire proved to be an instrument capable of detecting the perceptions of different generations of nurses in various dimensions: “Conflicts between generations”, “View of patient safety”, “Relationship issues between generations”, “Working in a multigenerational team”, “Orientation to change”, Presenteeism and job propensity”, “Intention to leave” and “Flexibility and availability”. |
Lavoie-Tremblay et al., 2014 [29] Canada | Descriptive and correlational study 1254 nurses | Faced with high cognitive demands, Gen X nurses reported less psychological distress than Gen Y nurses. In professional contexts with high physical demands, Gen Y nurses reported less psychological distress than Gen X nurses. |
Wakim, 2014 [30] USA | Descriptive and correlational study 262 nurses | Gen Y nurses scored the highest on the Stress Perception Scale compared to Gen X and Baby Boomers. |
Sullivan Havens et al., 2013 [31] USA | Descriptive, correlational study 747 nurses | Veterans showed higher engagement and Gen X showed lower engagement. The nursing practice environment emerged as a predictor of engagement, common to all generations. |
Hendricks & Cope, 2013 [32] Australia | Literature review | Respect for generational differences in communication, commitment, and compensation should be a factor for nurse managers. Different characteristics were presented for nurses from the four generations. Veterans: loyal and hardworking; Baby Boomers: idealistic and passionate; Gen X: adapted to technology; Gen Y: optimistic. |
Shacklock & Brunetto, 2012 [33] Australia | Descriptive and correlational study 900 nurses | When analyzing nurse retention, there are differences in the variables that affect Baby Boomers, Gen X and Y. Attachment to work was the only variable that proved to be common to all generations and that influences the intention to remain in the organization. |
Leiter et al., 2010 [34] Canada | Descriptive and correlational study 522 nurses | Greater distress among Gen X nurses. There is a greater tendency among younger nurses to leave the organization. Gen X also reported more difficulties in relationships with peers and the supervisor. |
Stanley, 2010 [35] Australia | Literature review | Distinctive characteristics of Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y in work-related aspects. Baby Boomers: strong work ethic. Gen X: greater need for work-life balance, and technological literacy. Gen Y: technological literacy. |
Keepnews et al., 2010 [36] USA | Longitudinal study 3380 nurses | Gen X obtained a higher score when analyzing the work-family conflict. Gen Y showed greater organizational commitment than Gen X and Baby Boomers. |
Wieck et al., 2010 [37] USA | Mixed methods study 1773 nurses | Baby Boomers were more satisfied than Gen X and Gen Y. Gen Y showed a greater propensity to turnover than previous generations. 61% of all nurses from the four generations analyzed said they intended to leave the organization in the next 10 years. |
Lipscomb, 2010 [38] USA | Cross-sectional study 77 nurses | Baby Boomers and Gen X ranked autonomy as their top priority. Gen Y’s priority was remuneration. |
Dols et al., 2010 [39] USA | Qualitative study 25 nurses | Younger generations value more feedback. Gen X and Y value a better work-life balance. |
Leiter et al., 2009 [40] Canada | Descriptive and correlational study 448 nurses | Gen X find working life less coherent with their values, more stressful, have more burnout symptoms, and are more inclined to change organizations than Baby Boomer nurses. |
Carver & Candela, 2008 [41] USA | Literature review | Veterans: value loyalty and recognition for their work; strong work ethic. Baby Boomers: value recognition for their work. Gen X: lower work ethic; value autonomy and work-family balance. Gen Y: values teamwork, greater need for feedback, and extended orientation/integration period. |
Wilson-Keates et al., 2008 [42] Canada | Descriptive and correlational study 6541 nurses | There are no differences between the three generations in satisfaction with relationships between coworkers. No differences were found between Gen X and Gen Y nurses regarding overall job satisfaction, however, Baby Boomers showed greater job satisfaction than subsequent generations. |
Apostolidis & Polifroni, 2006 [43] USA | Descriptive and correlational study 98 nurses | Baby Boomers prefer autonomy to professional status. Gen X is more satisfied with professional status and less satisfied with pay. |
Sherman, 2006, [44] USA | Literature review | Veterans: value loyalty and hierarchy. Baby Boomers: strong work ethic. Gen X: value work-life balance. Gen Y: global and multicultural generation; fans of technology and instant communication. |