Nursing students, as integral members of the healthcare team, engage in direct patient contact, which is crucial for developing the necessary skills and knowledge to assume nursing and caregiving roles. Their student years significantly contribute to their personal and professional growth, as well as the enhancement of their professional competence [
2]. However, initial patient and family interactions can lead to stress and anxiety among nursing students, often accompanied by reduced cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation [
3]. Students must develop cognitive flexibility and emotion self-regulation to succeed as professionals [
Cognitive flexibility is the ability to assess the controllability of a situation and adapt one’s behavior to a changing environment [
5]. Individuals with high cognitive flexibility are adept at identifying alternative options and adjusting to changing circumstances [
6]. Nurses with high levels of cognitive flexibility play a vital role in mitigating patient and family stress during hospitalization. They exhibit adaptive caregiving behaviors grounded in the three dimensions of cognitive flexibility: awareness, willingness, and self-efficacy [
5]. Emotion regulation, another influential factor in mental health, particularly among nursing students and nurses, involves strategies used to modify emotional states [
8]. It is a fundamental aspect of psychological well-being, contributing to effective adaptation to stressful life events and positively impacting physical health, academic performance, professional success, and social relationships [
10]. Adaptive emotion regulation enables individuals to function effectively in work environments and employ goal-oriented behaviors in the face of emotional challenges [
11]. In contrast, maladaptive emotion regulation hinders individuals’ ability to regulate their behaviors in response to challenging situations, impeding goal attainment [
9]. Research has demonstrated a positive and significant correlation between adaptive emotion regulation strategies, the quality of life of nurses, and the mental health of medical students [
In this regard, transactional analysis (TA), as a group therapy approach, is particularity effective in strengthening cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation. This approach helps individuals identify their cognitive and behavioral patterns and, through group interactions, find strategies to improve group therapy approach, is particularity effective in strengthening cognitive [
15]. TA, founded by Eric Berne, is a renowned group therapy approach [
16]. TA posits that individuals possess three ego states: “Parent”, “Adult”, and “Child”. By developing awareness of these states, individuals can enhance communication and reduce interpersonal and social conflicts [
17]. These ego states interact dynamically, influencing behavior [
18]. A primary goal of TA is to empower the “Adult” ego state. An active Adult can critically evaluate information from the “Parent” and “Child” states, integrate it with external information, and make informed decisions based on the current context [
Literature reviews have demonstrated the effectiveness of TA in addressing various psychological variables across diverse populations. For instance, researchers have confirmed the positive impact of TA training on the mental and emotional states of alcoholics [
20], depression and anxiety in individuals with depressive disorders [
21], self-esteem among female inmates [
17], overall family functioning and adjustment in couples [
22], as well as self-esteem and interpersonal relationships [
23]. Additionally, TA has been shown to be effective in resolving internal conflicts and psychological problems among adolescents [
24]. In a study of Iranian adolescent girls, TA was found to positively impact emotion regulation [
Although cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation play a critical role in the academic success and practical function and mental health of nursing students, little attention has been paid to effective interventions that can enhance these two dimensions simultaneously. TA group therapy, known for improving self-awareness and interpersonal skills, has not been adequately studies in terms of its specific impact on cognitive flexibility and emotional regulation in nursing students. Give the high levels of stress in this population, investigating the effectiveness of TA group therapy is essential for designing interventions that promote their psychological well-being, academic performance, and ability to manage future professional challenge. So, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of TA group training on cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation in nursing students.
Research hypotheses
Group transactional analysis intervention will significantly enhance cognitive flexibility in undergraduate nursing students.
Group transactional analysis intervention will significantly enhance emotional regulation in undergraduate nursing students.
Study design and setting
This experimental study employed a pretest-posttest design with intervention and control groups, conducted between October and January 2024. The study was carried out at Razi School of Nursing and Midwifery affiliated with Kerman University of Medical Sciences in southeastern Iran.
