Results at the item level
In the following we describe changes in single items over time, focussing on reporting items that negatively stand out (mean values below 2 and percentage of answers with “disagree/strongly disagree” higher than 20%).
Students’ perception of learning (Table
3): In Dushanbe, for 9 out of 12 items the mean scores increased significantly between 2015 and 2018. Item 25 “The teaching over-emphasises factual learning” and item 48 “The teaching is too teacher-centred” did not increase significantly and additionally have mean values below the threshold of 2. In Kulob, 9 out of 12 items exhibited significantly higher mean scores in 2018. The mean scores for “The teaching over-emphasizes factual learning” (25) and “The teaching is too teacher-centred” (48) significantly decreased and were below the threshold of 2 in 2018.
Table 3Results presented by “flagged items” for the sub-score “Students’ perception of learning”
Students’ perception of teachers (Table
4): in Dushanbe, the items that constitute students’ perception of teachers showed a significant increase in mean scores in 10 out of 11 cases. The items 9, 32, 39 and 50 – i.e. “The teachers are authoritarian”, “The teachers provide constructive criticism here “, “The teachers get angry in class” and “The students irritate the teachers” – remained flagged with more than 20% of students providing low scores (0 or 1). In Kulob, the mean scores for 10 out of 11 items that constitute students’ perception of teachers have increased significantly between 2016 and 2018. The three items “The teachers provide constructive criticism here” (32), “The teachers get angry in class” (39) and “The students irritate the teachers” (50) remained flagged for a high percentage (> 20%) of students which provided low scores (0 or 1).
Table 4Results presented by “flagged items” for the sub-score “Students’ perception of teachers”
Students’ academic self-perception (Table
5): in Dushanbe, 6 out of 8 items showed significantly higher mean scores in 2018 as compared to 2015. In Kulob, all mean scores of the 8 items have significantly increased between 2016 and 2018.
Table 5Results presented by “flagged items” for the sub-score “Students’ academic self-perception”
Students’ perception of atmosphere (Table
6): in Dushanbe, the mean scores for 11 out of 12 items underwent a significant increase. Three items (“Cheating is a problem in this school” (17), “I find the experience disappointing” (35) and “The enjoyment outweighs the stress of studying nursing” (42)) remained flagged in 2018 for a high percentage of students that (strongly) disagreed (after recoding). In Kulob, 11 out of the 12 items that constitute the sub-score “Students’ perception of atmosphere” revealed significantly higher mean scores in 2018 as compared to 2016. Two items revealed deficiencies and remained flagged in 2018: item 35 “I find the experience disappointing” and item 42 “The enjoyment outweighs the stress of studying nursing” for a high number of scores 0 and 1.
Table 6Results presented by “flagged items” for the sub-score “Students’ perception of atmosphere”
Students’ social self-perception (Table
7): In Dushanbe, the scores of 5 out of 7 items significantly increased between 2015 and 2018. The items “There is a good support system for students who get stressed” (3), “I am too tired to enjoy this course” (4) and “I am rarely bored on this course” (14) remained flagged in 2018 with more than 20% of students providing low scores (between 0 or 1). The mean score for the item “I seldom feel lonely” (28) significantly decreased to a mean score below 2 in 2018. In Kulob, the mean score for 4 out of 7 items improved significantly between 2016 and 2018. The mean score of the item “I seldom feel lonely” (28) has significantly decreased between 2016 and 2018. Together with item (4) (“I am too tired to enjoy this course”), this mean score is below 2 in 2018. Item 14, “I am rarely bored on this course”, showed slightly lower values in 2018, although not significantly. The item remained flagged for a high percentage of students which (strongly) disagreed in 2018 (after recoding).
Table 7Results presented by “flagged items” for the sub-score “Students’ social self-perception”
Open question
In 2015/20156, most students’ comments (71.4%) were related to the lack of infrastructure. This issue appeared to be perceived less prominently by students in 2018 (9.4%). The second most important issue in 2015/2016 in relative frequencies were remarks about finance related issues constituting 27.2% of the comments. This fraction has as well de-creased to 5.9% in 2018.DISCUSSION.
For both colleges scores and sub-scores have increased between 2015/2016 and 2018. The differences are significant for all scores and sub-scores, and relative changes in mean scores are in the range of 3.9–10.2% of the maximum score. In Dushanbe the total score significantly increased from 131.8 to 146.9 which can be interpreted as a “more positive than negative” learning environment in 2018 according to the interpretation guideline presented in Appendix [
6]. The score for the nursing college in Kulob showed the same tendency with a significant increase from 134.9 to 151.2. The education environment in Kulob can be interpreted as “excellent” in 2018. These results show that the educational environment for Tajik nursing students at two nursing colleges as measured by the DREEM inventory has reached above average levels in the international comparison. Indeed, with an overall mean of 146.9 in Dushanbe and 151.2 in Kulob, the mean score of this study was generally higher than other studies among nursing students in Chile (133.5) [
24], China (132.5) [
25], India (116.3) [
26], Indonesia (132.0) [
27], Malaysia (120.1) [
28], Egypt (115.0) [
29], and Iran (114.4) [
30]. International comparison of DREEM scores, however, must be interpreted with care as the way participants’ respond to the questions is culturally sensitive [
31] and scores do not only reflect differences in the actual educational environment.
