The present study was conducted to determine the effect of laughter yoga practiced by the first-year nursing students before they carried out clinical practice on the scores they obtained from the PSS-10 and Meaning and Purpose of Life Scale. In the present study, stress levels of the students who received laughter therapy, no statistically significant difference was found in the stress levels of students receiving laughter therapy after the fourth session (post-test 1). In studies conducted with different sample groups in the literature, laughter yoga was found to be effective on anxiety and stress after the fourth [
33] and fifth session [
31]. The results of the present study are not consistent with those in the literature. It is thought that the earthquake experienced in our country, Turkey, affected this result. After 8 sessions of laughter yoga, it was observed that the stress level of the students decreased statistically significantly (post-test 2). This finding supports hypothesis H
1. Laughter yoga reduces the level of stress perceived by students before clinical practice. In the literature, it is stated that laughter therapy helps students to decrease their stress and anxiety [
31]. In their study, Arıkan Dönmez et al. reported that laughter yoga helped nursing students decrease their anxiety and perceived stress levels related to simulation training [
27]. In another study in which the effect of laughter yoga on exam anxiety of the first-year nursing students before they took the clinical practice exam was investigated, the mean scores they obtained from the Test Anxiety Scale decreased after the laughter yoga practice, but the difference was not statistically significant [
22]. On the other hand, the results of a study Öztürk and Tekkas Kerman conducted to investigate the effects of an online laughter therapy, based on stress, anxiety, and depression of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey in 2022 revealed a significant difference between the groups in terms of their depression scores after the intervention, but had no effect on the anxiety and stress levels of the participants in the intervention and control groups [
14]. This result was probably because laughter yoga was practiced online during the pandemic. These findings suggest that laughter yoga positively affected stress of nursing students, which is almost consistent with the results of the present study. Laughter yoga can be a good practice in the management of care by helping nursing students who will practice this profession in the future to provide quality care services and to improve their and their patients’ well-being. In studies in which the effect of laughter yoga on nurses’ and healthy adults’ stress levels was investigated, laughter yoga was reported to reduce their stress and burnout levels and to be an effective method in improving their psychological and physiological conditions [
40]. These results are consistent with those of the present study. The quest to make life meaningful, which has a fundamental motivating power in human life, is considered a positive personality trait, which is a sign of psychological well-being and facilitates adaptation to major stressful events in life. The meaning of life gains importance especially in situations in which very challenging stressful life events take place [
41]. In the present study, the meaning and purpose of life levels of the participating students who received laughter therapy increased significantly after the eight sessions. This finding supports hypothesis H
2 “Laughter yoga improves students’ perceptions of meaning of life before clinical practice”. The change in the current living conditions of students due to the pandemic that lasted more than 3 years all over the world and the earthquake which hit Turkey negatively affected the perceived well-being towards the meaning and purpose of life. It is stated that laughter reduces loneliness and self-esteem, renews energy and hope, and promotes empowerment [
42]. Considering that the students moved away from the environments where the mentioned problems were experienced and entered a new social and academic environment, it can be said that this result was expected. There are no studies in the literature in which the effectiveness of laughter therapy on nursing students’ perception of the meaning of life was investigated. However, in several studies, the effect of laughter therapy on nursing students’ life satisfaction, psychological well-being, and general health has been investigated. Eraydın ve Ecevit Alpar (2022) revealed that laughter therapy positively affected nursing students’ life satisfaction, and psychological well-being [
16]. Yazdani et al. reported that laughter yoga had a positive effect on nursing students’ general health and decreased their anxiety and depression [
25]. Sis Çelik ve Kılıç (2022) found that laughter yoga was an effective method that can be used to improve life satisfaction in nursing [
19]. The results of the present study are consistent with those of studies in the literature.
In the present study, a moderate negative correlation was determined between the scores obtained from the PSS-10 and the Meaning and Purpose of Life Scale. These findings show that the level of perception of meaning and purpose of life decreases as the level of perceived stress increases. The meaning of life, which greatly attracts psychologists’ attention, is positively related to positive life events such as coping with stress, well-being, perceived health, happiness, and life satisfaction but negatively associated with negative life events such as stress and depression [
34]. In this context, it can be said that this is an expected result. In fact, as stated in a study, the result that reducing anxiety levels of nursing students with laughter therapy can increase their psychological well-being and life satisfaction supports the result of the present study [