Target population and sampling
The target population comprised 80 third-year undergraduate nursing students. These students were selected due to their clinical experience and concurrent theoretical and clinical nursing coursework. The census method was used to select eligible students. Power analysis calculations with G*Power software indicate that (power = 90%, p = 0.05, number of groups = 2, and number of measurements = 2) 70 participants would be needed to detect an effect size of 0.2. Totally, 80 samples were assessed for eligibility, of which, 80 eligible participants finished the study. Participants were simple randomization (lottery) assigned to two groups: intervention (n = 40) and control (n = 40). Inclusion criteria included informed consent and the absence of self-reported psychotic symptoms, suicide attempts, or suicidal thoughts before and during the intervention. Exclusion criteria encompassed missing more than two training sessions, unwillingness to continue participation, and incomplete questionnaires.
Data collection instruments included a demographic questionnaire, the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI), and the Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ).
Demographic information questionnaire collected data on gender, marital status, age, and completion of psychology courses.
The Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI) is a 20-item self-report measure developed by Dennis and Vander Wal (2010). It uses a 7-point Likert scale to assess three dimensions: alternatives, control, and alternatives for human behaviors. The lowest and highest scores of this scale are 20 and 140, respectively. The CFI has demonstrated adequate psychometric properties, including good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. It has also shown concurrent validity with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) (
r = − 0.39) and convergent validity with the Martin Cognitive Flexibility Scale (
r = 0.75). Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the whole scale and subscales of alternatives, control, and alternatives for human behaviors were 0.91, 0.86, 0.91, and 0.84, respectively. Furthermore, correlation coefficients for the whole scale and subscales of alternatives, control, and alternatives for human behaviors were 0.78, 0.81, 0.75, and 0.77, respectively [
26]. The psychometric properties of the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI) were examined in an Iranian context. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis supported its construct validity. Internal consistency reliability, as measured by Cronbach’s alpha, was reported to be satisfactory for the overall scale (α = 0.89) and its subscales (alternatives: α = 0.77; control: α = 0.81; alternatives for human behaviors: α = 0.87) [
The Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ) is a self-report measure developed by Hofmann and Kashdan (2010) to assess individuals’ use of different emotion regulation strategies. It consists of 20 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “not at all true of me” to “extremely true of me.” The questionnaire measures three primary dimensions of emotion regulation: (1) Concealing (8 items; e.g., “People usually can’t tell how I am feeling inside”), (2) Adjusting (7 items; e.g., “I can calm down very quickly”), and (3) Tolerating (5 items; e.g., “I can tolerate having strong emotions”). The psychometric properties of the questionnaire have been well-established, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients indicating satisfactory internal consistency for the overall scale (0.79) and its subscales (0.80, 0.84, and 0.66, respectively) [
To assess the validity of the ASQ in Iran, researchers employed content validity, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. The results supported the content and construct validity of the inventory, confirming its three-factor structure. Internal consistency reliability, as measured by Cronbach’s alpha, was satisfactory for the concealment, compatibility, and tolerance subscales, with coefficients of 0.70, 0.75, and 0.75, respectively [
The participants were informed about the study objectives, procedures, and potential risks and benefits. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Both the intervention and control groups completed pre-test questionnaires. The intervention group received four weeks of TA training, consisting of two 90-minute sessions per week. These sessions were conducted in a group workshop format, incorporating lectures, exercises, and video presentations. Educational contents on TA were prepared based on the conceptual framework of Eric Berne and a review of the literature [
30]. Then two Nursing faculty members reviewed and approved the content validity of the training sessions (Table
1). The control group received routine educational programs during this period. One month after the intervention, post-test questionnaires were administered to both groups. Finally, after the completion of the study, the educational package was provided to the control group.