Students’ perception of teachers, their academic self-perception, and their perception of the atmosphere underwent the largest changes between 2015/2016 and 2018, while students’ social self-perception changed the least. In 2015/2016, for both nursing colleges, the sub-score students’ academic self-perception achieved the highest relative score (in percent of the maximum), whereas student’s perception of teachers was the sub-score with the lowest value. In 2018, the sub-score students’ academic self-perception remained the highest relative score and students’ social self-perception instead of students’ perception of teachers achieved the lowest relative value for all subgroups. Indeed, the development of the faculties between 2015/2016 and 2018 was focused on fostering competency-based learning and more practical training through didactical trainings of teachers, the introduction of a Practical Skills Lab, and tutorship programs. The clear improvement in the perception of teachers, of atmosphere, of learning and on academic self-perception is likely to be associated with these increased and targeted efforts at the two nursing colleges. On the other hand, interventions were not focused at students’ social environment, which may mirror the smaller improvement in the social self-perception.
Analysis at the disaggregated item-level, however, allowed identifying specific issues within the sub-scores that have either stagnated or even decreased over time, constituting areas that need attention in the future development of the medical education system in Tajikistan. The survey in 2015/2016 revealed that students perceived the teaching as too heavily based on factual knowledge, which oriented the educational reform towards improving competency-based teaching and giving practical trainings more space in the curriculum. Surprisingly, the mean score of item 25 (“The teaching over-emphasizes factual learning”) further decreased between 2015/2016 and 2018. A possible reason for this result is that the 2018 survey took place before the clinical training of 4th-year students. Furthermore, students may have gotten aware of the benefits of competency-based learning so that they would like to see a further shift away from factual-learning approaches. Indeed, comments in the open question often mention the practical training positively but criticize that the actual exposure is insufficient – hence, there remains an urgent need to review current practices of competency-based teaching assuring that practical training and access to training equipment is adequately organized and equally distributed among students. Item 48 “The teaching is too teacher-centred” followed a similar pattern as item 25: despite the didactical trainings launched after 2015, the mean score did not improve significantly over time. Thus, further didactical trainings remain a priority to improve the teaching skills at faculty level. Furthermore, a structured assessment system providing regular feedback from the students to teachers (involving the faculty) would favor a more student-centered education environment.
Item 42 (“The enjoyment outweighs the stress of studying nursing”) exhibited a critical value in 2015/2016 and did not improve considerably during the intervention period. While there are several potential causes, stress can affect memory, concentration, and motivation ultimately leading to decreased learning and academic performance. Hence, there seems to be a continued need to monitor and evaluate potential causes of stress, while assuring that affected individuals are adequately supported.
Results from the open questions point to improvements in the teaching equipment and infrastructure.
Controlling for possible confounding factors in a multivariate regression design, DREEM scores revealed significantly higher values for 2018 as compared to 2015/2016. Other explanatory variables were not associated with the DREEM scores. Differences between gender were not statistically significant which is indicative for a discrimination-free environment.
With values for Cronbach’s α ranging between 0.60 and 0.90, overall internal consistency of the Tajik version of the DREEM is satisfactory, while the fifth subscale on students’ social self-perception is low (0.04 and 0.3). The low internal consistency of this score could be caused by culture-specific variations in response format [
31]. The Tajik students’ life strongly differs from an average university in high-income countries. Tajik students seem to keep stronger ties to their families and are in some cases already married and have children. Being away from their families can lead to a feeling of loneliness (see item 28) while still having many good friends at school (see item 15). This disparity may lead to a comparatively low α-value indicating that the combination of items intended to measure social self-perception may not accurately capture the actual social context of Tajik nursing students. In general, there is no consensus over the cut-off level of Cronbach’s α for satisfactory scale reliability [
32]. It has often been argued that a level of 0.70 is acceptable as described in Nunnally [
33]. Others report values higher than 0.50 as being sufficient [
25]. Wang et al. [
25], using data for Chinese nursing students, report α values of sub-scales ranging from 0.62 to 0.90, and overall α of 0.95. O’Brien et al. [
34], applying psychometric testing to the Singaporean version of the DREEM, report values ranging from 0.65 to 0.84 for sub-scales.
This study had limitations. Firstly, comparing students’ answers between 2015/2016 and 2018 based on a repeated cross-sectional design provides only suggestive evidence on the effectiveness of the corresponding interventions at the two nursing colleges. As the study design was not based on a controlled experiment, we did not have a valid counterfactual for comparing the educational environment in the absence of the interventions which causes potential biases in our estimates. Furthermore, the repeated cross-sectional design did not involve the observation of individuals over time which prevented the application of a panel regression model to control for unobserved heterogeneity in the study population. While we were able to control for possible confounding factors through the multivariate regression, the presented associations between the survey year and the educational environment are derived based on plausibility considerations and were not directly inferred from the analyzed data. Secondly, the general sample characteristics differed in some respects between the base- and endline study. The realized sample in Dushanbe in 2018 was augmented by including 1st-year students as 4th-year classes had high absence rate due to the military recruitment period. This led to differences in gender ratios and age distributions between the survey periods. Furthermore, as the interventions between 2015/2016 and 2018 focused primarily on the 4th year for family nursing and to a lesser degree on the earlier study years which may led to an overestimation of the potential effects of the interventions. Multivariate regression showed, however, that students’ year of study did not seem to significantly explain any variation in the DREEM scores. Thirdly, mean scores and sub-scores are slightly higher in Kulob as compared to Dushanbe during the base- and endline survey. A possible explanation is that students in Kulob were less critical and tended to respond more positively to the DREEM items. The investigation of possible reasons behind geographic disparities was beyond the objectives of the current study calling for more attention in future assessments. Fourthly, existing research shows that validity of the DREEM is not well supported [
17]. To control this risk, suitability of the DREEM inventory was statistically validated by testing for internal consistency. Lastly, participants’ responses to the items may be culturally sensitive [
31]. Apart from translation, no cultural adaptation of the DREEM tool has been applied for the present study. This may represent are risk of bias and measured scores must therefore be interpreted with caution.