Table 1
Summary of the TA sessions
1 | Introduction to transactional analysis and basic concept | Understanding the history of transactional analysis and concepts of “parent”, “adult” and “child” states | Lecture | 1.5 |
practical examples |
group discussion |
answer & question |
2 | Understanding Ego states and their applications | Participants were introduced to terms like “expulsion,” “permanent parent,” “permanent adult” and “permanent child,” and how to address these problems. | Group discussion | 1.5 |
Identifying ego in different scenarios |
Role-player |
3 | Analysis of transactions and behavioral exchange | Learning to analyze complementary, crossed, and ulterior transactions in daily interactions | Simulating real-life Exchanges | 1.5 |
Analyzing case studies |
Group feedback |
4 | The concept of psychological games and their role in relationships | Identifying common psychological games and their impact on interpersonal relationships | Group exercises to identify games | 1.5 |
Case studies |
Role-play |
5 | introduced the concept of caresses and explored different types of caresses | Participants shared personal experiences to illustrate the impact of caresses on interpersonal relationships. | Individual exercises | 1.5 |
Case studies |
Group feedback |
6 | Understanding psychological contracts and their applications | Learning how psychological contracts are formed and their influence on behavior | Group analysis of shared | 1.5 |
contracts Group discussion |
7 | Script analysis and life script mapping | Understanding unconscious behavioral patterns and influences of childhood scripts on adult behavior | Writing and drawing life scripts | 1.5 |
Analysis personal stories Instructor feedback |
8 | Summary, Final Evaluation, and practical application | Reviewing key concepts, addressing final questions, and designing actionable plans for behavioral improvement | Open discission | 1.5 |
Individual and group |
Evaluation |
Practical |
Recommendations |
Data analysis
Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 22. Descriptive statistics, including frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, were calculated to describe qualitative variables. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was employed to assess data normality. The homogeneity of groups in terms of individual characteristics was examined using chi-square and independent t-tests. Paired t-test was used to compare pre- and posttest scores of cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation within each group. Independent t-test was used to compare the pre- and posttest scores for both cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation between the groups.
This study aimed to examine the impact of TA on the cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation of undergraduate nursing students. Results indicated a significant improvement in cognitive flexibility and its components within the intervention group post-intervention. A comprehensive literature review revealed no previous studies directly investigating the influence of TA on cognitive flexibility in undergraduate nursing students. However, research exploring its effects on other psychological issues provided relevant insights. For instance, Nwosu et al. (2023) demonstrated a decrease in student suicide rates in Nigeria following TA training. The researchers proposed that TA could serve as a primary intervention for both mild and severe depression [
31]. One of the reasons for the alignment with the present study is both studies highlight the role of TA in improving individuals’ ability to manage challenging situations. The ability led to a reduction in hopelessness and suicidal thoughts, while in the present research, it resulted in increased cognitive flexibility and enhanced cognitive skills in stressful clinical setting for nursing students. Therefore, it is necessary for TA to be integrated in to nursing education programs.
In Iran, Zanganeh et al. (2024) demonstrated the positive impact of TA group therapy on the attachment styles of adolescent boys. Another study highlighted the effectiveness of TA in improving the mental health of middle school girls. The researchers advocated for further studies to explore psychotherapy interventions focused on enhancing the mental health of girls [
32]. Also, Moradian et al. (2023) stated in a study in Iran that, considering the improvement in the mental health of female students, they suggested that further studies be conducted by providing psychotherapy interventions with an emphasis on improving the mental health of girls [
33]. One of the reasons for the consistency of two studies is the same cultural background and the young and adolescent research population in both studies. Also, TA with an emphasis on identifying ineffective cognitive and behavioral patterns and replacing them with more flexible patterns, likely helped the students to approach stressful situations and professional challenges with broader perspective and a more logical approach. Therefore, the need for TA training in students’ educational curricula seems necessary.
Enzejab et al. (2023) proposed that given the impact of menopause on marital adjustment and the need for strengthening marital relationships, nurses, psychiatric nurses, and midwives should utilize this effective method to improve the lives of postmenopausal women in comprehensive health centers [
34]. To explain these findings, it can be argued that TA offers a novel perspective, empowering individuals to address problems and correct mental interpretations. Individuals who engage in TA reported a wide range of benefits, including reduced depression, stress, and anger levels, as well as improved relationships, mental clarity, and overall well-being [
35]. Consequently, the reduction in stress, anger, depression, and anxiety can lead to enhanced cognitive flexibility [
The present study revealed a significant improvement on overall emotion regulation scores and improved the dimensions of adaptability and tolerance of the intervention group post-intervention. But there was no significant improvement in the emotional concealment. However, no significant difference was observed between the intervention and control groups. Pradhan (2024) in India demonstrated that trainees who underwent TA training exhibited higher levels of life satisfaction and psychological well-being. Moreover, senior trainees outperformed younger or novice trainees in these areas. Notably, a sustained impact on life satisfaction scores was observed 30 months post-training. These results suggest that long-term TA training can have enduring effects on psychological well-being [
39]. This can explain this result is TA can enhance individuals ability to adapt to challenging situations and tolerate emotional pressure by identifying and modifying ineffective behavioral and emotional patterns [
14]. This is particularly important in fields such as critical situations in nursing, where students frequently face stressful situations and critical decision- making scenarios in practice [
Williams et al. (2023) in the Philippines found that TA psychotherapy significantly reduced psychological distress and substance cravings among substance abusers. Additionally, the rate of relapse decreased during the sessions. The researchers observed that this approach effectively strengthened the adult ego in individuals with substance abuse disorder. They recommended future studies focus on stress management and parent state in longer follow-up periods [
41]. This study is consistent in that it strengthens a person’s mature ego and allows them to have more control over their emotions.
HU et al. (2022) in Malaysia reported that TA psychotherapy training increased emotional intelligence in undergraduate students. The researchers suggested further research to assess the impact of this intervention on interpersonal and social relationships [
42]. Iranian researchers found that educational interventions based on choice theory and TA were effective in reducing academic procrastination in female students. However, the choice theory-based training program was more effective due to its positive impact on academic self-confidence and metacognitive skills. Therefore, it is recommended that school counselors utilize a combination of these educational methods to address student procrastination [
43]. Therefore, TA by focusing on raising awareness of the “parent”, ”adult” and “child” states and replacing maladaptive patterns with more mature and balanced ones, can play a significant role in strengthening the dimensions of adaptability and tolerance [
However, the lack of impact of TA on the emotional concealment dimension may depend on several factors. Emotional concealment, as a complex process, is often deeply rooted in individuals’ beliefs and up brining patterns. Many people, due to cultural or personality factors, tend to suppress or avoid expressing their emotions [
44], and TA alone may not be sufficient to influence these longstanding may be necessary to incorporate other psychological interventions, such as emotional regulation training, self-compassion or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) alongside TA. In this regard, one study demonstrated that group therapy, combining psychodrama and TA, enhanced self-awareness, environmental awareness, and interpersonal awareness in adolescent boys. This approach also facilitated conscious confrontation with problems, leading to reduced anger [
45]. A review and meta-analysis study confirmed that TA had moderate to high effects on psychological distress, social functioning, self-efficacy, and psychological well-being, while also strengthening the therapist-client relationship [
14]. Consequently, TA group training can be an effective method to enhance emotion regulation in nursing students [
This study has several limitations and recommendations. The results are specific to Iranian nursing students, and caution should be exercised when generalizing the results. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of TA on nursing students and nurses in other culture. Due to the limited sample size, it is recommended that future studies implement the TA intervention with a larger sample size and long-term intervention with long follow-up periods include other healthcare workers and medical students.
Implications for clinical practice
Nursing, as a profession that involves various psychological and emotional stressor in practice, requires high levels of emotional regulation and cognitive flexibility. TA as an educational method, can enhance self-awareness, interpersonal relationship, and emotional regulation among nursing students in clinical setting. It can a also improve the quality of professional interactions and clinical Practice of nursing students, finally enhancing the quality of nursing care.
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